Pro-Palestinian protesters rally outside White House correspondents' dinner
Pro-Palestinian protesters rally outside White House correspondents' dinner



@williamwongkimping3998 Says:
What a Beau.......tiful Sight to Behold 🤣 by NASTY PIGLOSI
@aizhongwen Says:
Brave people are telling the truth to the government.
@learkingofalbion8520 Says:
I wonder how many of the people at McClellan Sq. know the identity of “the guy on the horse”. Or what my great great great grandfather and US Grant ended up doing after President Lincoln fired McClellan. I wonder how much these people know about Hamas beyond the simple sloganeering. I wonder how many of these slogan shouters know about the video I took around McClellan Sq. a few times in 2017-18, especially on cloudy days. Or know about the refusal of many in the streets to even comment on what was visible easily from the street then and presumably since. These chanters clearly continue the tradition of avoiding the obvious — even when the obvious is really funny. How many know what the building behind the statue used to function as? Same issues for the press, incidentally.
@bungkusi2432 Says:
Heroes not wearing cape *Heroes wearing kaffiyeh*
@lityoungkok5879 Says:
What a beautiful sight !
@user-lb4yx1ms5f Says:
This is a "What a beautiful sight to behold" - quote by Nancy Pelosi.
@MrAdhiSuryana Says:
Funily they call them antisemitic while some of them are actually Jews 😂
@ryanwalters6184 Says:
Palestine today, Taiwan tomorrow. Very sad times for the smaller people.
@teamthailand1623 Says:
To be fare, Palestine and Israel could have shared the land equally, square inch by square inch without meddling from US. Government at all.
@hansudowolfrahm4856 Says:
Free Palestine

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