'A safe technology': Peter Dutton spruiks nuclear
'A safe technology': Peter Dutton spruiks nuclear



@Ray147 Says:
I feel so much more secure that we have someone of Peter Dutton's wisdom and experience at the helm of Australia. He has a grasp on so many subjects that so called experts clearly have no idea on, from climate change to indigenous issues to nuclear power. Thanks Sky for bringing this to us.
@Tikka300- Says:
Notice Dutto doesn’t need a speech written out for not like the other little loser
@bigearz255 Says:
When a politician says "Trust Me", grab your wallet, what could possibly go wrong?????
@terryquarton2523 Says:
You mean peter the lnp wedge the alp up anither huge payout if auatralia beke the contact like australia had to payout the french. Were is the 400 plus million dollar model of the sub now?
@UberMick Says:
I'm glad he's on board for nuclear, but another issue I noticed is he said Libs will not reduce government size. Australian goverrnment is a fat BLOATED pig and desperately needs to go on an intense diet, cut out the MANY useless government departments and the savings will be huge. Further evidence that we need to stop giving our votes to Labor, Liberals, Greens and Nationals. We need a change, folks!
@jamesmclean9091 Says:
Just bring back clean coal, an tell all the woke greenies to jog on. Aus is only 0.1% of world emission. So Big fkkn deal
@edwardbec9844 Says:
Don't forget 3 mile island Reactor One being refurbished and will restart in 2028 to power Microsoft AI Data Centers
@gbmarso8260 Says:
Great interview until the 360 billion dollar cash cow AKUS deal 😂😂😂😂, an absolute 2 major parties cash cow
@tonyperkins7485 Says:
What I like about Peter he doesn't say a sentence twice. How good is that
@nevilleoliver1883 Says:
A crap policy given breath by a crap network!
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
Chris Bowen really thinks fish will have three eyes if noook-leear is used in aus 😂😂🐟 👁️👁️👁️
@snuggles03 Says:
The South Koreans build the best nuclear reactors, look to them
@graemekeeley4497 Says:
35 people died as a result of the Hindenburg disaster The Hindenburg airship was filled with hydrogen, Bowen's preferred new form of energy technology. It matters not whether the hydrogen is green, brown, blue or a fetching shade of pink. Its flammability and highly explosive qualities remain the same. Hydrogen has an appalling safety record. The worst hydrogen accident was the Texas City Disaster in 1947, which killed 581 people.
@BlackBeastsofIpswich Says:
You can recycle nuclear waste and reuse it as refined material
@imeagleeye1 Says:
What's safe when can't treat the Highly lethal Radioactive Waste. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windscale_fire
@pomaze1 Says:
Great to see our next Prime Minister with a realistic finger on the pulse.
@paulschimmel1099 Says:
A couple thousand nuclear subs hooked up as power providers while in down time and attack weapons when needed....
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
Dutton will never be PM.
@andodrozdowski3832 Says:
Labour harping on about the cost of nuclear when we still haven’t been told the cost of bloody renewables
@jakes9730 Says:
How can a country like South Africa have nuclear power for more than 40 years! The power stations were built from scratch within 8 years!! ""Construction at Koeberg began on 1 July 1976, and the Unit 1 reactor was taken critical for the first time on 4 April 1984. On 21 July 1984, Unit 1 completed the commissioning tests at 100% power and entered into commercial operation. Unit 2 followed later and entered commercial operation on 9 November 1985. Koeberg's Unit 1 received a license to continue operating until 2044 in July this year, and Eskom is planning to extend operation of Unit 2 until 2045. That is a 60 year life span. These reactors are within eyesight of Cape town itself... Wake up and start moving on this!!
@gmtime5439 Says:
It’s not a safe technology, it’s the ‘safest’ technology.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
Dutton knew nothing about nuclear 12 months ago. And he hardly knows any more now.
@Didigetitwrong Says:
Dutton will be lucky to get to the next election, the numbers don't add up for nuclear or he would have put them in the media by now.
@owenroberts1168 Says:
Labor’s cost on renewables keeps going up and up. Once nuclear gets established it will create more companies to invest in Australia that means more jobs. Get rid of dopey Bowen and his damaging scheme
@JohnCuzens Says:
Australia needs those subs now, not years from now, and we need up to date subs, not obsolete subs. Australia should be using coal and gas while building nuclear power plants, renewable energy is a failure financially. If politicians hadn't made deals that are detrimental to Australia, our gas would be so cheap, and we would be making money from it..
@johnnykkkk Says:
There's a reason 30 or more of the most developed countries have Nuclear ...
@benjaminfalzon4622 Says:
Whatever nuclear costs, it's only a fraction compared to what renewable has cost so far, and the climate hasn't even started to stabilize, in fact, it keeps getting worse...
@littletony1764 Says:
I predict that within 20 years, all of these renewables will be inoperable, dismantled and scattered around the countryside and in landfills, excreting their pollutants and chemicals into the ground, because by then, nuclear energy will be Australia's principal source of energy and those renewables will be obsolete and proven to be the biggest hoax perpetrated on the Australian people - and the costs of those failed renewables will cause headaches for future governments and future generations.
@lynndonharnell422 Says:
Gonna have to clean out the public service to get a competent and motivated regulator.
@adrianw7011 Says:
Nuclear, gas and coal for the future, we need to vote no to a Labor, Teal or Green minority government.
@GreyManTheory Says:
Innovate Australia. Nuclear Power = Australian Nuclear Industry
@wyatthurts1729 Says:
Just ask another country that has an abundance of nuclear energy and follow suit, Labor are stooges that must have personal interests in renewable energy, maybe investigate them and follow the money
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
***NUCLEAR IS AS SAFE AS RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS*** It's so SAFE that they close down the the Expressway to transport Nuclear waste from Lucas Heights to Port Kembla... under Federal Police escort. 😂😂😂MORONS
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
At least hes been open to discussing his proposal. Rather than just saying hes going to offer cheaper electricity.
@KF-bj3ce Says:
Peter Dutton makes total sense and there is no reason not to trust anecdotal data. Solar great specially on roof tops, but do not attach gold plated grease nipples as this will make it more costly with no added benefit. Labor out of touch and stuck in there decade old doctrine. Cheap reliable nuclear power means jobs, technology, prosperity and a clean environment.
@TheXcrazymanxX Says:
If we’d had this conversation years ago, we wouldn’t be so worried about time. Everything takes time to build, Snowy Hydro 2.0 is scheduled for 7 years. Stop using time as an argument.
@Fire.4Effect Says:
Building reactors guarantees jobs for Australians. Be they Nuclear Submarines or Nuclear power plants, welders like me will have jobs for decades
@trickyboy1517 Says:
But won't say how much more expensive it is....... Lol.
@SpikeProtein-c3p Says:
It’s like watching Hari Kari.😂
@alancotterell9207 Says:
Like - Dutton would know ?
@Kidnapntorture Says:
Peter Dutton looks like a nuclear reactor gave birth to him what a head
@BenPatterson-n6s Says:
@kanehills4280 Says:
If the rest of the world can do it.. we can
@DominicPelleisaFreakandRetard Says:
Only losers vote Labor 😎 Evidenced here everyday 👍 Just a fact 😘
@HansReichhardtsohn Says:
What type of nuclear reactors, how much will it cost, and when will they come online?

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