Trump brands Biden Robin Hood in reverse: 'Stealing from the poor'
Trump brands Biden Robin Hood in reverse: 'Stealing from the poor'



@angelistic8291 Says:
I can't believe America had this sleaze bag as President. He is on trial for election interference which makes his fake presidency just that.... FAKE !
@TheArtofKelso Says:
Biden didn't raise prices. That was the corporate sector that you carried through the pandemic.
@TheArtofKelso Says:
Shana Gray vegan restaurant owner in Wisconsin says her restaurant was doing better when Trump was President except her restaurant didn't open until 2023. Grift me Baby, One more time.
@donalddrichardson1095 Says:
The Bible salesman and false idol of the maggots.
@jimilee4609 Says:
Supreme Court Please Step In Now ! This Judge And His Insane Daughter Are Gutting Trump Like A Fish ! Americans Are Mad !
@jimilee4609 Says:
Americans Are Mad And Broke! They Will Treat You The Same As What They Are Doing To Trump! FJB ! Don’t Tell Us Who We Can Vote For Period! Fight For Trump Now! Look What Is Happening!
@sarasunny-hr2xf Says:
. Trump Is an expert at Grandstanding Doing it at this Rally, like he's does at everyone of his Rallies. Feeding his Maga Groupies, what they want/need to hear from him. They believe Everything he Tells Them, so it doesn't matter if he's being Truthful, Stretching the Truth or Outright Lying. Grandstanding is drawing undue attention to oneself. It’s being Pretentious (A pretentious person makes fake claims, about how important & knowledgeable they are. It's also being Ostentatious ( An ostentatious person is delighted by showing off themselves, bragging about all how great they are, accomplishments, intelligence
@johnnygrijalva Says:
BIDEN/HARRIS 4MORE YEARS! (Dems so friggin clever, its already sealed). Lol! 😂🤣😂
Y S T…4 G 11❤❤❤
POOR WISCONSIN….they’re so dumb there!!!!
@jrahawaiiable Says:
What a delusional child man with vocabulary of a 10 year old
@tj4530 Says:
He begs you for money while trashing the law. He doesn’t care about you. He cares about your $$$ and his fortune.
@AndyRichard123 Says:
nothing great gets manufactured in America anymore no cars no planes no military equipments. Ford tanked Boeing is struggling no hypersonic weapons like other countries what happened to America
@stantonfriedman Says:
Trump spent 6 TRILLION DOLLARS while he was in office and caused all this inflation
@donsaxon1948 Says:
President Trump..please pardon Nicolae Miu
@hoonhwang4778 Says:
It's well known Trump got good reflex for political wit but let's face it, where is his vision for coming 4 years except it's gonna be fabulous. You don't eat MENU of Chinese take out. It's nothing but industrial inks, pulps, plastics, never reveals the receipts of the dishes, if any, in chinese which you don't have a clue. Pursue what he really meant, if you're burning with patriotism and find out the truth. Then you decide. No one can stop you.
@geraldbaudoin336 Says:
What was Trump University and Trump Foundation?😂
@manuelhe46 Says:
Every utterance means nya nya
@manuelhe46 Says:
What kind of garbage news is this that takes trumps mind farts as newsworthy
@sp4263 Says:
Trump was, and still is, the most disgraceful sad excuse we had for a President. He did nothing but bs Americans. He lost jobs, and he capitulated to Russian dictators & Afghan warlords. He's a disgrace. Joe Biden really works to brings high tech jobs back to America & improve the lives of all Americans. REAL PATRIOTS VOTE BIDEN NOV 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸
@jameshenderson4668 Says:
In a real country, we'd all be shocked when RFK won.
@jg5571 Says:
Lastly, he’s lying about inflation. The inflation is entirely his fault…do your research. Something called a trade war, which he started (funny how he claims he didn’t start a war), raised prices over 20% from anything coming from China. He’s on record thinking businesses wouldn’t raise their prices to offset the tariff. Since it was tariffs on that Asian nation, which supplies almost all of our manufacturing materials, our technology equipment, our medication, it started runaway inflation — which he was warned about when he did it.
@DuecePiece Says:
Sooo many people will dance on his grave when he dies! Absolutely worthless, him and Biden 👍
@felixdekhatt3145 Says:
Trump was the worst president, had the most corrupt administration, and is the biggest mistake this country has ever made.
@jg5571 Says:
He’s lying about free speech. He intends to institute a loyalty test for employment to the government…..not a loyalty test to the country, but to him personally (go read the 2025 project).
@jg5571 Says:
He’s lying about representing the common man…..he hates the common man….he stiffs his contractors, and his been taken to court over 7000 times for lack of payment (look it up). Watch You’ve been Trumped, a documentary about his golf course in the UK. He cut off the water supply (his workers did), and he spoke so horribly about a 90+ year old woman who he deprived water of for five years.
@jg5571 Says:
He’s lying about offering 10,000 police — first, he doesn’t control the police. Second, he sat on his behind, and completely ignored requests for hours for the national guard. He’s a lover not a fighter? I seem to remember him punching Vince McMahon in the face one time, and body slammed him another. He’s a violent man.
@jg5571 Says:
He just lied about the strategic reserve. Biden only took out 10%, which hardly makes a dent in the overall inventory. Also claiming this, and in the next breath talking about opening up shipping yards in Wisconsin is exactly the same thing, buying votes. Building sea vessels in a land locked state? Sheer stupidity.
@jg5571 Says:
He just lied about being a conservative — a conservative is someone who wants to protect the institutions of the government, and make them work better. He wants to blow it up. That’s reactionary, and not conservative.
@jg5571 Says:
He just lied about his popularity. You do not win elections by your base. You win elections by the swing voters. He’s incredibly popular with 30% of the population — but he is completely despised by 70% of the population.
@jg5571 Says:
He just lied about electric vehicles. It jumped up 9% in one year. In any sales environment that is record setting for overall inventory.
@jg5571 Says:
The restaurant owner is lying. She didn’t open her business until two years into Biden’s term. She has nothing to compare to make these claims.
@jg5571 Says:
He just lied on the crime rate — crime is down under Biden, not up. There are places where crime is up, but that has to do with the local authorities. But all types of crime nationally are down.
@jg5571 Says:
I don’t understand why people believe him. His very first statement was a lie. He said the economy is crashing. It isn’t. That 50% number was a decline in growth over ONE month — from like 2.5 to 2.0 percent. Moreover, the growth is 5% higher than the same period last year. Blatant lie. Next — he has the highest poll numbers he’s ever had — that’s a lie too.
@LyleHouk55 Says:
Vote Biden / Harris 2024 keep a narcissistic sociopath, a pathological liar and want be dictator aka Trump out of the White House and in prison.
@genewojciechowski9567 Says:
Tell your cable company to stop supporting Fox. Every subscriber is paying a fee to Fox monthly that uses their services, even if you never watch that Aussie billionaire traitor's propaganda channel.
@Martin-Young Says:
Donald Trump did NOT get along with President Xi or President Putin. Trump got their RESPECT, pain & simple!!! No one respects Biden! Ask Rodney Dangerfield, He knows about getting respect! :)
@Chris-wb2so Says:
Michigan loves Trump
@Winona-ni4hs Says:
President trump 2024
@gamechannel1115 Says:
I enjoy to🤓analyze and 💼 percieve Trumps' rehtorical strategy. I wonder 🤔 if 🤷‍♂️ he took many 💰 speech🙊🗨classes🏫🎒when I was his age 🤔makes u think bidin e is Really the devil 🤨😱 🤣🤣 b◼️l◼️ack is a gr8 color but not f4r-o the s0ul. XD 😢 😅
@coloradoken3159 Says:
From what Stormy said, we should call him lil stubby.
@chuckelson6067 Says:
The people get it. Trump save America. 2024. November can't come soon enouggh.
@CarrieZuckowsky-zr1kt Says:
@mjg2038 Says:
Trumps is a wolf in sheeps clothing! He constantly lies! I am a true Christian and follow the teachings of Jesus. I quit being a Republican because of Trump! I regret my 2016 vote for him! I'm a Christian first and seeing how he was, once he was in office and what he was doing our Country appalled me. I cannot understand how anyone who is a Christian and follow the teachings of Jesus would ever vote for him or anyone like him. I wish I would have researched him better before I voted for him in 2016! He is despicable, he is a wolf in sheeps clothing! Many of my Christian Republican friends have gone Independent as well and will most likely vote blue just to keep him out of office.
@bettechic5052 Says:
@bettechic5052 Says:
@bobby_bvd89 Says:
TRUMP 2024
@armandsutherland2174 Says:
@armandsutherland2174 Says:
What a clown.

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