Victoria Police in tense pay negotiations
Victoria Police in tense pay negotiations



@karachie2008 Says:
And any pay rise will have the cops willingly agree to ‘put in the hard yards’ and offset the cost from ordinary Victorians in fines.
@rihe7045 Says:
If the government thinks police are going to continue bashing protesters for free, they better think again.
@winstonsmith7801 Says:
Taxpayers demand that they deserve a pay Cut.
@ThatGuy-ze5kk Says:
victorian tax payers are already forking out millions in damages claims from the behaviour of these thugs, they don't deserve another cent of our money!!
@user-iu4vv6hu7t Says:
Daniel Andrew's private police force, ask that grub to pay you
@gotthesinglelife Says:
Nope they were on a power trip, In fact due to their actions many fines and charges were over turned with officers statement found misleading when you have body camera footages. They should have a pay cut but then again you think Chairman Dan would be held accountable of course not.
@martinnewcombe6088 Says:
Wonderful, more money for the Victorian thugs, they deserve nothing after the way they treated the public during the pandemic!
@Kelly-wf5ie Says:
They are a corporation as shown on the U.S Securities + Exchange Stock market, so WHO PAYS them , bc corporate has NOTHING to do 2 do with the PEOPLE !!
@Magnet12 Says:
No sympathy for Vicpol- they violate our rights on a daily basis.
@ricky6864 Says:
Maybe they should start policing and not revenue raising and protecting politicians agendas
@ricky6864 Says:
Most are obese and deserve nothing
Absolutely disgraceful and one giant slap-in-the-face for all law-abiding Victorians.
@dannybarrett1742 Says:
Hmmm... why does an advertisement for VicPol recruiting I've seen on YouTube recently ring a bell? "Victoria Police: for people who want more!" How ironic.
@ericaberry535 Says:
They should be happy with what they already get away with.
@stephenwhitton4902 Says:
The best time to negotiate after showing you belong to the government and don't care about the people or what is right or wrong, legal or illegal as long as the one holding the leash says attack. Already showed your mercenary side might as well get paid for it.
@phil4977 Says:
Give them a decent pay rise. It’s a thankless job and they deal with all the rubbish in Victoria. Rubbish with a capital R!!
@Conky769 Says:
Vic police just lost a court case this week for bashing a group of men.
@andrew6526 Says:
Huge win for Rebel news, against vicpol.
@bullshitstomper9417 Says:
Half needa be sacked just waste of space like the hospital staff too
@bestestusername Says:
Hey police if you don't get 4% go work on construction they are going to get 15% plus
@voice552 Says:
Nobody cares, because they still get paid more than the Federal Police, which is a national disgrace. Imagine getting paid more to meet ticket quotas than you're paid to kick down doors to arrest child traffickers. Is this a joke?
@spikeprotein5924 Says:
Bunch of armed men negotiating.
@mickdillon3120 Says:
So the revenue raisers need a pay rise.
@ThePresidentOfAustralia Says:
@Prognosis__ Says:
Why are they asking for pay rises when they are not even tackling crime?
@tomjones5338 Says:
Victoria Stasi demand pay increase because they want proper incentives for bashing ordinary Victorians
@jab-gn3sw Says:
What are their conviction rates ? Then you see how efficient they are
@imantifeminism556 Says:
And these corrupt thugs will be bullying their corrupt rogue state regime Give us extra $ money or else
@j_sum1 Says:
No sympathy Vicpol. Do your job first. Apologise to all the people you have beaten up, denied justice to or dragged through court. Dump the high cost ideological nonsense and sack the top brass responsible. THEN we talk.
@JackSht-lv2on Says:
This will be difficult, do you give them what they want or do you give them what they are worth.
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:

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