How college athletes are cashing in on 'name, image, and likeness'
How college athletes are cashing in on 'name, image, and likeness'



@winterdusk Says:
I choose this video as source for my college assignment🙌
@marymoriarity2555 Says:
Start paying student athletes, and any degree that they are said, the urn will be Nolan void. Most of the student athletes have absolutely no brains. It will soon become a bidding war between universities and student sports organizations will be nothing more than professional corrupt. Organizations
@johnfishing2195 Says:
God please help to choose a good presidence for Americans and America.
@papajay111 Says:
PLAGERISM??? I guess it's OK now
@VandrothSoryn Says:
Look at these old white men in suits who want to restrict young people from making money on their own image. Pathetic.
@damham5689 Says:
And unless you are a hardcore follower of college sports, you have no idea who the person being paid to promote a product. Seems like it kind of limits the size if the target demographics.
@t.r.campbell6585 Says:
Good for these players. The colleges are making money, the networks are making money, the coaches are making money, why shouldn’t the players make money?
@joeyjones7519 Says:
So run away capitalism is only good when it’s individuals… got it
@Paul-lm5gv Says:
I don't want to hear how poor these athletes are! Big time college athletes pay for NOTHING! Whlle most kids leave college with mountains of student loan debt!
@edwinfolk8090 Says:
Pretty rich for these guys to be complaining when for so long they profit off these very student athletes - and never gave a shit. The NCAA and is so corrupt and now that they are being called out for their abuse of young people they feign contempt. It’s like the self proclaimed socialist who says, ‘charge the ramparts, but don’t sit on my jag.’ Totally hypocritical
@housewatch9377 Says:
Where's the news about the 7.6 earthquake
@Sarah-j3r1h Says:
@maniacsurfer7922 Says:
Wow,whiny much? Much better when you could keep ALL the profit for yourselves,suits🤣
@lpg12338 Says:
I really don't care about sports, but good for every student athlete. If you work, then you should get paid. 👍
@AminBoualwan Says:
Hitler and netenyahu are the same
@AminBoualwan Says:
It has been happening for 75 years but now the jewish lobby didnt mamage to stop the videos reaching usa
@bigreem1 Says:
They want to continue to profit millions off of unpaid labor and they want their friends in Congress to help them do it. Thats all this is!
@motocrosssupercrossjunkie5038 Says:
This was a bunch of 1 sided propagandist word salad. This is a billion dollar industry where the talent historically got zero. Now they get a little and with that a little control and the powers that be lean on congress to protect their money. I would say shame on you CNN for running this, but shame left the building a long time ago.
@Toodmyrick Says:
what the old whitey doesn't like them making money it was ok when the colleges & the rich whites got to make the millions but their not going to put up with with this type of robbery why not put these billions they make back in to education & stop cut education money these clowns are all about lining their pockets with money from kids
@camd5348 Says:
These are students who have been ripped off for decades. Poor schools.
@daddy9925 Says:
And to be clear…we’re really talking about the Big 2 (Football and Basketball) which happen to be made up primarily of Black athletes. This is about controlling the amount of money, which equals power, flowing into the hands of Black athletes. These regulations are racist and anti-American at their core. You got four old yt slave master lookin’ thieves trying to tell folks to work for free. School spirit ain’t gonna pay for the physical therapy after you tear your ACL or rotator cuff.
@DanH-u3f Says:
They have every right to cashing in, but there has to be some limits.
@reecesharp1 Says:
All of a sudden these clowns care about "fairness". What a joke.
@MispeledStalion Says:
Subtext: The risk is to our wallets. Easy solution to regulate is force NCAA to share revenue with players but they won't tell you that
@EricLing64 Says:
Oh my, an unregulated marketplace! Let me guess, this same person screams bloody fucking murder if any regulations apply to him.
@AMLunaMax Says:
Cashing in? You mean fairly compensated. That headline is why CNN sux!
@calvincooley1074 Says:
If they're good enough then they can go pro. No pay while on a scholarship.
@erna5427 Says:
This is the most ridiculous argument. Translation: No one realized before we have no purpose but to make unlimited money off these kids and we don't want to lose the power or money. Ridiculous solution? Throw money/ lobbyists at Congress . They will write up anything for a donation. What else could they be doing? I bet if citizens gave suggestions...this issue would not make the list. Contact your congressman! Congress do your job not businessmen's gophers. Cost of living, crime, health care, education ,fair and affordable housing, international conflicts? Oh why settling those?
@quidproquo3933 Says:
better be paying they taxes . Tax the rich
@thabanga510 Says:
Horrible optics
@TheBioExplorer Says:
They talk about it making economic opportunities for the students; and I'm not against that. For most of these players, they will never see a big NFL contract. But what needs to be the focus is... are they getting educational opportunities as well that will translate in good incomes once their playing days are over. I'm an instructor at the secondary level and sometime work as an adjunct at the college level. Too often I see my students go off to colleges where they've signed to play sports and too many of them leave without a decent degree. Often the students are pushed so hard physically that they have injuries that then prevent or reduce any time they might play at the professional level. Some never make it past their freshman or sophomore years. They get injured or cut from teams and end up leaving school because they can't afford it or they can't cut it academically without all the special tutoring and such that players are given. It's really ridiculous how much money is involved in collegiate sports when they are not supposed to be the focus of these educational institutions anyway. Believe me... I get the trill and the hype... I've been on the field (As part of a 360+ member marching band) of a 77,000 seat stadium while the crowds roar so loud you can feel it throughout your body. It's not just the players that contribute to pageantry that fills seats in those stadiums either. At a major university there are hundreds of students that play a role... from student trainers/coaching assistants to the band and cheer/dance teams. The difference is that most of them actually pay to be part of it.
@user-fed-yum Says:
Yes, people who were gifted with height and strength through their genes, are automatically the popular kids, and they should get all the free money, and four rich old white guys who also got their money that way, tell us what to think.
@bluetextbooks Says:
These NIL folks are corrupt and using their millions to screw the students. These orgs are mostly Republicans and usually anti-regulations.
@kennyc6597 Says:
CNN's ratings are in the toilet.
@Paul-lm5gv Says:
Amateur athetics as we have known it for dead! Money corrupts everything!
@miclovin9927 Says:
It's cool when they do it it's a problem when the athletes do it. 🤔
@theadventuresofzoomandbettie Says:
interesting involving high levels of government in this low level issue, when they have bigger fish to fry, like keeping the country running.
@Sir1626 Says:
Colleges love exploiting students. It's gross how much money they make off sponsorships, TV deals, etc. meanwhile college athletes that put their bodies on the line get scraps.
@kennyroman9589 Says:
As much as I hate to say it, Ms; Liz Cheney is right! Donald Trump, and his Machiavellian Republican reps, In Washington D.C are doing eveything in there power to Usher in Authoritarianism! And brining about; The New World Order!! People need to wake up! This includes MTG!
@harris5140 Says:
Some of these kids are going to class in a Bentley. Do you think that they are really still students? Money will corrupt.
@colindavis1496 Says:
Hey CNN, let's talk about how Russia has whipped the US proxy force in Ukraine shall we...??? I thought not...!!!
@jermelpurse3018 Says:
After washing in interview, I realized I hated it. They didn’t bother to ask the one group that mattered here the students. You know the student athletes remember these are the same conferences that years fought against this very idea of name image likeness. I don’t believe a word they say because what they want is a guarantee that a student who agrees to come to a program will stay in that program. What I want is for a student to have as many opportunities available to them as possible. If you’re going to make as much money with your athletic programs as the professional leagues make, then your players need to be able to make moves just like the professionals do. These conferences want to tie students down so that they can benefit from their labor from their work notice. None of these schools are saying hey, let’s give the students some money when they sell those tickets for $400 or $500 at these championship games none of them say let’s pay the kids, they pay the coach. They pay the staff they don’t pay the player.
@user-tx9zg5mz5p Says:
Nil is 🐮💩
@wickedcabinboy Says:
Nobody should believe for one minute these men have the well being of the athletes at heart. Colleges profited mightily from these players efforts and actively blocked players from receiving any financial benefits beyond those given by schools for many years. That college players can earn endorsement money now is *_not_* because schools, coaches or the NCAA decided student athletes had a right to do so. Students were historically punished mercilessly for the smallest of financial infractions. Student athletes had no concept of the business of college sports and colleges exploited their ignorance for a long time. That sports is an academic proposition is an open falsehood, a laughable farce widely recognized as a thin veil of an excuse to use the athletic abilities of young unschooled boys (primarily) to generate mountains of cash for the schools and coaches. One has only to follow the money to see this is true. How often is it that the football coaches or basketball coaches are the highest wage earners and most well known person on their college campus, surpassing that of even the college president. This is only because football is a profit center for the college. It's a business and nothing more. It would be very satisfying to see players negotiating wages for their athletic contributions to the school's business side hustle of sports.
@jermelpurse3018 Says:
If you consider this poultry amount that these students are earning making money, you should look at what the universities make. They sell tickets to some of these games for hundreds of dollars. Maybe you guys didn’t notice but there are some amateur coaches you know NCAA coaches they make more than professional coaches. How is that possible? Imagine someone in an amateur league, making more than a coach in the professional league on a consistent basis. I won’t even discuss how for years these universities made billions of dollars off of these athletes and gave them nothing. In fact, if you’re an athlete for school and let’s assume you get hurt playing for that school they don’t say to you will continue your education until your graduate. They literally say you’re no longer an athlete. You can leave now. They don’t say will you hurt yourself earning us millions no billions of dollars here’s a few dollars to help you along your way while we put you out the door, nothey just send you on home
@justinstephenson9360 Says:
So we have 4 old white men complaining about the fact that talented students are making money off their talents rather than, as God clearly intended, their plantation owners, sorry I mean Colleges, making money off those talents.
@Andrew-o6t2g Says:
Ncaa needs to start paying salaries. Uniformity.☠️
@chrisbammer4946 Says:
Good for the football players, they deserve some compensation for the concussion risks and they can hopefully be able to have shorter careers and stay healthy into their later years
@cliff32cr Says:
Universities and States Want To Get Back To The Exploitation Of Student-Athletes. 12/03/2023:  Response by Political Analyst and Strait Shooter;  Cliff Strait What we are witnessing here is four white men who do not like seeing Black athletes and women making large sums of money.  These university commissioners have the audacity to want to rein this economic success in. It is okay if these white men and white institutions take advantage of these profitable marketing opportunities, but not students, they need to be regulated.  We must remember, that these universities enjoyed parasitizing athletes for over 100 years while they took advantage of these profitable opportunities at the expense of their student-athletes.  For over 100 years student athletes were treated like slaves.  If this is the case anyone performing ad campaigns for products and services needs to be regulated. What happened to a free marketplace, free enterprise, free agency, and limited government? What this is all about is these universities wanting a piece of the pie.  Note the idea that the student-athletes have to enter into revenue-sharing agreements with these universities.  For 100 years the universities were not sharing their profits with these students.  This biased reporting does not point out this fact.  Rather this biased media is assisting in the spin that somehow the playing field between universities and the states is being harmed by student-athletes making a living while going to college.  Please, what impact does a student-athlete making a few bucks have to do with the states or universities?  Absolutely nothing.   Did you note how these commissioners did not go into any detail as to how they are being impacted or harmed when student-athletes are allowed to make money?  They just make generalizations. What happened to the Declaration of Independence:  "All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  You have to love how mainstream media gives legs to these right-wing white institutions to disenfranchise Blacks and women.  Then they use a minority to be the messenger.
@robertmcintosh8773 Says:
Is it now racist to want America great again and want the borders secure To stop the Dems Trojan Horse operation?

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