Left and PC culture are 'killing' comedy: Esther Krakue
Left and PC culture are 'killing' comedy: Esther Krakue



@canadiankin Says:
The far left and the rest of the craziness with our 'youth gone mad' are the real joke but we're arrested for not playing along? Not funny! SOMEBODY - BRING SANITY BACK! We need to laugh at ourselves and everybody else again! This has gone on long enough!
@paulchilds9137 Says:
Esther is hardly an expert on comedy. She is a particularly unfunny person. She is on SkY so we can see that white culture is suppo rted by a black person and must be good, even though billions of black people dont agree.
@fernandojimenez2957 Says:
I love how the "Left" is sooo sensitive, but say nothing about Kimmel, Colbert, SNL, and The View when their jokes are inappropriate. 🖕
@augustvelasquez5082 Says:
Soros win (👁️💀)
@retrothingz Says:
If comedy is officially approved by the Sendible Shoe Brigade you back it in that it will be about as funny as a serious outbteak of cholera
@user-pt4ix4kd9l Says:
well duh! of corse the pc culture has destroyed comedy old news
@Aaronwhatnow Says:
It's not. Not even close.
@farticusruntus Says:
Soon if a joke isn’t at primary school level it won’t be permitted.

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