Labor 'scrounging around' for a coherent agenda: Chris Kenny
Labor 'scrounging around' for a coherent agenda: Chris Kenny



@tinaattard1689 Says:
And yet Albo, and his government show us people on a regular basis just how ignorant and arrogant they treat us" every single day! Unbelievable this government seriously is full of"hypothetical arrogance!
@zakrichardson6563 Says:
More carbon = more tree
@Katana458 Says:
Labours agenda is waste a shit tonne of taxpayer dollars...realise their broke and create a whole lot of new taxes to try and recoup the money they've wasted, and in the process completely fuck business and the economy to the point of destroying the country. Victoria is a great example.
@nevilleoliver1883 Says:
Another balanced offering!
@Maj-zb9bg Says:
@gecko-sb1kp Says:
When I was a kid, I wanted a toy in a certain shop that was 5 dollars. I heard they were having a half price sale and worked my little arse off to increase my pocket money to 2 dollars 50 cents. When I got down there his staff had marked everything up double to cross it out to it's original price again. I was just 8 years old. 1976 it was. The day I lost all faith in humanity...
@peterbarnhoorn7879 Says:
Oooh Albo luvs this distraction...what about his lies to the Australian public, nfi 😮
@IHG-ou8kd Says:
Watch what the left hand is doing as Albo is using his right hand to take our attention off of what he is actually doing
@Steve-Debs Says:
Hey Rupert, why don’t you stick to medaling in American politics. Lies, conspiracy theories, and bullshit, welcome to Sky News
@Xdghia Says:
Why isn't One Nations % higher ??? People need to wake up !!
@vincentcacciola7161 Says:
Wow the clowns have only figured this out now , what kept yah ?
@SambarSlayer Says:
@BarbaraHambleton Says:
And this is news
@linoapruzzese5341 Says:
The polls sound like B/S to me they are lying and scamming us all to poverty seems like we can't trust anyone
@ahmedxr8 Says:
Listen to the waffle by this useless PM . Go get stuffed Albo, you useless Tool.
@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 Says:
Mr Pants on Fire Fake PM of PR & BS, quick to get out & attempt to convince you he's hard at work for you on cost of living, just another show of playtime political trickery, when you get the chance, hurry to VOTE THEM OUT...
@mikewilcox5284 Says:
Orio biscuits Labor's management of the economy
@taniaschiller9823 Says:
I don’t need to government to help me buy a jar of jam. If I don’t like the price I can buy elsewhere. Govt.. get out of our lives.
@kurtpenning6620 Says:
I bought b & G mackerel at $1:80 a can at my local IGA THEN Because someone went and cleaned out the shelf because I was starving The following week it was $3:00 a can WTF FU albo To little to late
@jmcham1000 Says:
While they are at it how about looking into Origin Energy with a profit increase of 172% and AGL with a profit increase of 189%
@nickthelebo Says:
Called it !!!
@hellenicspartan4458 Says:
ALBANNOCHIO is a W⚓..... call an election you GRUB!!!
@Wefpedophiles Says:
Useless labour get out of parliament absolutley useless with no clue
@craigclarke3377 Says:
Honestly who is surprised
@aaronaaron6569 Says:
Another toothless tiger
@ralphsimpson4593 Says:
All of these companies jacked up their prices when oil went up and now oil price is back to 2003 levels where are the dropped prices. Building materials are a case in point.
@peterolsen9131 Says:
albo acusing dutton of anti-capitalism [ communist] measures is a bit rich when albo is the leader of the communist labor! projection must be taught day one in lefty school for dummies
@NpPhone-n9u Says:
She's a puppet for Labor government
@hairylittlewombat Says:
Here we go again. It's not Albo's fault...again. I call misinformation
@terrydavis5501 Says:
At the last election, Albosleazy kept saying that he had a plan, but Morrison had no plan. He never told us what the plan was, because there was no plan. He lied.
@lestaylor6845 Says:
Shock horror where has this women been, ACCC same as the U.N., Albo same as fuel tax and other taxes.
@glennpassmore8441 Says:
If when I had my business, I ran a monopoly, I would've been shut down. For some reason, it's perfectly acceptable for them to do it. However, what choice do you have... none, so this will pass in a couple of days, and it will continue. Nothing will change
@ali44212 Says:
Coles are Woolworth monopoly should be end we need health competition
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
If you look at the recent BCA meeting footage that Albo attended you will see sitting at Albos table the CEO of Coles,,, I wonder if Albo bought up price gouging with her,,,,I bet not!
@jkauran1262 Says:
does anyone need reward points or kitchen aid products or at the moment kitchen knives . nothing is for free it's all costed in , as is when some people shoplift.. As for nuclear power 3 eyed fish are less of a worry than stone fish or blue ring octopus at the beach
@KingsleyThomson-j1w Says:
Wow the penny has finally dropped for the ACCC we the shoppers have known this for years COLES and WOOLIES have been price gouging for years,,,, I used to buy a packet of chocolate biscuits for $4 per packet from Coles now they sell the same packet now for $6 and they put the same packet on special now for $5,,,, which means they still make a $1 per packet profit even on special,,,, they are decietful and price gouging!!
@lesblack413 Says:
But why is Albo sitll polling as the preferred Prim Minister of Australia. Can anyone tell me why Labor is behind in polling, but Albo is still preferred over Peter Dutton as PM. I don't get it!!
@jo-annemoss8783 Says:
Is Albanese kidding? He doesn't give a rats about people. He has known that people are suffering, what tax has he collected from the suffering people. He can't say he is at fault in any way. He continues to duck shove all the blame onto others. Everyone is watching, how can he be trusted. And the payrise the government gave themselves, no wonder they are not going backwards. Once a liar always a liar.
@patriot388 Says:
I see this every week at the big supermarkets! They are ripping off the public at every turn!
@davidbindley811 Says:
@timvanschuilenburg1524 Says:
When ur lying through ur teeth day in and day out albo then they need to be knk out🤨
@lesblack413 Says:
Can anyone tell me why Albo is still polling as the preferred PM of Australia?
@Ajax-t1q Says:
The PM is such a top notch bloke his got my vote .👅
@JuneCahill Says:
Albo is overseas , acting like a world leader, what a joke
@lesblack413 Says:
Albo is a traitor. Why is it that only the Torres Strait flag show behind him - not the Australian National flag!!
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
Labor? Coherent ideas?? 😂😂😂
@mickshaw9108 Says:
So avocado in roxby downs was $2 each 2 weeks ago now $2.90 each fuck Woolworths but it's the only shop here go figure
@KookaburraAU9908 Says:
The supermarket fraud is just like Albanese's lies.
@Greg-o4h Says:
Think I will go out on a limb and say this would be the worst mob of politicians in Australian history
@coconuciferanuts339 Says:
I've noticed that over the last few years,tins,jars of stuff have increased in price with smaller jars & tins. Quality is also dodgy.

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