Jerry Seinfeld blames woke 'PC crap' for ruining comedy
Jerry Seinfeld blames woke 'PC crap' for ruining comedy



@jancyking582 Says:
Jerry, I’m with you all the way!,
White women started this Crap let’s be honest and white men are getting all the Blame
@FancyAlly Says:
Seinfeld is washed up. Old news
@Miura00 Says:
Seinfeld has such a punchable face. He’s needs it in his life.
@TheFortressMaximus Says:
“Jerry Seinfeld would have to be on the spectrum”. He is. He is autistic by his own admission.
@johnsaltzohuigin6660 Says:
Explain how its woke when they are all living in their own delusion.
@eazeyt1759 Says:
Seinfeld is the most PC comedian ever. Go watch his material, he has barely said a curse word lol. The only comedian who can ever talk about “cancel culture” is Lenny Bruce, he spent half his career in jail because of obscenity laws, that’s REAL cancel culture.
@aleithiatoews6452 Says:
I'm so bored by Taylor Swift and her cult (well said, Rita). I wish pop culture would get over its obsession with the base and unintellectual.
@philoebeddo8724 Says:
What did Rebel Wilson say? Apparently everybody knows but me.
@Evocati-Augusti Says:
Kramer would have to be black ....I guess she forgot lol and he did that a month away from the release of Seinfeld on DVD, so Seinfeld had to go on a PR tour to calm people down lol
@michaelcieslak957 Says:
How about blazing saddles?
@proudarmymom8657 Says:
All in the Family was the best!!!
@Jonathan-Sund Says:
Yeh, maybe, but Jerry Seinfeld was never funny, Larry David was funny
@bethyoung8646 Says:
Make America laugh again! MALA !
@Gdawg890 Says:
He isn’t funny anyways
@hestermontgomery9477 Says:
I just discovered this sitcom called Dr.Ken. It’s very funny. What’s weird is, it’s about an asian family. I’m not Asian. They don’t look like me and yet I love the show! Oh and yes I know the DrKen is a big time lefty and somehow I’m still able to appreciate the show.
@MaurytheHedgehogDog Says:
No Jerry. You’re to blame for comedy’s demise. You’re a whiner because everyone found out you’re not funny
I like we are calling having white ppl on shows and tv EDGY...aka just plain old racism, just call it what it is
@cyris8403 Says:
Jerry’s right.
@Greenie-43x Says:
Ryan Gosling did a crying scene to Taylor Swift in Fall Guy. It was hilarious!
@josephsantiago4116 Says:
Don’t know who is a bigger idiot of the bunch;, Kinsey, Taylor Swift, any Swifty or Kim K? It was quite obvious your guest is a cockeyed Swifty
@hezmydaddyo2722 Says:
Blazing Saddles 😂 those were the days ❣️
@tuesday409 Says:
You Go Jerry 💪
@pennyserenade192 Says:
I support Jerry. Seinfeld forever!
@kimnobles4004 Says:
How come no one says anything about shows that have blacks only & no white people? And there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m just sick of hearing that white people are racist. I see white people mixing in every race. You don’t see it the other way. The other way is far & few.
@Bring_Back_Stargate Says:
Umm, wrong! You try taking lithium when you actually don't need it & see how you turn out! Those meds fried her brain. Also being monitored the way she was is NOT OK! Leave Brit to live out her life! Ya know, the one that was taken from her!? SMFH
@georgehope109 Says:
Jerry Seinfeld, my greatest thanks about your thoughts on people's feelings so easily offended, well to damn bad!! The stupidity of all people who think that or worry about bout it have truly missed the boat on having a life of joy and a better understanding of all people toward world harmony!!! Comedy, sarcasm, etc, all play a part in life, but no ignorance, ethnicity, color all play into racism and you name it, from politics, religion and so on----!!!
@shannonyou296 Says:
Taylor Swift is 🤢🤮
@corycarlson3846 Says:
What about the 1970s All in the family? that show was hilarious and they had racist jokes. But one of the main characters in the office was black.
@staypuft3120 Says:
your country has no free speech.
@jameswalker5223 Says:
Too many Whites on Seinfeld?? Hell, weren't they all jews??
@holzapfelstein Says:
Seinfeld asks where is the funny stuff on TV... it's on channel 11 at 11:00pm! (And when reruns of Seinfeld aren't on, then reruns of the Honeymooners are on... it doesn't get better than that!) 😁
@robertfakename9530 Says:
He is just not that funny. Larry David is funny. Even when Jerry works with David, Jerry is not really the funny one.
@G85KL73 Says:
Imagine Eddie Murphy Raw or Delirious being aired today. These nancy politics bs people have no clue what they are missing out on...
@33andathird Says:
I always liked Seinfeld. For some reason, here in the UK, they put his programmes on in the middle of the night when I was at college and trying to get my essays finished for the 10am deadline next morning. Seinfeld was coffee break and then I'd carry on til dawn. And there's the lesson: in those days comedy got you through. These days young people are encouraged to be so fragile that a joke will sink them. Don't believe the commies young folk: you're not that weak nor should you pretend to be.
@davesnothere8879 Says:
Oh fuck off Jerry. Reality TV and the move to streaming killed comedy. Blame executives, not the little guy.
@Daktylotrochej Says:
We have the old shows... That's all we have...
@malcolmdavidson955 Says:
I am old, a product of the 1970's and 80's. I don't have anything to do with the Kardashians, Taylor Swift, or pretty much anything today. As far as I am concerned, it's all trash. Take it all away. Just crap.
@LandoniDrums Says:
When people say “Taylor swift is bigger than Michael Jackson ” I turn into Jerry “ this really pisses me off “
@jacksonkempen236 Says:
Yet this is the same guy who dated a minor.
@benshithero3037 Says:
God/Love will not be mocked. Instead God/LOVE will laugh at the calamity of the Judgemental and the wicked. Perhaps their cruelty were just not as funny as they thought? Perhaps it lacked a certain a better the inspiration, and one capable of an honest care? You can't out-crazy love. It's such a trip. You can't really get away with faking it. Not in your religion. Not in your politics. Not in your comedy. Not in your media. Love knows when you're being merciless. Love knows when you're lying about love/justice. Love knows when you're faking your religion. Love knows when you're faking your politics. Love knows when your politically polarized opinion based media commentators and their favorite repeat media guest superstars are sociopaths and psychopaths.
@euanmcharg119 Says:
When possible all you wokers can move to Mars and live your miserable self deluding lives.
@jameskneubuhl9115 Says:
Are you sure the Swifties aren't taking the piss? Deliberately putting on exaggerated emotions? And as for Jerry Seinfeld's criticism, he's right. We need a modern version of Archie Bunker to cut through all the PC nonsense.
@matthewchristoforou5487 Says:
Modern Seinfeld watch Albanese 😅😅
@wcolautti Says:
Rita you’re behaving like a very nasty person attacking Taylor and Brittney. Seriously, you were right on the money with the first of your commentary but the second half bothered me. Grow up. You’re a nasty middle aged + mean girl -
@LouisCasas Says:
@JeanBunny-qc2lh Says:
This girl is a swift fan. Grow up. They worship a sexless hunchback that trashed old boyfriends. She can’t sing. She talks. Get lost.
@JeanBunny-qc2lh Says:
There aren’t enough or any white people on bet and Tyler Perry shows. Let’s not tolerate that.
@SicklySweetBeast Says:
Right wing women are on bored until they get old and someone says their “past their prime” lmao all of a sudden they start adopting lefty ideologies. by right wing standards the current host would be considered “past her prime” and should be replaced by someone younger. She’ll start sounding the other older right leaning women who start sounding like a feminist
@SicklySweetBeast Says:
The generation gap is real they named a bunch of shows the current generation never seen and never heard of and no one besides your grandpa think is funny Lmao here’s the reality if it was still funny and people still wanted to watch it they would keep making it and people who watches cable tv drops significantly each year, probably with the amount of boomers dropping off the planet each year

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