Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi mocks 'gender affirmation' armpit hair
Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi mocks 'gender affirmation' armpit hair



@CarlSanford76 Says:
I'm old enough to remember when people stood when the President walked in to the room.
@jerriebird-melton4151 Says:
Who is watching the view? I don’t know anyone that watch it even my Dem friend don’t watch this show and when I asked they acted insulted so once again who
@tomasotreasaigh111 Says:
A Lemon by name and a Lemon by nature, what an absolute CLOWN!
@debbywoodbeck1105 Says:
As an American, all I can say is that this election can't get here soon enough. I'm tired of hearing her cackle.
@twiggy236 Says:
TRUMP/VANCE 2024! RITA For Common Sense And Comedic relief! Haha!
@randymontano8803 Says:
Hey you ignorant idiotic dumbocratic woke fool, you better get your crazy 🤪 😜 🎶 loopy head out of your "ass" (if you have an ass) and read 📚 the First Amendment to the United States Constitution explicitly protects freedom of the press! I can't believe that the dumbocratic communistic agenda has the girls scared to speak their minds! This is what they are teaching our children
@GoodtoGaia Says:
Waltz’ wife is unhinged too. No class. What happened to composure and elegance?
@twiggy236 Says:
Harris has already Proven She knows NOTHING ABOUT RUNNING COUNTRY! not to mention She has no idea of who she is!? FEELS AS If I Am WATCHING Someone Run for President Who Has Multiple Personalities!
@basildog007 Says:
@melanieburd1416 Says:
If that guy's words were written out, it would look like "do you want to go to jail, sir/m'am, I don't really know what to call you" so he didn't actually misgender. He used both and left it open for the other person to inform/correct him. If he had used they/them he'd also be wrong because you can't just assume they're nonbinary or genderfluid either. Dumb lefties don't even know their own rules anymore lol
@cathy1523 Says:
When you think- They/Them have hit the top of the Loonie Bar, they raise the bar a little higher. Dyeing arm pit hair in neon colors, what is next- taking whats left if their brains out dyeing them neon or rainbow?
@GoodtoGaia Says:
The Dems are unhinged. They’ve lost their minds!
@SammiCurr Says:
I totally want to date Rita.
@ulycarrillo2425 Says:
They all keep saying that Trump is "dangerous " and more but they never follow up with why! Why‽
@jonathanboden4026 Says:
Holy shit , how did this crackwhore get on Tele
@donotcomply665 Says:
What people do when their lives are so cushy they have NO real problems to deal with
@lindaanderson2649 Says:
The Dems , including left wing media lie constantly! It’s sickening.
@kimberlypillman2983 Says:
Another good one Rita! OMGOSH…. I SO wish the View idiots would just shut up already!
@chaffcutter58. Says:
Ya could weave a Navajo Blanket out of that pit hair, !!
@richardcrew4303 Says:
Remember Albo answering "I grew up in housing commission with a single mother"?
@Carlos-c3k6j Says:
Rita, I love your in depth coverage of crazy lefties. I'm from USA 🇺🇸
@okakaaa96 Says:
Hair affirmation
@tomasotreasaigh111 Says:
It never fails to bemuse me when I see these decadent narcissists walking up to someone whilst shouting "GET OUT OF MY FACE NOW!!!"... Situational awareness at 0%.
@donaldjtaylor5312 Says:
Can call Springfield Ohio animal shelters & ask for the numbers of Cat & Dog sells or adoption ?
@Notscout Says:
We fkin love you Rita haha
@ladonnayoung676 Says:
Research this, Middle-class people like their lawns statement. I think it is a put down to the Middle-class as being status driven, wasters of water for grass, and petroleum gas for lawn mowers. This is memy suspicion. Please do Man-on-the- Street interviews and ask the Lefties what the hell they hear Kamala Harris saying.
@davidmorrison2739 Says:
Hillary beleves in a very biased media, so loud as they take her point of view. "Diagnoser"??
@InfinityPCs Says:
Is this a re-upload? I saw this yesterday.
@paw-prints839 Says:
Love Rita!!
@paw-prints839 Says:
They look like clowns with color arm.pit hair Gross
@Kennadi_94 Says:
mainstream leftist propaganda media & democrat politicians are constantly talking about how much they hate the right and how we should be feared, banned from places, thrown in jail, physically assaulted, verbally attacked, etc. etc. and then they'll do a speech or social media post talking about how they're the party of unity and how we all need to come together...the hypocrisy is so infuriating. just the other day Kamala is on Oprah and says "we need to come together. we have so much more in common than what separates us" which is so disingenuous and truly not at all what they believe. their rhetoric isn't only going to get Trump killed but if they carry on this way and become more & more radicalized they're going to get MAGA (who really are, at our core, mostly centre right and basically just don't want to fund wars and have our children indoctrinated so I don't know how that's considered far right extremism) people killed too. some progressive Low T white men wrote an entire book called "White Rural Rage" which is about how the right are domestic terrorists and the biggest threat to the west. its honestly insane.
@BabayBackRibs Says:
Deja vu with this video Sky Aus..
@NullScar Says:
_"America, heck yeah!"_ refurbished quote from Team America.
@ericmcdevitt3056 Says:
@milosradovanovic5280 Says:
Great show Rita ❤ 26:26
@firstlast-u1g Says:
😂😂😂😂😂 ewwww
@barbararadzeviciusbondi4150 Says:
US politics wow
@RocafellaPlaza Says:
🤌🏽 *Spewing Antisemitic Hate*
@bandohabandoha2482 Says:
When Rita hinted at a “happy ending” I wasn’t sure what to expect 😂
@jamesortiz3425 Says:
Hillary just can't stay in the Box!!! Jack is really upset about her sinking out without him knowing!!! 🥱🤭🤗😜
@RickyRadar0848 Says:
Great stuff!
@Eveniswrong Says:
Kamala said everyone deserved to be treated with dignity. She forgot to mention that this is not how she feels about people who disagree with her.
@labaddiej7686 Says:
All these Loonies would’ve been in a Mental Ward! 😵‍💫
@iLuminarious Says:
My favorite part of the day!
@DC3Refom Says:
the do ryts and the lyvt are the biggest threat to domocracy and freedom wstrn wde
@jamesortiz3425 Says:
She's worse than the JOKER, From D. C. Comics 🤭🥱😜
@larryoffranklin2634 Says:
Emergency?? What is the emergency except for the invasion force level of illegals aliens on small town America.
@milosradovanovic5280 Says:
I do feel for Gwen, she spend too much time with Tampon Tim Walz, obviously that couse same difficulties, definitely. 😂😂😂 14:54
@lindageorge8209 Says:
They keep saying existential threat. What's the difference between that and a plain ordinary threat? Enquiring Minds want to know.
@yes3858 Says:
This is the only news station I've seen from Australia, but jve heard its full of far left people especially in sydney, is it true?

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