Government has 'plenty of money' to 'splash' on green energy businesses: Andrew Bolt
Government has 'plenty of money' to 'splash' on green energy businesses: Andrew Bolt



@shanvoss5054 Says:
@jeanettepaetzold6076 Says:
WellALBO is taking a leaf out of China's book. Trying to turn Australia into a socialist country.
@georgefours Says:
The billions that are being spent on renewables will have to happen all over again in around 15 years time when their life span is depleted?
@ericshingles6962 Says:
Making batteries, or simply assembling them ? labor is trying to end all manufacturing
@olddog-fv2ox Says:
With our iron ore exports tanking on the back of a crash in demand from China, so royalties paying our bills and WAs bills just evaporated
@CallingRavens88 Says:
Meanwhile we have employed homeless people who are paying tax for this 🀬 BS This government is a freak show…
@L.A_S7r4y Says:
The government doesn't have money.. there's no such thing as "government funds" It's all taxpayer money.. down to every last cent. Are we happy with how our money is being used? Do we work like mongrel does for nothing or is it worth it? Personally, I don't think a single person in Australia that pays tax is happy about the government's habits.. but maybe I'm wrong.
@lesleyosborne9319 Says:
They must be FORCED to Pay EVERY CENT Back when this fails. I'm Sick of Politicians with No Accountability.
@paulgraham5790 Says:
The only business that is green is the monkey business of Labor.
@TuanTrungHoang-vs8fx Says:
I am Hoang Tuan Trung, the person who knew everything in advance in Australia from the end of 2019, such as forest fires and epidemics to Australia and America and other countries, and during that time I also knew many more things. Today I ask all the people in Australia and the United States and England to see everything that is fake, all food sources and any economic problems coming from other countries and countries above. If all citizens know, please stop them from entering. The country above just tell me my name. I want these three countries to acknowledge and understand everything about countries that are at war and are affected by the economic decline. I'm Hoang Tuan Trung, I hope everyone will stop everything from this day until the end of 2024. At that time, I would like to sincerely thank everyone very much.
@DJ-yj1vg Says:
What makes me laugh is that Vic has banned gas. But about 70% of their electricity grid uses brown coal which is far dirtier than natural gas.
@Ds-lq3tc Says:
Albo could not pick a winner in a one horse race.
@murrayslee911 Says:
It's not that Albo doesn't get it that the cost of living electricity costs, private health costs etc are escalating he just doesn't care. It's all about the global image and egocentric selfishness.
@mrmcflunday2164 Says:
Future made in austraila, Albo's Captains picks..
@rudydokter5273 Says:
what happened to truthful reporting, the right wing Sky News is an embarrassment to Australia
@AximandTheCursed Says:
Le sigh... government doesn't have any money, it's all our taxes they're spending! And they're spending it on useless nonsense again!
@user-tq4zm9yr6l Says:
they waste so much money.All these subsidies on climate change crap.Stop immigration for a start.Hopless
@Bennie32831 Says:
How does this loser get to control the country
@waynetyrie7066 Says:
Sick of the sight of these clowns. If Albo’s lips are moving his lying.
@MatthewSwift-xc8sn Says:
Redirect money to defence
@robinwood590 Says:
Stop tge printing if money Albaneses good at spending it.
@suegibson8914 Says:
Stop immigration, stop the green hoax. No it will not power Queensland. It’s BS
@sylviawiese1816 Says:
What a scam. A company subsidised to fake green power success.
@user-zd3xs4ts6f Says:
Green business??? You only need to look at EVs' and what a raging success they've beenπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@simonharris4873 Says:
What danger are we in exactly? Hmmm?
@timothyjackson6191 Says:
@awc900 Says:
Elmer gambling with taxpayers money yet again.
@Chad.H. Says:
You are right, green business . Captain sleazy doesn't give a rat as about anything or anyone but πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°
@RealAaronWhite Says:
Vote for a party that won't send you broke trying to change the weather. Pollution is bad, everyone knows that, but we're rushing into this because of blind fear.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
@muzzleflash1 Says:
What is the true intrinsic value of plastic and paper fiat currency?

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