High school kids need help to cross the road
High school kids need help to cross the road



@thehazelnutspread Says:
I remember when they wanted to BAN Walkmans because some idiot was hit while walking on a railroad track. If you can't even feel the VIBRATION of the train on the track then natural selection is bound to happen.
@zaraNFC Says:
Survival of the fittest, let them walk into the traffic.
@rikidawson7510 Says:
Let them get it hit, it's Darwinism at its best.
@jeffreyoneill6439 Says:
Once thirty yr ago I was managing a very big construction project and a young man arrived to operate an excavator digging trenches with other men in and he had headphones in. I told him to get them out in no uncertain terms why, it’s just music. Get them out now, with no lip or you are fired. He took them out, and he and the entire crew loved and respected me
@2Bros-OVO Says:
Look right, look left, look right again.
@Lillyboo65640 Says:
Natural selection. If they are stupid enough & can't look up long enough to check traffic & cross a road by themselves. I say again, natural selection, let it happen.
@AussieD7902 Says:
A lot of the parents are no different with their phones. Completely oblivious to what's going on around them. Ever seen them on the phone and walk into a pole, it's great entertainment. Some years back, wife and I went to a restaurant for dinner and we hardly spoke a word. Our conversation was primarily done by sending text messages back and forth to each other, to pi$$ everyone off, and it worked. Plenty of people staring at us. 🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣 the waitress had a giggle or two about what we were doing.
@anth5189 Says:
Natural selection will eventually fix the problem.
@davepowelldrumz Says:
bring back hector the cat.
@satricv Says:
As the saying goes, "You can't fix stupid..." if they can't be aware enough of their surroundings not to get get hit by a vehicle, then to bad for them. Folks driving should not get into trouble for accidentally hitting morons that walk out into the road. And if they do walk into the road, they or their parents should be held responsible for any damage done to any vehicle that hits them while they are jaywalking or just walking out infront of a moving vehicle.
@coling3957 Says:
Its darwinian so let it be.
@keith3970 Says:
They're on their phones trying to decide their gender.
@WeveGotBush Says:
That's ok the robots will be easier controlled when they are adults.
@ididntaskyouropinion Says:
@caroliner2029 Says:
@2:47 mins Joe, re: electric cars and their lack of usual combustion engine noise That is a problem. They're difficult to hear.
@caroliner2029 Says:
@1:25 mins I just got some ear buds and I walk a good deal. I found it hard to cross drive-thru areas initially because it cuts down most of the ambient noise and I couldn't hear approaching/slowing/turning vehicles about to turn in front of me from the main road. I have the volume down to a barely audible level now, and I look all around me multiple times before I cross a turn lane while I'm walking along the footpath.
@Goggyegg Says:
funny because we always had teachers trying to help us cross the roads like 7 years ago we always said we not retarded and just run when it was clear xD the problem is kids that live on the phone no kid under 15/16 needs a smartphone you can still buy old school phones with just call
@antontsau Says:
And then everybody asks - why these kids can not find any job after school, why "young family can not afford own home" and so on. They are not able to cross a street safely, what they can do at work? Destroy everything, endanger other workers, crash the whole plant/truck/workshop? No way, let they stay as far away as possible from real world... and from money.
@alexandrugeorgescu6366 Says:
so, grandma is helping children across the street... interesting turn of events.
@bigblue200 Says:
@charbar311226 Says:
Adults are doing it too!
@slchambers1 Says:
High school students need help crossing the street? The laundry pod eaters? Those genius 16 year olds the communist want to give the right to vote? Those imbeciles?
@IcanbePsycho Says:
It’s natural selection.
@ThatGuy-ze5kk Says:
it's not just kids, i work at a site where phones are banned, and the 100m walk from the car park at the start and end of the day is a bumper car ride!!!
@kittttcattt Says:
FYI, electric cars are super dangerous as you can't hear them coming. Wait for it....I've almost been hit 2x and it's going to be a huge mess.
@theusconstitution1776 Says:
Even without headphones, they’re so absorbed and what they’re looking at their whole world is in that box and if you interrupt them by tapping them on the shoulder, they get pissed off a lot of times and are very angry and violent😳
@ch33psk8 Says:
No sense, no feeling.
@johnwhorfin5050 Says:
a bit creepy striking up conversation with a lovely young teenager at the crossing..What the actual fark
@GrandpaVince Says:
In the golden days of vince we all rode around on chariots
@imantifeminism556 Says:
High school zombies
@kymmie_girl Says:
This is sad, but also sadly believable. When the kids are given phones from infancy, it makes sense that they would consider it their whole world.
@REALBobPsomiadis Says:
Well, this is *Labor's Australia* ...they're neither bright nor capable.
@Ro-dent Says:
Want to know what the best idea is when thinking about buying an EV? *Don't*
@Prognosis__ Says:
I’m sure these kids will have crook necks by middle age
@GregLakatosChradm Says:
The best thing to do is, let nature take it's course.
@Design_no Says:
Adults need help to get rid of this government.
@badblood8162 Says:
Seriously, they need help walking across the street? These kids became so stupid that they can't do anytime for themselves. How very sad!
@DontTreadOnMe17 Says:
Walked to school since 1st grade, up hill both ways
@birgittabirgersdatter8082 Says:
When are these children going to be old enough to cross the road without having an adult guide them? My goodness, maybe we should just let nature take it’s course and the ones who live to gradute highschool will be reasonable adults.
@onlythaclonessir2525 Says:
@Gavin-qh7li Says:
They are completely safe and effectived
@jomojojo6603 Says:
I'm still surprised that no country or city (I thought Japan would do this) has banned looking at your phone while walking in public.
@DeeTeaDee Says:
Before the video starts… …its coz of the phones innit?
@theidiotbastardson8223 Says:
Let Darwinism deal with the problem.
@ClownBiden Says:
Do they need their hand held as they cross ?
@UltraPerception Says:
Cya laters lads im gon lay in the Sun
@rhyno1740 Says:
Because they are the new walking dead.
@Dog-hl7yj Says:
Whys this nonce talking to kids at intersections
@matthewflinders1978 Says:
Staring at their phones or over medicated?

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