Yarra City Council spends most of its time on 'woke extracurricular activities'
Yarra City Council spends most of its time on 'woke extracurricular activities'



@Kwesekara1672 Says:
Just another polluting plastic bin.
@lucasroe2878 Says:
Why is Yarra City Council NOT DOING THE JOB THEY ARE PAID TO DO. Political influencing is NOT in the job description.
@kellysouter4381 Says:
On who's money does Yarra City Council run amok?
@johnnymolten7689 Says:
Whistleblower in the making first demands someone first clean the blood ,shit and semen off the whistle 🇦🇺
@philliplee1193 Says:
This past tense word has seen it’s day and has already left but refuses to leave
@paulchilds9137 Says:
What bin is there for the screaming emu, liz Storer.
@truefactjack Says:
If you can afford to live in the Yarra Council you deserve another bin and your rates taxes raised maybe you'll stop voting in the green left wing
@Bitdog4U Says:
The good side of WOKE is the transvestite high heals race and other similar sports events. The Flatulence Containment Events, is high PSI true grit. Then the "Blazing Bottom" midnight gas lighting events. Cyan Pepper Suppositories toughness contests. If your head sweats you loose. Either head. Now that's entertainment, better than tard bowling.
@isomorph7954 Says:
The South Eastern Territory appears to have a central government, because the various tribes are all going their own way and couldn't care less (until one reaches critical mass).
@Bitdog4U Says:
WOKE in USA is doing to "we the people" what WOKE did to BUD LITE. It's a destruction I would not wish on you. You should not wish it on you. But if you go WOKE you go BROKE.

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