Price discounts need to be 'accurate' and 'genuine': Gina Cass-Gottlieb
Price discounts need to be 'accurate' and 'genuine': Gina Cass-Gottlieb



@mirjanamoore5417 Says:
@wyatthurts1729 Says:
The price of groceries should cure the obesity problem, majority of shoppers are overweight I’ve observed. Maybe play the baby elephant walk on a loop in store 😂😂
@papersplease Says:
Shopping at Coles and Woolworths is just a cringeworthy, miserable, fake experience.
@pauleasther Says:
A system operator’s job for Woolworths means every week you balance specials price drops with the rest getting increased to make up the difference. The savings are always offset with increases to maintain the same profit. If the ACCC has just ‘woken up’ about this decades long strategy, then good luck winning your case, coz you’re too dumb to begin with!
@jaceksciezka3215 Says:
Next step of our current government will be setting up the prices of all products in Australia supermarket. We are going straight to communism, day after day.
@jamiechippett1566 Says:
Sharks love swiming around its customers 🤔
@eycYang Says:
those luxurious goods are overpriced
@EL_Duderino68 Says:
So the government needs to intervene where corporations do the wrong thing?
@BenPatterson-n6s Says:
I feel like it makes more sense in her head, words are tricky, i do that sometimes.
@Tharsis879 Says:
Those Duopoly stores are just bogan feedlots. Support your local small shops! Stop giving profits to Blackrock and Vanguard.
@anthonycoleman1909 Says:
If they fine these two it lowers their profits which means lower dividends for mum and dad shareholders and also all superfunds who invest in these shares. These fines should be paid to the likes of the Cancer Council, Vinnies, Salvos etc not the Federal Government
@privateAcc0unt Says:
Most products up 50 to 75% since the start of covid. Glad to see some of this was picked up on X before we get information disinformation bill when people will probably not be able to comment when prices are gouged.

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