NSW government slashes isolation time for close contact healthcare workers

NSW government slashes isolation time for close contact healthcare workers


The New South Wales government has slashed the isolation time for close contact healthcare workers. Employees who are 'essential to service delivery' can leave isolation after seven days of being exposed to a COVID case. They were previously excluded from the workplace for 14 days under close contact requirements. The health staff will have to return a negative PCR test on day six - then complete daily rapid antigen testing.




@niconico1665 Says:
They have vaccinated (coerced and blackmailed) 95% of the population ie. mission accomplished. Now all 95% have no choce but to take booster after booster................poor souls, now they will know what's it like being turned into a big pharma pin cushion. Ps According to studies, booster vaccinations protect against Omikron for about 10 weeks LOLLLLLLL
@studio12archive60 Says:
Sky the Lie. Do your job and do some real reporting you pathetic garbage
@caroleupene3237 Says:
So it has nothing to do with health then, just control freak psychopaths trying to control and destroy people.
@nobody6056 Says:
Censored again for making the obvious reference to Animal Farm and two v four legs?
@MRPricks Says:
@Joshdyisdifh Says:
Or you can just allow the unvaccinated to return to their jobs again!
@joanking5594 Says:
I just love how these all-important rules can be scrapped whenever they are inconvenient for the government.
@lappo253 Says:
Rules for me, not for thee. To think that most people still believe in the existence of Covid is truly frightening.
@davepowelldrumz Says:
why would they do that in the deadliest pandemic known to man ?
@hollysmith1347 Says:
So if healthcare workers can, than it should be able to be applied to everyone. 🤷🏼‍♀️
@spikeprotein5924 Says:
A politically expedient decision to cover their lying asses. What’s new?
@aaronaaron6569 Says:
Haha!!! Does the virus know these new times? Or is this just made up by popular elected narcissistic people. Hmmmm, let me guess!
@01p45 Says:
@apuffwern6249 Says:
Isaiah 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
@domingasambriz5791 Says:
each day that passes this world goes from bad to worse sooner Jesus Christ will rule this earth and all evil and suffering will end Confirm this story Revelation 21:3,4, meditate on this text
@thehon.antiexperimentaldru3475 Says:
None of this lot are health workers. Rather have a health worker who's been forced out of their job tend to me. All for their paycheck these mugs.
@lukekent9687 Says:
Well after they have gutted the hospitals with mandates they can't afford to lose more staff or it might become even clearer how little they care about health in all of these measures.
@andrewwhite1065 Says:
If anyone is aware and trained in the use of PPE & hygiene practices, its our frontline medical people. They should only be isolating at home if their sick with a mild cold for example, and not because they were in a room or location with someone that has tested positive for Omicron. * 50% of persons in the UK who have a cold are believed to be infected by Omicron. Health care centres should be doing temperature checks at the door. One quick test. If these people aren't allowed to work after being double or triple jabbed, well then what is the point of vaccines generally?
@saltyreesescup3104 Says:
So The Virus Just Magically Switched The Number Of Days...? Fucking Bullshit...
@tomjones5338 Says:
Skynews still lying 🤥
@gemthetics8084 Says:
Daily reminder 🙇‍♂️ "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble, and He will deliver you."      -Psalm 50 : 15
@rvrski1 Says:
Hard to keep those tictok dances going when they’re all getting payed to isolate at home......
@arroeducarlion4990 Says:
reminds one of how if you stand in a restuarunt covid will get you and you need wear a mask but if your sitting down it will be respectful and leave you alone so no mask is needed
@arroeducarlion4990 Says:
just in time for healthcare workers to spread covid more why else is it only health care workers? or are they somehow covid immune
@James-485 Says:
They are going nuts , or they do whatever they want without an apology.
@agathahofmann6977 Says:
haha if I had been sacked by vaccinazis I would let them manage their own airway and ventilator. screw your quarantine rules!
@cherylroberts771 Says:
Health care workers know better than gov officials. Seems around the world health care workers are refusing the vaccines. So that should inform our gov that health care workers don't believe the vaccine is neseccary to survive the virus. Just like they don't all believe in the flu vaccine.. Drs and scientists and nurse's and EMTs are all being laid off Even tho they have worked through the entire pandemic.. odd isn't it?
@coal_man Says:
Yeah... and eighteen months ago we learnt that even seven days wasn't necessary... but... sCiEnCe

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