Why NYU professor says instructors who are protesting should be fired
Why NYU professor says instructors who are protesting should be fired



@HondaTiger56 Says:
Avg upenn brain rot lol
@coastaf Says:
Surreal. How CAN’T killing tens of thousands of civilians not make someone from those lands related to those people and protesting the war feel unsafe around pro-war protestors? This man is either naive from being in a wealthy bubble or horrifically complicit- he should see the protests in Israel against Netanyahu. The families of the hostages are in the streets.
@alphawolf5294 Says:
Protests with signs are fine. These college protests have evolved into something that is a little more than just protest. Blocking and occupying buildings is not okay. Also, why is no one protesting Hamas? They started the entire thing. If they didn't attack, there would be no war. Everyone would be going about their business.
@Kehwanna Says:
So tone deaf. It's not anti-Semitism calling a government's wrong doing out nor its allied nations. Free Palestine.
@Akwitayne Says:
The "frame" through which these young people see the Gaza war is a moral one. It is about the willful slaughter of innocent civilians, in which the United States is complicit. Both Smerconish and Galloway are fully capable of understanding this, but they deny it. Galloway says 80% of people his age support Israel, while only 20% of young people do. "There's something going on here", he says. Yes, Professor, something is going on, and "it" is with you and your cohort.
@Seyeler Says:
Man I used to have respect for Galloway. Can’t see the forest through the trees here.
@CommonSense247pls Says:
Violence isn't free speech. Ask who's funding these protests! (they aren't any better)
@curbthepain Says:
Pretty fascistic to be jailing people with opinions eh? A few people said mean things so arrest and fire everyone. Kinda sounds like Germany in 1942
@josephs9451 Says:
These pro palastinian protests gradually transform the US into a Simalia,sydan type terririst nation in the future. Those political party old leaders especially justifies these pro palastinian protests are poting oil to the protest and to the destryction if United States of America.Many states will firm terrirists to get out if United states.Sime channels ,some journal now shows thier hatredness against israel But in future israel will not be affected.But the YS will face seoerate nations from state kevel.Michigan will fight for freedom to firm a seoarate nation.and California can have such ideas. Israel is a nation which is facing every day problems
@Jecoopster Says:
Scott is just trying to get back on Bill Maher’s show
@williamrobinson4265 Says:
not ONCE did he mention that Isreal has just genocided TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CIVILIANS IN MONTHS
@williamrobinson4265 Says:
@pigeon4422 Says:
I really liked his ted talk but this is pretty rough man
@diydantex6150 Says:
Setting up a camp is not free speech. Shutting down a school or business is not free speech.
@leemdynamo Says:
There are almost 2 million people starving in Gaza. They're getting a pretty raw deal while we give Israel weapons. It's a good thing that we are now holding up weapons for Israel as an act of opposition against Israel's actions in Gaza. Hamas should not be tolerated, but neither should killing of innocent people. I think Israel needs to take somewhat more of a long-term approach at this point. Hamas has been severely degraded. Israel should seek Palestinian partners who want to represent their people and work constructively with Israel. Leadership of course has to be known to and well received by Palestinians.
@3Okshah Says:
Ok just watched his TED talk and almost respected him. What a sham(e) of a man.
@ropeyjim Says:
CNN being dogshit as usual. No mention of the aims of the protests, the fact the very institutions they are studying in are funding a goverment currently commiting a genocide. The reason there is a generational divide isn't because of someone outside sinister entity. It's because TikTok and some other social media doesn't go through the filters imposed by Israel and it's allies. Finally people can see the evil Zionazi state for what it is.
@briom1425 Says:
Do these stupid students who is supporting Islam but live in the west think that Israel cares about what they say or what the U.S says ? Israel made United States a super power , and they have helped since 2nd world war , Israel will not let terrorist cross their borders and start killing then or kidnapping their people
@rchm7294 Says:
great interview
@thomassandhaus4392 Says:
A professor should teach and not play politics,especially when it comes to false causes!!!He is fired!!!
@evankirch8359 Says:
Homie then proceeds to give a Ted Talk qbout how the US is ruining young peoples future. What a shill.
@Manonsilvermountain Says:
Covid was NOT an act of God.
@nicholasspolarich1247 Says:
Young people are NOT under the corporate media spell, this is genocide, also the divide is among class and oppressed and the ruling class now, people are not having it anymore
@ayamohammed7753 Says:
Free palestine!!!
@ayamohammed7753 Says:
There’s no antisemitism . There’s nothing unsafe there. Stop lying
@Marss13z Says:
It is a foolish gambit to try and "negotiate" with mobs.
@RobDeity Says:
disgusting. you'll do and say anything for money, won't ya? FREE PALESTINE
@lukerief4954 Says:
Holy shit I've haven't seen a CNN clip in years and this is absolute garbage. People watch this shit?
@moderneurope Says:
Professor Scott Galloway from the Stern Business School at New York University, calls on NYU Abu Dhabi to fire all faculty who are pro-Free Palestine. He is calling on King Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan to fire faculty that are not pro-Israeli in the Palestine-Israel conflict, because professors who are pro Palestinians intend to kill all members of the LBGBT Community and all Christians. They lack critical thinking skills to be able to teach classes NYU Abu Dhabi. The King of Abu Dhabi has not yet responded to Professor Galloways demands.
@acky9413 Says:
To claim they all are is the same.
@cia4514 Says:
Israel is the Fourth Reich
@kparso Says:
Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. And... yup.
@Ianorig Says:
@acky9413 Says:
Galloway is either uninformed or purposely conflating anti-genocide with antisemitism. A professor of a supposedly top ranking university should easily be able to discern the difference. By making anti-genocide synonymous with antisemitism, he is promoting fear and hatred and actually putting students in danger.
@nervouss Says:
What's his religion???? Just saying just saying one must dig deeper into the mouths they listen to.
@Safe-and-effective Says:
The left has been brainwashing entire generations for decades, demoralizing young people and their families who pay outrageous amounts to send their kids to study there and academia has been ACTIVELY helping in the subversion of society...NOW it's a problem? #boomerang
@pdfortune Says:
Valedictorian speeches are so useless. Students don't want to listen to some blow hard ramble on about their supposed expertise on life.
@VAS3.16 Says:
Peaceful protest! 😂
@drwho534 Says:
Most of those protesting don't even know what or why they are protesting, fuelled by leftist organizations and paid activists to create chaos and civil unrest in America. These so-called 'institutes of higher learning' are nothing more than breeding grounds for Marxism, communism and socialism targeting the inherent values of America. Those encouraging and promoting this destructive behavior are responsible.
@robertsteinberger5667 Says:
Pro israel protesters were mosty responsible for the viilemce; fireworks, metal bars and more
@Zero11_ss Says:
His mom is jewish, so no suprise.
@nealorr5086 Says:
"Threats to democracy"... those protestors don't like democracy. Hamas removed democracy from Gaza as soon as they took power.
@jonathanangstadt6617 Says:
Everyone just completen missing the point. No one likes to see babies die because europeans wanted a piece of land that a mystical being said was theirs.
@speaktruth9313 Says:
Where are your programs showing the killing of Christian’s by radical Islamists in Ethiopia… we need their dirty work exposed. They are all about punishing Israel for defending themselves.. how about their own hypocrisy.

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