Germany returns artefacts to Australian Indigenous community
Germany returns artefacts to Australian Indigenous community



@paragraph339stgb3 Says:
Yeah bringing aboriganal artifacts back to the colonial stlaugtherer instead to the aboriginies...a white man puts on an aboriginal artifact...what a J O K E !!!!
@eberhardboldt Says:
This women is a pain in the neck, can't compete a proper sentence neither in german or in english. No qualifications including her government.
@user-og7ob8ez6h Says:
Indigenous artifacts not white convict artifacts
@michaelpilgrim2599 Says:
Slow news day fellas?
@blackprince4074 Says:
Have a good look at these you will find in small print "made in China". Ok! then shouldn't England return the "Elgin marbles".
@bertdeininger8694 Says:
Frau Baerbock ist eine dumme Gans, unfähig in jeder Hinsicht. Ein paar Alltagsgegenstände wurden zurückgegeben, von denen mir nicht klar ist, ob sie den Missionaren als angebliche Kultgegenstände untergeschoben wurden. Da war aber Ludwig Leichardt, ein deutscher Biologe und Geologe, der in Australien heute noch geehrt wird, da seine Verdienste zur Erforschung Australiens gross sind.
@37hpm Says:
Annalena Baerbock German Foreign Minister . The most disliked politician in Germany .
@a.z.5979 Says:
Am I the only one who thinks that Baerbock's intelligence corresponds to that of a schoolchild?
@dcharlies Says:
And this hole Baerbock should get straighten her spine.
@dcharlies Says:
They have many more, stolen for all over the world....nazi thiefs!!!
@judywinder405 Says:
Haha, this is hilarious 😵‍💫
@davidcarter4247 Says:
These were gifts. There were not stolen or removed without permission. Remember that when it comes to treaties. Whatever is "given" one day will be taken away the next.
@asnail6550 Says:
What was it this time? BBQ wood?
@BigCatSwox Says:
Ancient fishing supplies? 😂😂😂 the uk and Germany will never forfeit anything of value 😂 to be expected
@lukei6255 Says:
Time for the British Australians to retutn as well 😂
@hus390 Says:
Now return the Egyptian artefacts. Or is the Aussie ones less important and valuable???
@Soyabuti Says:
Germany ❓️ How they get those artefacts ❓️
@Zog696 Says:
No loss to Germany’s cultural treasure,less junk to look after.
@HavNCDy Says:
This is so dumb, it would be much better if they kept it in Germany and created a education program to create awareness in Europe. The point of museums is to educate people about other cultures that they might not be able to visit and see.
@mkaszick Says:
Wait a minute, isn’t that German foreign minister a racist, colonising, white privileged person ?? How could such a person “Do the right thing” ??
@pwillis1589 Says:
Let’s count the racists in the comments section.
@southern-samurai Says:
And what are they going to do with it?
@user-gm4tx2rm1i Says:
Did taxpayers pay for that trip?.Penny Wong you sound so sincere Not.Look Linda Burney has come out of hiding.Are the Germans going to return the Jewish peoples property from World war 2?
@ralphmogridge8364 Says:
Good old "SkyAntiEverythingNotNews". Poor attempt at uniting a Nation. Do they ever look at their demented followers comments??🤣🤣🤣
@truefactjack Says:
Sounds like Bar fly Burnie is a back on the piss again the most useless Federal Aboriginal minister in Australia's history
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
@mathewanderson7528 Says:
@CrustyAbsconder Says:
M*slims will eventually destroy humanity's history, so in the long run all efforts are meaningless.
@helenowen5408 Says:
A spear a club and a fishing net somehow shows how the murris honoured the land....... 🤦🤦🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🍺🇦🇺
@aaronaaron6569 Says:
Who cares🎉🎉🎉
@alexandrugeorgescu6366 Says:
at 0:22 LOL bowen is working overtime to make electricity more affordable and accessible. *lights out, save da planet*
@rodneycroft5889 Says:
Wong and Burney are hypocrites who are trying to re-write history to something that they prefer to not unite us, to divide us for their personal gain, monetary and privilege, while we fight, they live the good life and laugh at us.
@Zasek2112 Says:
They gave away a few sticks. Then got them back. At least Penny Wong is wasting time instead of doing harm to Australias image internationally.
@Mega-G-Star Says:
Old news.
@RULE3O3 Says:
Priceless? Nope, but Feel good exercises do make us feel all warm and fuzzy wuzzy inside
...and just what will they do with them now? Given the absence of a written history and the significant dilution of their heritage, this all seems rather like political appeasment.
@mylimomelbourne4757 Says:
An estimated 4.0% of persons aged 15 years and over (833,600) experienced one or more selected personal crimes in the 2022-23 reference period, including: 1.7% (358,500) who experienced physical assault. 2.2% (459,800) who experienced face-to-face threatened assault.
@timwilson4684 Says:
Not 'their land' 'your land' - but our land - Australia - where we all belong - when will these dignitaries from overseas visiting us learn & understand - we are one people.
@frankcoates4609 Says:
More woke abo nonsense to invalidate the will of the Liberal Australian people who voted no to to end the incessant whining and ingratitude of the racist and greed fueled attacks on our tolerant, inclusive and loving Christian society. Jacinta and Wazza have exposed and explained the deceit and treachery of their fellow aboriginal freeloaders. Praise Jesus, Boofhead and the brave aspirational no voters. Australia is free.
@LuciferBlack-zp8lr Says:
Good morning subscribers and welcome to another episode of... 🎣 with 😈 On today's show I'll be fishing for trumpetears Suggested lures Vonshitzempants Donny diaper Send five dollars 😆😆😆..........Let's go 🎣
@ThePresidentOfAustralia Says:
This is not mortal kombat 1.
@ayoflyguy Says:
Are there any examples of how this will help or improve our nation?
@Design_no Says:
Is this what they call closer military ties?
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
Didn't take long *****Will end up being traded for beer***** for the racist comments like this one.
@dennismenace4188 Says:
Ok, so can we stop funding multiple 10's of billions of taxpayer money to Aboriginal people now that this injustice has been made right?
@Super_Mario128 Says:
The Germans were saving those artefacts, they were safer in German hands than they will be back with their “traditional owners”.
@davidmeserole6566 Says:
Artifacts* Fixed it
@ThePresidentOfAustralia Says:
Will end up being traded for a beer.

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