RFK Jr invites Biden to join 'no spoiler' pledge
RFK Jr invites Biden to join 'no spoiler' pledge



@ryankessler9528 Says:
RFK JR 2024🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@BigRedRaider Says:
RFK Jr for President 2024 !!!!
@dharmajoy938 Says:
I’d gladly vote for him only with Vivek.
@roughcastleinc.5156 Says:
Rfk all the way. Media is lying trying to keep him out of the race. Our media has lost its way.
@roughcastleinc.5156 Says:
Rfk all the way. Media is lying trying to keep him out of the race. Our media has lost its way.
@ahnonymuz9921 Says:
Trump will hate this. trumps gets mad when RFK got exposure
@ronsmith1429 Says:
Do you support Donald Trump putting 20 million people in concentration camps?
@diaz1629 Says:
Kennedy! 💪🇺🇸 North
@jonnya3425 Says:
Conveniently frozen video around 20 mins
@advocate7643 Says:
Purple wave 💜💜💜
@solalee4693 Says:
Biden is mentally unfit for that
@johnmilanmusic7706 Says:
@jimmyreyes6276 Says:
He's got my vote
@taylorcommon807 Says:
All candidates need to sign the pledge and go head to head in a three way debate.
@gustorena7609 Says:
Democrat no trust
@lowe-quay-shush Says:
This blowhard finally lost his voice....
@anson.meadows Says:
*RFK* is the candidate that will actually drain the swamp. His father and uncle were murdered by this same establishment. He is effectively a real life Jon Snow or Odysseus returning to Ithaca.
@elaineroddy9958 Says:
A wonderful, honorable proposal. I believe this will greatly increase his support. I love Robert F Kennedy Jr and realize he may have needed to rest his voice. But,l don’t think Amaryllis presentation style helps him, in my humble opinion. God protect Bobby and prosper his campaign😊😊😊😊
@TheRichard73 Says:
we need a Kennedy back in office !
@SamsNaturalDairyGoats12 Says:
@fastenit27 Says:
I like to watch Fox News on YouTube. My posts about the Pfizer trials aren't posting. I hope this will
@coryledwitch6492 Says:
I would love love love to see Trump debate Kennedy! I think Bobby would mop the floor with him. There’s a problem with the Uber poll that they used- does it factor whether ANY of the candidates have already held the office once? Because people in general tend to vote for the incumbent of their party or an incumbent once removed. I feel this is a weird sort of self-fulfilling prophesy where their constituents want to believe that their guy was just awesome because they voted for them and certainly they couldn’t have voted for the guy who destroyed our country and trampled all over our democracy! So there’s that. Also, he’s mega pro choice- not sure if he’d get tons of support from the right on that.And, he still doesn’t have a stance on or has said he doesn’t know how to handle Social Security running out! There goes the Boomer vote!
@itspersonal3351 Says:
Americans aren’t stupid. We are fully aware Maga billionaire donors are funding RFK Jr. And Stein’s campaigns. It must really be embarrassing RFK Jr’s entire family just endorsed President Biden for re-election! 😂
@randybennett5417 Says:
Kennedy trying to get Biden to switch back to Democrat from Communist.
@bartmason3395 Says:
Is it Kennedy he's a Democrat you cannot be trusted look at his past
@abergreg Says:
$20 a phonecall for a survey? Ludicrous!
@alfredodiaz888 Says:
Suggestion and I've started doing this. Just post a simple comment of: RFK Jr 2024 nothing else. Plant the seed on blogs, podcasts, and news videos, especially for those of trump and biden. Don't bother engaging with any negative comments, just plant the seed. It's time "We the People" will a president who can put our nation on a much better path.
@MrRodzilla Says:
the biden administration would rather trump win the election than RFK
@LilySchafler17 Says:
What for?
@chriswitmer9638 Says:
@logger4711 Says:
I am absolutely voting for RFK!
@kataclysmic4350 Says:
@Official_GoldVader Says:
There be a 3 way race
@edwardfeldkamp6932 Says:
RFK is a idiot has no clue to truth
@johndawhale3197 Says:
Very misleading and unconvincing slideshow...however I still would definitely prefer RFK to Biden.
@darklight8236 Says:
Oh, BTW......Polls are a TOTAL SCAM if the poll takers want it to be.......They can CLAIM the pool was X%age of this X%age of that but in reality COMPLETELY SKEW the findings with SELECTIVE RESPONSE ADMISSION or EXCLUSION......Most pollsters are geared to rig polls, polls have been used for 50 years as very important propaganda tool in election cycles...........I trust poll takers about as much as I would trust something Richard Fowler or Jessica Tarlov would claim or say.......
@darklight8236 Says:
7:50 --> She proved she is full of s*** once she said at 7:50 that Bernie Sanders could have beaten Trump......... Trump would have exposed Bernie Sanders for his lies and corruption JUST LIKE Trump did with Hillary.......... I know you have NO CREDIBILITY when you try to tell me that Bernie Sanders would have been able to bamboozle his way into being POTUS with this litany laundry list of ABSOLUTE INSANE ideas and plans that would BANKRUPT AMERICA within a NUMBER OF MONTHS with Commie giveaways and handouts to everyone for nothing......Talk about INFLATION....Imagine Bernie Sanders as POTUS
@AmyBlaschke Says:
Kennedy/Shanahan 2024 for the wellbeing of all! We love you, Bobby!!! ❤❤❤
@hollowmantra Says:
RFK Jr invited Biden AND Trump to join no spoiler pledge.
@Agent344-hm3kp Says:
Trump - Cuts taxes for the rich His followers- He loves us! YOU ARE SUCKERS
@Agent344-hm3kp Says:
Trump wins (electoral) “LANDSLIDE!” Trump loses “IT WAS RIGGED, WWUUAAHHH!!!” 😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢
@user-sn3ch4mt4i Says:
Just how serious do America takes this politician sort of disowned by his own clan?
@TomsMoonpie-hs9rk Says:
Wonder why there’s not a debate scheduled? Probably because they know they can’t beat RFK JR.. RFK JR. / Shanahan for President 2024 🇺🇸
@edwardmille8879 Says:
JFK Jr is more Maga than Trump he cares about America Don't vote Trump vote JFK Jr
@edwardmille8879 Says:
Why is Trump so afraid of JFK Jr why won't he debate him
@pro-gamer7391 Says:
What a wonderfully executed presentation. Love all of the data. RFK all the way 🇺🇸🇺🇸
@jlsears70 Says:
RFK Jr is such a grifter, he’s reversed himself on every single position he’s ever taken…🙄
@javierruvalcaba8033 Says:
We don't need same we need different not same trump is going to be same Biden also
@javierruvalcaba8033 Says:
We need a change not Biden not trump
@ThomasMachine Says:
RFK will probably cut a deal with the DNC.

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