What Will the Left Do Now? Half of Americans Support Mass Deportations
What Will the Left Do Now? Half of Americans Support Mass Deportations



@jm351 Says:
The left will continue to flood our country with illegal aliens and give them a payoff for their vote since they can obviously vote in our elections even though they are not a citizen. You have to be insane to support the demonrats. Absolulty insane !!!
@williewonka6694 Says:
The left cares nothing for the will of the people.
@annewilliams8221 Says:
lololol.... not ONE person trying to cross there. check yourself lady...
@justdoingitjim7095 Says:
It doesn't matter if Trump is elected, because the democrats will take every action he implements to court and keep it tied up until he's out of office. They did the same thing with the border wall. The second he mentions mass deportations the democrats will slap him with a court order to cease and desist and NO ONE will be deported!
@CharlesFuh5pt4nd7z Says:
It's too bad mass deportation won't work! You won't be able to find somebody's people there's been millions of them here for quite a few decades and nobody's nobody knows were half them are they got fake id and everything else! These 15 million nuance over here don't even need an id when they come in so i'm concerned they're all name bozo. America First we did people let this happen to ourselves from being fat and lazy over the last 60 years look what we're leaving our children and grandchildren! Put 35% of will still be solid support with biden you must be getting checks from the government!
@brucewillers6528 Says:
Give them back to the cartel
@chrisfisher1100 Says:
Why is it that they are mostly men? Not families... Men
@TheBirdandEagle Says:
This is a joke. Our country is being invaded and our system does nothing to stop this mess. You are not all students. Infiltrators and terrorist.
@TheBirdandEagle Says:
"Half of Americans Support Mass Deportations" Most of us do, not half.
@Fiftynine414 Says:
Start with Ilhan Omar and her family!!!
@AmericanBlackEye Says:
*OAN has to retract more of its fake news... 😂 🤣 😂* *They don't want to end up like Gateway Pundit filing for bankruptcy... 😂 🤣 😂*
@mailemcdevitt7930 Says:
Need to deport the protesters on American college campuses.
@wasatrumpvoter7929 Says:
Talk to God: • Praise Him for who He is and what He’s like. • Confess any sin. • Thank Him for complete forgiveness through Jesus, for other blessings in your life, for answers to prayer, and for what He has done for you. • Share your worries with Him, and ask Him for what you and others need. • Ask Him for guidance, and place your trust in Him. Isaiah 40:28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
@user-sn3ch4mt4i Says:
Mass Deportations?!!? Where did you get that information? And where will America deport the masses?
@evropej Says:
If you de report all the illegal aliens, let me know how many Native Americans will be left in the country!
@sheerwillsurvival2064 Says:
Sad reality we would never be able to deport ALL of them. Our country is screwed
@dronecountry8224 Says:
Calling White people "racist" just automatically calls out the left for being racist .
@donnyboy9505 Says:
And how many Americans want term limits…
@fastwheels195 Says:
Living in San Antonio i see this first hand. We have millions slotted from out budget toward caring for Illegal Aliens. You can also see them being flown out from our airport every day
@Ray_Winston Says:
True Christians will not vote for Donald. Dump Dirty Trump 🙏
@loiscarrillo4058 Says:
@user-gj6so7gi9i Says:
NPR is a enemy of America.
@toddparsons2980 Says:
@trustno1903 Says:
Gen Z better wake up. Their future paychecks are at stake.
@MidratsSnack Says:
Mexico's currently deporting thousands of Americans too due to the cost of goods going up for everyday Mexicans. Ironic
@evelinacerna5673 Says:
I agree 100%, deport them all American First, they are depleting all our Seniors and Military funds
@handleyourface Says:
Considering the definition of treason fits to *all* those complicit, if it were the 40's most of them have earned an orange jumpsuit. FJB🇺🇸👎
@ColonelStraker Says:
@JARRETT7121 Says:
The same people that stood with George Washington at Valley Forge the same people who stood with Andrew Jackson the Battle of New Orleans the descendants of these American heroes are the same kind of people as their fathers...... we will not be ruled by tyrants
@ElegalvicnLa Says:
It’s Waay more than half With their False information
@captainmidnite93 Says:
You don't have to go home but you can't stay Here. Last Call for invading knucklehead pawns.
@suasponte8363 Says:
Declare martial law?
@Carladc1956 Says:
Looking at the trouble in Europe right now and the native population’s fight for survival, we are doomed if we don’t deport.
@danm3532 Says:
The fact is that Biden has deported more illegal immigrants in 1 year than Trump did in 4 years. OAN is a joke.
@josephlarrybradley508 Says:
Who are the Half who don't want to put out these invaders? I don't believe there are half who want them.
@leonardticsay8046 Says:
Can we deport leftists?
@timkasten7708 Says:
OAN retracting a false story about Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels. An attorney for OAN didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. The panel also discusses Hunter Biden’s legal team sending a letter to Fox News that alleges conspiracy to defame and unlawful publication of “hacked” images.
@wilmarbarrick3194 Says:
What kind of D-bag network knowingly prints a false story about Michael Cohen?... you guessed it. OAN. Too bad you settled on the voting machine defamation. Would've been nice to see you in court squirming
@charwest9449 Says:
Ten million aliens invading all our parks and city streets. Oh, except for Martha's Vineyard NIMBYs.
@lindaseikkula2296 Says:
Arrest and deport. Their criminals breaking the Law!!!
@jamesratliff2621 Says:
Border protection is not part of their plans thay want universal I'd and thay want it implanted in the body of everyone so thay can't remove it to some this will sound like a good idea to me it sounds like the mark of the beast. That's the way I see it. So what are you seeing
@patraic5241 Says:
I can go for birth right for existing citizens and legal immigrants. Not for Illegal Aliens. And just because a child is born here now doesn't mean the parents get to stay.
@GooberStomper Says:
"What Will the Left Do Now? " exactly what they HAVE been doing PLUS everything they accuse the right of doing
@Serahpin Says:
My solutions are Constitutional, but not legal.
@rryan8005 Says:
The Left doesn't care what the People want. Our Government has been overthrown 😡
@simplemind872 Says:
Wait ! If the illegals are deported, who else will vote for Democrats ?!!
@marylight.keeplookingup.2223 Says:
I live in New Mexico close to Elpaso come see what its doing toour towns drugs vartel murders its insane then we have these people every where this admitit ruining our beautiful country and as tax payers were footing the bill
@andrewgordon235 Says:
Biden's stirring up his own side so he can use the Presidential Emergency Action Documents and become a dictator. Biden talked about wanting to be a dictator and how it was necessary for war when he first got in. The radical left are cannon fodder
@KyrosQuickfist Says:
What people want and who people will vote in are completely different things.
@Teri_B. Says:
G A is complicit. 😑

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