Hazzard hits out at Queensland government

Hazzard hits out at Queensland government


New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard has hit out at the Queensland government over its decision not to remove 'tourism testing' requirements until the new year. Queensland's demand for travellers to return a negative PCR test has overwhelmed the system. Testing sites are exceeding capacity in New South Wales - with residents facing long queues - with some being turned away by clinics yesterday.




@simonwills6176 Says:
Buzzard why blame qld you yourself have scared the sheep that much that even when they aren't feeling sick they still want to get tested, but hey sheep are easy to train . But name yourself.
@denistrethewy7288 Says:
Parasites complaining about Parasites, the government seems to be full of them .
@johnbrooks9523 Says:
Jeez, Why would Southerners want to escape NSW? Is there a Health Hazzard in NSW?
@sittinginthebleachers6674 Says:
Don't we all love it when these FILTH turn on each other at our expense? Fair Dinkum, these absolute corrupt politicians in this Country are not worthy to represent us at any level of Government. The whole FILTHY lot of them, none more than Flappers Andrews, should be facing criminal trials for what damage they have done to the Australian Public. AND IT'S STILL GOING ON & ON & ON!!!!!!!!!!
@mattyreardon3593 Says:
Why should anyone be in quarantine for a cold? Hazzad is a chump like Andrews.
@williamchristenson5487 Says:
Both are lier
@colinwheeler4166 Says:
So he wants queensland to be as effected as NSW is. Get stuffed.
@edserembus9651 Says:
@nickgregor5024 Says:
The ruby princess always there to blame someone else
@axle.australian.patriot Says:
Vaccination means no more lock down. Vaccination means you will still be locked down. Omicon is bad, Omicon is good.. You must get tested, don't worry about getting tested.. > Wonder why the general public have had enough of this stupidity 😠
@Mikeandthedyslexicunicorns Says:
Bring on the election 🗳 time for change at all levels, state and federal government’s need to be fucked off! This is all BS and guess what we the people know it! Special place in hell for all you scum bags!
@Aussiedave54 Says:
Mind ya own business lizard.
@freeaus3902 Says:
😂 his just as bad.. I hope he retires soon.
@katb945 Says:
@judithfortuna4453 Says:
He is so dangerous and so violent, he also decleared that Australia was the first country on implementing the NWO, it is obvious that he is a pretty ignorant person
@shaunbarr1856 Says:
They all need God in there soul
@bobdown6235 Says:
All year, every year: 'NSW! Best beaches, great climate! Who'd live anywhere else!' This year: It's our HUMAN RIGHT to go the Queensland! How dare they demand tests!'
@bobdown6235 Says:
Once again NSW has infected the rest of Australia, Hazzard should resign.
@graemetharwa6621 Says:
idiots on the idiot box..
@AlanTimms Says:
No one could ever accuse Brad Hazzard of being an intelligent man
@nickmail7604 Says:
Covid has brought out the "little dictator" side in a lot of little politicians, Nicola Sturgeon is marching around Scotland in a pair of antique jack boots.
Desdset Wanker
@wealllovemikehunt8398 Says:
Bigger question who voted for these gronks?
@wealllovemikehunt8398 Says:
He’s definitely a health hazard
@pennywallace9362 Says:
Why is everyone wanting to come up here? Sick of the the treatment they've experienced for past two years. Do you reason anyone finally set free is going to self isolate until they get a n- result..... what's the hysteria about if they are 2×jabbed = safe right!! Madness..... let's just get on with life in a sane practicle way. Got symptoms, stay home....
@speedymaster5758 Says:
And here they said that IF everyone got vaxed, restrictions wouldn't be a part of our lives.. That we would have the freedom of movement, freedom of travel domestically and internationally, and be able to live our life pre covid times.. Starting to feel pissed off and duped honestly.. But hey can't expect much from the government, they always lie and have lied thru out this plandemic
@bobjackson4720 Says:
Hazzard is the cretin that first brought Covid 19 in Australia, by letting all the Covid effected people off a cruise ship to travel anywhere throughout Australia.
@micromaid2187 Says:
Mr Tedros from WHO has said that it is wrong for children to be given the vaccine. Are our health officials listening to him on that subject. https://youtu.be/57dpYYr5QJ0
@adrianjohn. Says:
@agentsmithmememe Says:
None of them can be trusted, all singing from the same hymn book
@sheepthroughthegate1386 Says:
Buzzard and Powerchook are equally responsible, idiots!!!
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
@deanhall6045 Says:
No one cares what the pair of corrupt tyrants think?
@briananderson7285 Says:
Pot calling the kettle ? No matter what you call it.... It's still medical apartheid .
@aussiesheriff7079 Says:
Great acting, Ministers might feel their jobs are coming to an end. If they do, it’s back to new variant and lock downs..
@MRPricks Says:
It's one big club and your not in it.
@rydoes1225 Says:
Why are they still testing at all?
@gw5436 Says:
These politicians have, in their complete "follower" methodology, deliberately over-reacted and wantonly destroyed thousands of lives in this wild goose chase. They do not deserve stealing the air the rest of us need to breathe. Just take everyone's lives away in your blind following of the marxist ideology, you pigs.
@Drakesy Says:
I dont think hazzard is in a position to argue when nsw health has failed all of australia
@winstonsmith9740 Says:
Wow. That immoral, vile, scare mongering guy Hazzard is trying to coerce and bully the equally immoral, vile and scare mongering wankers in Queensland. He can't hack his own sick medicine.
@iakg1777 Says:
this monster needs to be banned from interviews, a day of reckoning is near for him & his political cohorts.
@ogaugeclockwork4407 Says:
Psychopathic Imbeciles.
@geoffsaunders5030 Says:
You and your government have made your best efforts to bring this country to its knees for 2 years starting with the Ruby Princess. This country could have been extremely safe had you and your mates been the least bit competent. There would have been no demonstrations in the streets because everyone would have a job. I so over greedy cruel conservatives.
@aaronaaron6569 Says:
Checkpoint CHARLIE lives on.
@colinmeehan791 Says:
The ever present ET in the background.
@heathstott Says:
All just a waste of time and money, toughen the fk up.
@lappo253 Says:
I don't know about you, but I'm liking the 3 new blonde bobbleheads on sky news.
@truthandlife4101 Says:
Problem is people have not Read the bible and have no courage or seek the Lord God, to lead them guide then . Joshua 1:1-18 let the Lord be with you.
@nevillereimers6336 Says:
Hazard Palla chook and all the rest of those braindead leaders need to just disappear ,we would get along fine without them .they are a total waste of space
@truthandlife4101 Says:
Drive to the boarder and walk over walk on we are Australians , the people we are many and walk on hold your head up high walk they can not do anything in huge groups crowds .

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