David Sacks stands against 'Forever War' in Ukraine PLUS Jay Glazer! | Will Cain Show
David Sacks stands against 'Forever War' in Ukraine PLUS Jay Glazer! | Will Cain Show



@Ben-DPPU Says:
Amazing this David Sacks
@EZPZ7 Says:
For the ukraine, I remember george bush and the famous "weapons of mass destruction"😂...they always have an alibi to justify forever wars !
@olenmees9150 Says:
again ZERO understanding and consideration of ruzzian mindset ... take it from neighbor of ruzzia who has actually seen them and lived side by side with ruzzians most of my life: VLADI MIR literally means RULE THE WORLD , put means path , vladimir putin translates as : on a path to rule the world ... for ruzzia there is no binary or duality , it is either their way or no way : hence there is 2 choices for USA... to be STRONG or be WEAK David Sacks either has huge business interest in ruzzia or he is WEAK and/or extremely STUPID - history did not start with putin and it is not about putin ambition - it is ruzzian doctrine : expansionism
@xletytejada Says:
Team Sacks ❤️👏🏾
@raykoch2939 Says:
David you’re so wrong. First of all that Chicago professors you mentioned is a total imbecile. Second, you’re view in Russia not being a threat is totally wrong. Putin wants to rebuilt the Soviet Union and it can’t stand that it not in the same global level as US today. Finally, NATO was always on the border of Russia during Soviet times but it wasn’t a war cry for the Soviets. Finally, look at what Putin did in Belarus installing and supporting a repressive puppy government, and in Georgia and then in Kazakhstan. Threat yes Putin is and an Ukraine victory will just embolden him.
@Tammys_kaysee Says:
Replay watching: Courious, you haven't said anything about Miami. My son, big fan! 😊 Promise you won't hurt my feelings. Loved that part of the show 👍
@ram0166 Says:
The CIA and the State Department are out of control
@stjoelawyer Says:
You are full of crap
@mingus6929 Says:
Military Industrial Congressional Intelligence Media Academic Think Tank Complex
@SicTransit1000 Says:
“the entire russian elite, not just putin” — I dare you to name one name from that list
@legnafran7855 Says:
Russia invaded Georgia and Ukraine..
@JupyWotan Says:
Sacks is a vile tool of Putin's Eastern neo-Con/neo-Soviet Antifa-minded genocidal invasion of Ukraine.
@borisdoris314 Says:
Putin's apologizers
@colbullsigh6823 Says:
Will, I hope you have a good exit strategy laid out, like Tucker had, because you're getting a little "controversial" for the cnn wannabe Fox News!
@Trojan_in_Hawaii Says:
OUTSTANDING SHOW, Will!!! David Sacks was EPIC, and Glazer was excellent, too. Thank you!
@markmoris2914 Says:
Have NATO pay for Ukraine war
@doNaldMusk-h28-hfkslP18 Says:
He’s so wrong and says so much BS it’s giving me a headache. He is definitely compromised. Always spreading false propaganda on behalf of Russia. This isn’t an argument for or against how much money is sent to Ukraine, but Sacks is full of it.
@LetTheMurdochsDestroyAmerica Says:
John Harwood, long one of Washington’s most respected conservative voices in journalism, summed up Fox’s approach Monday night simply: “Lunacy.”It’s worse than lunacy, though. Fox’s bubble reality creates a situation where it’s impossible to have the conversations and debate necessary to function as a democracy. Facts that are inconvenient to President Trump simply disappear down Fox News’ “memory hole,” as thoroughly as George Orwell could have imagined in 1984.
@LyingKayleigh Says:
Boycott Fox advertisers Humana, Takeda Pharma, Sunovion, Zoetis, Trivago, Expedia, Nestle. Fox news Corporate financed lies are destroying our nation and culture.
@marinakoujman7665 Says:
Respect , admiration for David for sharing with us deep thoughts on american mentality and cultivated narcissism of baby boomers .yes , they Don t seem to have grown up and still cherish their childish dreams of ,, defeating russian wild bears"... and as such are bringing u.s.a and the world on the brink of extinction.
@davejoseph5615 Says:
Russia has an economy about the same as Italy. Why do they deserve the right to enslave all bordering countries?
@marinakoujman7665 Says:
,, i don t think it shoud be fair... I don t think it should be equal... I don t care millons are being killed around the world - if it serves intersts of America ".... Thank you for not talking bull .t about democracy and freedom- honesty is better.this is a public manifest of american journalist with true american mentality to the whole world. You have been heard on earth and heaven. Karma will work since this very moment.
@patkrinsliy7389 Says:
When you want to know those war hawks are evil see the way they gona ga hateful to David for saying the truth.
@jimwalters3636 Says:
If Putin was going to roll on NATO why isn’t he Rolling Ukrain .!!
@Xoma044 Says:
Corrupt police are enemies of Ukraine! Enough of us totalitarianism! Мусора вороги України! Досить з нас тоталітаризму!
@MiySadochok Says:
You do not allow any comments in supporting of Ukraine.
@MiySadochok Says:
David Sachs is pro-putin propagandist.
@pefo1674 Says:
Check David´s accounts for Russian red gold...
@allanspector7122 Says:
NATO WAS CREATED AS RUSSIAS: ENEMY. Russia needs to require Ukraine to be neutral!!k
@nadia0701 Says:
Trump's best friends were Putin and Kim Jong Un. One Invaded Ukraine and the other is giving weapons to Putin, Trump is a disgrace
@kimr4011 Says:
Biden the worst President 👎💀
@CattleDog2856 Says:
What a shame that real republicans have abandoned their principles on this issue. And why did they? Because they fear trump. They should have gotten on board with the democrats and gotten rid of this orange malignant buffoon once and for all.
@mikemerit8296 Says:
Who cares Ukraine war, Ukraine was a soviet state allocated by ww2 war allied war agreeements
@samm9017 Says:
Melania should testify in Trump💗Stormy criminal case. 😂
@robertwelsh4094 Says:
Fox LOVES dictators.
@robertwelsh4094 Says:
You traitors and cowards want to suck up to Putin.
@user-fv5ms4sz8e Says:
There is no forever war in Ukraine. My gosh people, we're talking about a small country successfully fighting off the world's largest military. But leave to all the Tucker Carlson bots to continue this ridiculous anti Ukraine rhetoric.
@robertwelsh4094 Says:
Based on Trump's actions in his hush money trail, should we call him Sleepy Don or Poopy Donny? Oder in the court! 🤢☣
@annebreitrick6116 Says:
"Ukraine On Fire." Watch it if you can. ... A documentary on the 2014 Maidan Massacre.
@paulthomasshepherd5156 Says:
Remember, A President remains in Office during a time of war. Biden knows this and would use it regardless of the many lives to be lost in war including American soldiers. Depending how the 2024 elections turn out and before any new President is sworn in we may expect him to use it. In the meantime this is way the war in the Ukraine is being kept alive by him.
@mestengo22 Says:
The fatal error was not becoming partners with Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union instead DC chose China & well there you are you see
@lanthaymore717 Says:
Will, you asked what interest the United States has in Ukraine winning this war? Here’s the truth, the US doesn’t give an F about winning the war Ukraine because it’s already been lost. United States interest in Ukraine is to feed the military industrial complex and laundry money through the system, and into military contractors and later into the hands of politicians, their pockets and their campaigns. Ukraine war is just another pointless endless conflict since Vietnam and then Iraq to continuously feed the military industrial complex. I literally cannot understand why so many people in the media are either stupid as F or disingenuous about these facts.
@lanthaymore717 Says:
David Sachs speaks the truth. Very thoughtful and knowledgeable words👍👍👍
@grahamjones5400 Says:
Fox News betrayed President Trump.
@jamescuvelier8939 Says:
White superpower lol
@annebreitrick6116 Says:
❤Alexandrov Ensemble.
@Johnballess Says:
Putin is better than joe and zelensky
@ryu299 Says:
I don’t control the media America so one can stop white superpower but themselves. Just pay attention to the duties you have to do because if they don’t stop with the media you are going to hear something that is related to my life daily unless the media stops itself. I am Chinese 5,000 years civilization they can’t fish me to fish Asian people around the world but they made you American people sick and tired of me and if they don’t stop I can’t stop them if they want to continue to fish me.
@thman-sp8bn Says:
Pecker screws Trump. Now that’s a comment that up until a few days ago would have been censored. The libs are loving that one in comment boards. That’s their IQ level.
@lukemn29 Says:
America should worry about it's own borders instead of those of other nations.

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