Judge denies Trump's attempt to dismiss January 6 case. See what she wrote
Judge denies Trump's attempt to dismiss January 6 case. See what she wrote



@mikemerritt9969 Says:
This stuff is bullshit and I dobt like trump. Your all being played, they tear gased them to get them to leave. Why didn't they tear gas them when they attempted to rush in? Because someone ordered them not to. THIS IS DECEPTION. Trump has a big ego and won't go along with what he's told. For bad or good, this is why they are doing this.
@XXX-fp3tt Says:
Trump committed treason and he stained American history and democracy for his selfish motives, he is cruel and a true dictator at heart, may God protect America and her citizens from tyrants like him from taking power ever again!
@shawnsimmons8693 Says:
The put a black woman as his judge cause all black women are horrible smfh
@jettiu7626 Says:
Latest news from Trump lawyers > Reacting to U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan’s ruling last week that Donald Trump is not immune from prosecution just because he was President during the time he attempted to subvert the U.S. Constitution and overthrow the government by overturning the results of the election, attorneys for the criminally-indicted ex-president on Thursday declared the judge no longer has any power over the case while they appeal her ruling.< Wow! I believe these lawyers got this kind of reactions from ChatGPT AI . . . ha ha ha
@crabbyresister9194 Says:
Whoa! Divine right of kings He does aspire to be king. (( not qualified for that job, either)) Not in America #VoteBlue
@Clavers1369 Says:
Why did Justice Roberts refuse to hear the lawsuit of 14 states over Biden's vote cheating when a majority of Justices considered that the case should be heard?
@ironman-vv7ok Says:
Trump is are man we don’t care about all this crap Trump for King
@chrismclaughlin-gt7ix Says:
What's With All These Diversity Hire BiPOC Judges?? Hmm. It's Almost Like They Were 'Picked' to Be Partial , Agendized, Carbon- Tipped Weapons ?!
@fo6rf7rl4u Says:
It’s a opinion not that it matters Whether he is or isn’t guilty, he still has politicians, who do not believe in the facts, because it might implicate them to they are fighting on his behalf maybe the politicians should explain to trump the rule of law is a real thing and it applies to everyone even government, politicians, congressmen, representatives senators there’s no one set rule or law for individuals. There was a reason forefathers had a constitution maybe they foreseen this happening in the near future and here-it is the future.and it has happened no one saw that one coming or did they
@jeannea469 Says:
This judge is such a bought corrupt person with a big case of TDS. The whole case is political persecution which even puts corrupt third world countries to shame. What s sham!
@AndreasmFritzy Says:
Judge denies Trump's attempt to dismiss January 6 case. See what she wrote
@adamhigdon8798 Says:
King trump
@bunnyneely3823 Says:
Punishment is warranted for the CRIME!!!
@CCPLord Says:
She forgot to release the monies paid to her by george soros, CNN boss
@lincolnmaceachern2410 Says:
She probably wrote that last year, when she was just dreaming of putting Trump in prison. Don't get me wrong, he probably belongs there, but this judge has prejudged this case IMO. She shouldn't have been allowed within miles of this trial.
@salomesidiropoulos8343 Says:
Can't we just toss him?....into jail????
@danrichter9460 Says:
Another radical leftist judge bought and paid for by Soros.
@RandyCoy Says:
Jesuws loves you and has a plan for your life
@ToxiCisty Says:
Trump 2024, we saw the tapes, Pelosi belongs in jail. The MSM lied, especially you CNN.
@danielplainview5085 Says:
All the eatablishment has done is lie cheat and steal in an effort to silence and bury DT.. If the swamp wants to destroy him this much.. He must have some good dirt on some major players in the uniparty.. That really makea me want to vote for DT.. When he was potus..life was good.. Since he has been out of office everything has gone to 💩.
@danielplainview5085 Says:
@Anstreki323 Says:
Lying 🤡 grifters
@Ram-re5em Says:
@DavidCundiff-fx2mm Says:
The judge should be tried for election interference.
@methylbenzodiazepine Says:
After watching this video..... i am still voting for Trump. That's how bad Biden and his brainwashed Democrat minions are.
@JorgeGonzález-p3k Says:
But MR.President Donald J Trump,…….”……..”2024 the people want him back
@conradochamberlain2400 Says:
Hold trump accountable for what he did!!!
@williambosman9431 Says:
Biden is the most corrupt president ,if Americans cant see this,they disable in their mind
@BenjiOrthopedic Says:
The Supreme Court did not take up any of Trump's election loss cases. As some commentators have said, the SCOTUS loves being Supreme. They know full well that Trump wants to do away with the SCOTUS. Most of the judges on the SCOTUS are rotten but...maybe not as rotten as we say they are. So far, I don't think they've helped Trump with much. The only judge who seems to be helping him right now is Cannon.
@BenjiOrthopedic Says:
As much as I have infinite faith in Judge Chutkan, I hope she's got good security! Remember what Trump has said, "I have no control over what my allies might do." He has also said that certain people should be killed (not Chutkan, but others...) I find it hilarious that FOUR black Judges/DA's have presided over or indicted Trump's cases. He must really hate that, being not only a misogynist but a bigot. If someone were to make an attempt on the lives - especially if the attempt materialized - of these people who are holding Trump accountable, he'd be a very happy man....
@12345cornbread Says:
Trump 2024. Biden is ruining the working class people.
@hofferjh Says:
Trump in his whole life never done anything wrong democrats always lying LA la LA la Democrats are the Hitler democrats are the neo-nazis and the KKK When Abraham Lincoln fought the democrats there the ones I had to rubble flags Why Abraham Lincoln had the American Flag this is why democrats want to ruin the American Flag cause they're Communist indicator and terrorists And Democrat blacks and whites own slaves
@zanzikar7 Says:
I keep hearing Trump will "imprison" is enemies and he should. Ever since Trump has been President there has been an all out effort to imprison and arrest Trump and his supporters. Who has been held accountable for the Russia collusion hoax? Who has been held accountable for the China flu fiasco? Who has been held accountable for the fake impeachment process? So I agree, Trump, if he does become president, should go and prosecute all of these offenders.
@jondoe-wl9cy Says:
Chutkan declared that the presidency does not grant a perpetual shield against legal accountability, so Trump is not covered? Goes to show you ALL Dems are deceivers. On Jan 6th, Trump was STILL POTUS. He was not replaced as President until Jan 20th, when Biden was illegally sworn in, or America would have been without a president/commander-in-chief for those two weeks. Dems are simply afraid of Trump and doing everything they can to stay out of prison. Both Chutkan and the idiot in NYC are simply the tools of the left trying to throw everything at Trump but the kitchen sink. They're scared spitless. If we get an honest election in 2024, Trump will win and will start a desperately needed house cleaning.
@GraceEarney-di6vj Says:
Mike Johnson has a tape of jan 6 were it was Peaceful. The fake media is not showing the tape the tape the fake media showing was a Democrat tape maked up . People are research and find out the media has been lying to our country now they are voting for trump.
@DeanTownsend-i7z Says:
When is cnn going to protect democracy and quit supporting the criminal trump . Who is paying them to go after Biden. They are pretty close to Changi ng their name to fox.
@missreserved6435 Says:
If CNN showed the newly released J6 tapes to their viewers NONE would watch them.
@rplayer9969 Says:
Joe biden is a crook so why isn't he being charged. 2 tiers of justice thats why!!!!!!
@denniskimpton9981 Says:
I can't believe the Rampage stupidity going on with the Democrats this is a Witch Hunt January 6th was a demonstration not an insurrection Mega republics have most of the guns and y'all calling that and Insurrection there wasn't a single gun Believe Me In America if there's an Insurrection there will be firearms
@Ivy-fb3ur Says:
Justice.. what a joke. We are divided from our families for generations forced to public service and terrorized daily....for generations. Not allowed defense or basic humanity. All of this shit is inhumane and unconstitutional. And the laws change to support the abuse... and the forced public service has to fund the abuse against them. This country has failed its people to long. And the only change we see is the liars theives and terrorists names change every four years. Disgusting cruel unjustified life sentences enforced on innocent people FOR GENERATIONS!!!!!!
@sfl6307 Says:
Trump is corrupt and we should call it what it is!
@humbertonerio7085 Says:
@ShirleyCrawford-qv6wy Says:
@stevesteves5033 Says:
Go ahead and steal the election again. Fake CNN. Cowards. Talk about Joe bribery scheme. Banana Republic stuff. Steal the election again. U lied about January 6. Biden is your brother and your King. Dumb system.
@rambodaria882 Says:
Hey Trump, Biden is just an old man living on Isolife
@elainejones9511 Says:
So does this mean that Obama & Biden will be brought to trail for their wrong doing. Don’t get me started on Clinton needing to go to jail too.
@thebottomline6075 Says:
The political bias of HATE has taken over in our courtrooms, justice system and the mainstream news media. . Trials today seem to be based on the political party someone belongs to instead of the facts and evidence presented. Judges are suppose to be politically bias and follow the Law, but in ALL the cases against Trump they all seem to be politically bias and motivated to stop him from becoming president again and put in prison whether he is guilty or not. I just hope that if an when the tables are turned against Biden or any Democrat that the courts and the news media show the the same bias attacks against them that they are showing Trump. Remember what goes around eventually comes around, and that day will be coming.
@AdolfouDunlapn Says:
cnn very good i like you
@hectormartinez-vm7rq Says:
Ok well can we get some facts about the case? A lot of dribble
@Laundry_Bloc16 Says:
US has become a banana Republic

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