Calls for 'temporary housing 'and 'early intervention' to tackle domestic violence
Calls for 'temporary housing 'and 'early intervention' to tackle domestic violence



@peterRobinson10101 Says:
Pay your own rent! Just like men do!
@peterRobinson10101 Says:
Women need to take responsibility for themselves. system is bigoted against men.
@RULE3O3 Says:
Want to dramatically reduce DV against women in Australia? Ban books of violence, like the Quran, immediately.
@isomorph7954 Says:
Housing? Get down to your local judicial vending machine, get a restraining order, shift him out instantly. In two years time when the settlement happens, the kids will be 'settled in their family home', and the place is all yours.
@stevep9041 Says:
Let’s see how throwing money at domestic violence in aboriginal communities has worked so far.
@user-wh3ec4wb3l Says:
How is Australia going to police the internet 🤷‍♂️ and WTF is ‘deep fake content’
@albucasisaverroes Says:
Pay your own rent ladies, live qlon and pay your own rent....just like men do!
@leonie563 Says:
Relax the Partner Income Test at Centrelink and overnight this violence would stop. Its about male provider status declining. It is actually a mens mental health plan.
@albucasisaverroes Says:
Wtf are these women talking about? No man wants you to live in their house...we want to fuck off and pay your own shit!
@blackorchid2180 Says:
What housing are these poor women being put in ??? ... will the government be giving them priority over all those extra refugees they have let in 🤔 ... and putting those violent thugs they let out into the community back where they belong would free up a lot of accommodation.
@oldnutta7611 Says:
YouTube can you send me an explanation for why my comments are constantly being deleted, I've broken none of your rules.
@PeteTellsItHoweItIs Says:
I wouldnt blame men when the most domestic violence cases in the world are in same sex relationships males and females because they constantly try to control and dominate each other to prove who's the butch and who's the bitch
@donotcomply665 Says:
And what are they going to do? Put a cop in every house? Pretty sure most people already know it's wrong to hurt other people. This money will only go to demonise all men even further than they already are. Oh, and the usual money laundering
@Design_no Says:
Can i please be told the demographics of the men involved in this national emergency?
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
Judge's and the stupid Court systems are to blame. Politicians and media blaming the peasants again
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
It's the Court's and stupid Judges causing this. Stop blaming the Australian people and men.
@paulveenings6861 Says:
How about helping men who suffer domestic violence. Whatever happened to equality of the sex’s.
@FrankFrankston-kj4sx Says:
Mostly too generalised t9 be of use. Unsaid is the cultural gulf between civilised communities and those from tribal and medieval backgrounds. Eg a poor aboriginal women is 30 times more likely to be assaulted by their same culture partners than those from Anglo Celtic backgrounds. Witness Alice Springs. The same culture reserves wealth for dominant "elders" (all male) and has recent histories of reserving the women and girls of one tribe for the exclusive use of the dominant tribe! Now these power mad Marxists are talking up "social media" as "the problem" when the evidence that this violence (which includes the rape of children) is I fact cultural in origin.
...and this rates as important and an election issue! Gawd help us!
@dorianshadesofgray2981 Says:
We don’t needs schools to teach boys and girls moral values as it always ends up with left wing indoctrination. Leave that to the parents
@Conky769 Says:
Doesn't Labor and unions imploding the economy affect domestic situations? Let's not be in denial.
@southern-samurai Says:
Multiculturalism increases DV rates.
@southern-samurai Says:
When lockdowns were enforced, the Indian community suffered job losses and DV rates skyrocketed. This was financial stress and cultural structure combining with alcohol uptake.
@ThePresidentOfAustralia Says:

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