GWU reveals why college faculty are refusing to 'take action' against anti-Israel protests
GWU reveals why college faculty are refusing to 'take action' against anti-Israel protests



@Tamar-sz8ox Says:
Say NO to Hamas , Islamic Jihadists & Hezbollah ! ❌💀❌💀 they have spread enough negativity and darkness in the world
@user-uj9mo7ci2c Says:
Isn't it amazing that these leftist riots are never investigated to put the ultimate originators, bill payers, scripters, officials who allow it, and the slanted news media in jail? This goes back to the Vietnam War protests. Who were the people? Who was paying them? The recent Ferguson, MO riots only had one local arrested for the violence and looting. Most of the rest were bussed in from California. In the Vietnam era, the college newspaper at K-State reported no one from its state of Kansas was at the rallies and marched. Zero. The main problems were being caused by exactly 100 students who claimed to have been from Florida. None of these faux students could remember much about their alleged home towns. No landarks, most couldn't recall streets, nor the name of their high schools, nor their home addresses. Some couldn't even remember the name of their home town. But by golly, they could do protest marches, sit ins, and try to sell illegal drugs and try to entice students to attend orgies. After 2 semesters, all 100 had flunked out. Who paid them? EVERY leftist protest or riot is being paid for by evil people who don't have America's best interest at heart. One uncle of mine was drafted out of college to go to Vietnam. He came back a captain, and said he was told that if he reenlisted, they'd make him a major. He was awarded 2 real non-John Kerry purple hearts as well as a couple bronze stars and a silver star. When he returned to Los Angeles airport, shaggy, doped up losers lounging around the airport jumped up to scream at him and spit on him. My family has long been familiar with the bought and paid for bodies who take these jobs. Why hasn't the FBI or CIA tracked the protagonists and financiers down and seriously punished them and their pawns?
@user-yf4wc8lh6e Says:
Sabrina is such an eloquent well spoken impressive young adult. We need more like her on our college campuses!!! All the power to Richard for being insightful and courageous and not getting swept up in the mob mentality. It gives me hope to know that the Jewish people have such allies!
@triviatrudy Says:
Oh lookie…more masked cowards!
@j41500 Says:
These commenters show the creme de la creme of American intellect. Totally owning the students here. How could students at one of the hardest schools to get admitted to know where Gaza is? Pownage at its finest. The comment of that you should pay for their private education is a sick burn. Couldn't agree more, we should never pay for their private school tuition (that is how private schools collect tuition, is it not?). Also, gotta mention that its preposterous that these private school kids could afford nice tents. Must be backed by terrorists who notoriously have huge coffers. The craziest thing is that these terrorists must also be funding every encampment under every bridge and public park in America, cause all I see is these nice tents...........................................
@evelyncordero1829 Says:
God bless the Fox
@rubygreby1473 Says:
Why are they wearing hijabs in USA?!?
@MrRonald1231 Says:
Why are you in America and using our freedom for your miserable protest after supporting Hamas, Hizbollah and Iran. Go back to where your parents and grandparents came from if you don't appreciate Freedom. Leave America, Shame Shame Shame
@smorales2851 Says:
Look I worked hard all my life to be able to put my kids through college and these people come here from Palestine and interrupt that like they owned this world send them back now
@andrewganner6581 Says:
They will when poeple stop funding them
@jayrue5719 Says:
This opinion reporter works for Fox news, owned by the wealthy Murdoch family from Australia. his job is to use a narrative to instill fear in our impressionable college students so Fox News can RE-shape what Joe Bidens international policies are. Paying taxes is a new thing for the wealthy, like the Murdoch family and these opinion reporters, even though they can't stand trump, they need him in the white house to reverse the tax code Joe Biden put in place that all Americans will pay their fair share. Biden is building the country with that money. The noise about Biden is designed to put the vote for president as a " LESSER EVIL choice. we went through that when we were faced with the choice of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Americans are beginning to see the lost tax money at work, Joe Biden is building infrastructure for the whole country with that money, it belongs to the people of America. Hillary Clinton would have had her troubles, but she loves America for the right reasons, and she would have never stomped on the face of democracy in America. Protect yourself... these people might steal your vote.
@rob-zl2ks Says:
When these individuals. Yelling debt to Israel. What is the next country? They're yelling debt too. America. Wake up people.
@kregg-hy4gi Says:
No government funding, order it closed, sell the real estate and give taxpayers a rebate for taxes paid and let them pave it over for parking. COLUMBIA IS A WASTE OF GOVERNMENT MONEY. CLOSE IT TOTALLY LIKE HAMAS WANTS.
@elijahisrael7206 Says:
Modern day pharos, did they not learn the first time?
@Alex-od2yd Says:
You brought the worst student to give an opinion lmfao. A person full of the hatred you agree with
@Edison73100 Says:
Wait a minute, what about the border??? Got a new enemy, ROFL!!!
@freegeorgia4808 Says:
The faculty is the problem. The institution is the problem.
@RexHolbrook Says:
How about close the border
@johnd.2778 Says:
Cracking down on protesters has the opposite effect that conservatives want. Every time you do that the protest grows exponentially. Because the Columbia president had the NYPD make arrests, these demonstrations exploded not just at Columbia but all over the country. Moronically the universities cracked down on those protesters in the same way again at the behest of right-wingers, and now they have grown exponentially and further spread to other colleges. When are ya'll going to learn lol?
@dddebz Says:
Israeli apartheid applies to all non-Jewish people under their power. Bibi supported Hamas for a long time, turned the screws on Palestinians and aggressively pushed out territory boundaries. All. Hoping for this. It seems that the right is hoping to replay Nixon era fearmongering of student action and any other action looking to stop US institutions support of apartheid in the name of economic or any other reason. Stomping down on environmental & civil rights groups is very old hat. I’d suggest people take a look in their hearts and try to understand why it’s wrong to bomb anyone out of existence, why anyone who knows the difference between capacity of Israel and Gaza to make war or oppress is protesting and not on Bibi’s side here. It is wrong to expect support for any ethnosuperiority state, particularly one proven to be unjust and is an oppressive regime that dehumanizes adversaries. Also about universities being transparent about their financial interests. fairness and having is anti-apartheid and anti-genocide by government.
@johnnygross4415 Says:
Why hide your face? Don't want people knowing you support this bs
@eldonstroud4587 Says:
See the Terrorists COWARDS wearing their Masks....
@daniels7679 Says:
College is designed so you can increase your learning in a particular field, so that you can be an asset and a help to businesses and Americans. If you don’t take an exam. You fail. If you don’t go to class you fail. You should lose all financial assistance and someone else should be given the opportunity to be responsible. It has turned into a joke. As we can see, it has turned into a political tool to promote an agenda and get votes. Americans are being forced to pay tuition in many cases of people that are lazy and entitled.
@Papa.Youssef Says:
Anti-Israel?? How ironic 😂😂
@trillaviziontv5112 Says:
Weird how that one group encouraged protests for other things
@Corkfish1 Says:
Get a job
@roystonboodoo7525 Says:
Wish show hosts could be less hasty and hence fluent
@OneWildTurkey Says:
Colleges and universities have been teaching for much longer than 10years. They've been here since shortly after WW1 and have been getting larger in number every year since.
@user-yr2tu9sv9n Says:
Are these protesters future terrorists?
@jtbaying2312 Says:
College kids should read a history book about any State that has come against the Jewish community. It Never ends well for All that have.
@darkjack9021 Says:
Pro-Hamas kids... What a shame.
@BruceAbraham-fi3fc Says:
Let’s call it for what it is: Fascism! When Socialism fails - Fascism steps in!!!
@user-em1dg3he1h Says:
Let em do what they want , free country. BUT , legislation needs to be put forward RIGHT NOW , to cut all funding and public support for all of these schools.
@honeybunch6473 Says:
And why is Mr Biden so quiet? 😑
@honeybunch6473 Says:
Dressed like an "American". THAT'S the problem
@marykali3603 Says:
Israel Must conquer
@lloydfortner1510 Says:
They need to go to Palestine
@mattleathen445 Says:
I’m old enough to remember MAGAs crying about having speeches canceled for speakers filled with hate. Now y’all want the National Guard to suppress speach. Ya love totalitarian suppression.
@tomjordan3086 Says:
Your wrong
@rocha2219 Says:
Deport this Hamas terrorists sympathizers
@fifinijem1567 Says:
Why the Jewish students posting and telling all this a plain lies
@FredWilliamson-kt6xe Says:
Not a point of view its the whole arrow. Nobody suspected that japan would attack Hawaii till it was to late.
@roberthawkins3106 Says:
America first, not Israel first. These protests are amazing, because for the first time ever it's forcing a conversation and exposing the massive double standard. People can protest against white people everyday and even boycott Texas, nothing happens and the media encourages it. The second they question Israel, it's a national crisis..
@eldiabloramon Says:
Am Israel Chai. ❤
@debbiehernandez3945 Says:
You look like terrorists!!!!!! I think you should go live in Palestine.
@user-gl6fi9vh8x Says:
Let it continue until they make a change, they have been silently limiting even graduated in the job market without reason. Ruining clean investments not involved in weapon production… Corrupted management.
@Zdzd-zdm Says:
I wonder why they can't go and protest in their own countries
@BaddiesOnlyMusic Says:
América looks like Afghanistan right now

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