Is evangelical support for Trump waning? Reporter weighs in
Is evangelical support for Trump waning? Reporter weighs in



@miguelnicasio4171 Says:
This is just hypocrite,God has no color.
@BeckyPierce-w6z Says:
One of the best books I’ve read in a long time
@MariahVoisard-hi2yj Says:
Stop wining, do something about it help someone register to vote! 💙💃🏻🇺🇸
@ajdolphin7 Says:
Those evangelicals. Are not Christians or saved.
@witwisniewski2280 Says:
Why him? Are there not lots of decent Christian conservatives to nominate instead?
@timmiestabrnak Says:
Such a bad testimony for Christianity, White evangelicals are opposing everything Christ did, taught in commanded!
@MinimalistExplorerEDC Says:
I just want to know if Tapper’s going to actively fact check the serial liar while he’s vomiting garbage on the debate stage. He doesn’t debate, he just rambles off lies and jibberish. So we’re looking for the debate moderators to fact check in real time and push back for a change.
@shermanelewis9897 Says:
I will guess Evangelicals are different than REAL CHRISTIANS! They absolutely don’t display any of the heart of Christ. They should stop the attempt to deceive.
@alfredoordaz4908 Says:
The evangelicals should know that when they are supporting an evil man, they are betraying Christ, they're betraying God. When they use Trump to obtain certain goals, it means that they don't trust God to help them, instead they are turning to a corrupt and evil individual to get what they want. Don't they realize that they are trusting and putting Trump above God, above Jesus Christ? That they are violating the biggest of the Commandments when they worship and trust Trump above God. God almighty will judge you all. 🙏✝️
@LynnRoller Says:
Right now I am considered a non-Christian do I do believe in God and I do believe in Christ even I believe my faith was stronger then you have someone goes against what the Bible says
@Terrylee7712 Says:
This doesn’t make sense to me. Well it does because the Bible is actually being played out before our eyes and people are asleep. The presidential election is being centered around religion and politics. People need to wake up. Religion and politics should not be mixed. These people are trying to take us back to the dark ages.
@Terrylee7712 Says:
This doesn’t make sense to me. Well it does because the Bible is actually being played out before our eyes and people are asleep. The presidential election is being centered around religion and politics. People need to wake up. Religion and politics should not be mixed. These people are trying to take us back to the dark ages.
@Hgood1 Says:
For honest evangelicals, I'm sorry so many of your fellow evangelicals are not only such profound hypocrites but also denigrate their own religion in their support for Trump. Do they really think Jesus Christ would like to have seen someone becoming the leader of a nation who cheated on all 3 wives, slept with a porno star while his newborn child was home being nursed by his mother, cozied up to Communist dictators, and continues to incite hatred towards minorities, and also speaks with a potty mouth? Rhetorical question.
@Butterfly-truth Says:
@ 2:33 mins: They "square" the ignorance of Trump over the Bible with their own! They are a perfect fit!
@richardw.96 Says:
Tim has always been a useful idiot for the left.
@martinoveer9483 Says:
Would really Jesus do what Trump does? Rape? Grab women for p+++? Talk down to other people and even friends? Use people like toilet paper? What is going on with "so called" christians?
@katc9061 Says:
I just pray, Donald Trump doesn't have the fruit of the spirit that determines a true believer but than only God can see the heart of a man. In a vision I saw Donald Trump arrested. I also believe that he will be convicted but we can pray that God intervenes but only Donald Trump can humble himself before God. Just pray God's will be done.
@AndreaHausberg-yt5qx Says:
And now how can we unbrainwash them? People need to take action actively against this.
@pennyking3823 Says:
Trump never attended church, never owned a bible, can't quote scripture, never does one charitable or kind act, cheated on every wife, and is the essence of pure evil. Yet the so called " Christians" love him???? No rational explanation. None
@mochreag8807 Says:
Thank you, Tim Alberta, for staying true to your faith and having the courage to speak out! I tried to convince long time friends in my Bible study group and church that what churches ( and pastors!) were doing was destroying Christian credibility. Sooo, after 45 years of perfect attendance and serving in various positions for years…I stopped going to church! 😢
@nancyburke3062 Says:
This book is excellent and so well written.
@stevierico5934 Says:
All this Trump is the Antichrist is nonsense and unbiblical. If Trump is the Antichrist he would not have lost the last election. Trump acknowledges the Lord and the Antichrist will appose the Lord. Trump is too old to be the Antichrist. The devil is too pride to dwell inside an old man’s body and he likes to mimic the Lord. Jesus began his ministry in his early thirties and the Antichrist will probably do the same. Joe Biden and the Democrats have an ungodly political agenda. Let wisdom guide you and vote wisely 🥸
@stevierico5934 Says:
Take the plank out of your eye so you can see clearly to take the speck of dust from your brother’s eye 🥸
@StephaniahLoveland Says:
OMG he wants to not just be the king of America but the pope too!!!
@tytypartridge3135 Says:
So basically racists being racist 😂😂
@OldBusker Says:
The Greatest Cult on Earth!
@ccwalker050 Says:
Evangelicals for Trump! Wow get a life! We can all make up a scenarios where even Mickey Mouse is the chosen one. The republican party is a cult and evangelicals are headed off the cliff following their messiah all the way down.
@lesabooth5243 Says:
@canwelook Says:
Evangelical : America's version of the Taliban
@Nitronerd Says:
Trump is forerunner of the Man of Sin. The white Evangelicals will usher in anti-christ.
@runcamyt Says:
The book is PHENOMENAL! I'm about 75% of the way through on Audible.
@christiansmakingmusic777 Says:
Well, Evangelicals are going to have to figure out a way to convince independents that a man's speech and character can be dismissed in the name of God. If we as Christians aren't about making sure our political candidates are men and women of true character, how shall we answer the day wisdom calls in her loans to us?
@user-xm5le5ok2r Says:
I’ve given up on Evangelicals and American Christianity, but I haven’t given up on Christ!
@lashelleullie Says:
I'm in love with Tim Alberta. So we'll spoken and consice
@donaldsimpson4148 Says:
To the so called heavenly evangelists that support Trump... you either support the decent preaching’s of the Bible or you support the delusional rants of a rapist, insurrectionist and chronic liar Trump... one or the other... for if you support Trump then you're the biggest biblical hypocrites known to man..
@davidoran123 Says:
way back in the eighties, the rebups couldn't sell tax breaks for the rich and deregulation for businesses, so they turned to the evangelicals and culture issues for votes. then did and still do tax cuts for the rich and deregulation for corporations.
@BTFlemings Says:
Evangelicals are not followers of Jesus. Evangelicals are more concerned about the world, politics and political. They are religious just as the Jewish Pharisee’s and religious leaders who hated and conspired to kill Jesus. True followers of Jesus Christ are concerned about saving souls. Not politics or political power and ideology. Evangelicals have chosen to fear, worship and obey Donald Trump as savior, king and God. They are all nothing more than idolaters.
@scottaftem497 Says:
"I AM the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me." Exodus 20: 2-3
@nogoodwolf Says:
I see this religion as a cult. People who associate their god with a rapist. A man who has sexually abused women and is proud of it. A man who feels that as a president he could rape any woman and be immune to any prosecution. And of course, he can publicly trash them and ruin their reputation if they dare to complain. It is blasphemy for real Christians!
@paulg6527 Says:
I'm a registered Independent, Christian, raised Evangelical, who don't see Trump as a Christian. But like many of my family members who are Republicans and don't like Trump, they will still vote Republican because they won't vote Democrat, Biden.
@jamesk8s1 Says:
willing to sell your soul, your integrity, your moral and ethical "values" and twist and contort and convolute and JUSTIFY in the most labyrinthine way your "teacher's" values and teachings for a convicted!! sex offender who had to pay 5 million dollars in damages, and who will likely pay further damages to the victim - just one of many - for someone who paid off porn stars to bribe them into silence, yae, you gotta love those Jesus "followers", those bible thumping moralists and judgmentalists who are so willing to condemn and point out the "sh*#" of others and the "sins" of others, but who are totally willing to dive deep into and swim in the very s*#t they condemn others for when it serves their "interests".....WOW, I bet Christ himself would be so proud of this group!! Their Souls and their Integrity are for sale to the LOWEST bidder! Beyond SICK!! NEW YORK (AP) — A jury found Donald Trump liable Tuesday for sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996, awarding her $5 million in a judgment that could haunt the former president as he campaigns to regain the White House.May 9, 2023
@vladimirmeltzer1475 Says:
Trump is AntiChrist
@vladimirmeltzer1475 Says:
Expose False Prophets Conspiracy Theorists who brought Trumputin to power and ban them from public speaking now
@miketrusky476 Says:
@richardcomfort1032 Says:
Trump has no belief system.
@davidhixson7085 Says:
Be for-warned Evangelicals, you will have to pay a heavy price to the evil one (Trump) for his support. You are not dealing with someone who has any moral or ethical values nor cares anything about you. He simply wants your vote so he can regain power and money. You, as an individual, must standup for your beliefs. You are accountable to the Lord not your congregation !!! If your group is so unhappy about the issues in America then work to change things don't rely upon one of Satan's minion !
@rangertommy Says:
I did my doctoral dissertation on the issue of self-identified evangelicals being co-opted by a nationalistic metanarrative. I finished it in 2003 during the runup to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Sadly, it has aged very well. What was hard for me to imagine at the time was the insane depths to which it would turn out to be true in the days of Donald. This is not Christianity we are witnessing among evangelicals; it is pure cult behavior. It has nothing to do with Jesus. With these folks, if Donald and Jesus are in conflict (which, let's face it, is always), Donald wins every time. What a sad, embarrassing, shameful day for the evangelical church.
@JustAsking2No Says:
Pardon the constant repeat:Religion,separate from faith,was to be the intended guidepost for matters of the heart,yet has become:for the weak,a crutch.for the mean,a weapon.for the manipulative, the road to the "glory" of money,power and control. And all of this driven by the madness of the white nationalists and KKKristian theocrats who want to turn America into some warped version of the old testament where white patriarchy rules,everyone is in their place and women are subservient to men. Zealots ! Hypocrites !
@DocMD-sl9ov Says:
Don't be deceived. Trunk is an atheist or Satanist. Trunk preys. America was founded by Christians for Christians as a homeland for Christians. Now, does America want a democracy of hell or a Kingdom of heaven? God’s Christ said to "seek first" His Kingdom and His righteousness and all what we need will be added. America needs a man who is a Christian conservative who will seek first the Kingdom of God. Do you want to go to heaven or hell? It is a choice.
@balmpatchvideos Says:
There must be some seriously corrupted leadership in their communities. SO OBVIOUSLY PHONY CHRISTIANS

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