Sulfur to Block Out the Sun?
Sulfur to Block Out the Sun?



@perrycarditi5 Says:
This is pure insanity. What could go wrong?? Arrogant silly little apes.
@matth6299 Says:
What could possibly go wrong??
@JeffLaPointe Says:
If Harvard could figure it out, they already would have.
@erickenner4847 Says:
Content is being banned from notifications because of content not suited for children, have never seen this on any other channel
@jerryware1970 Says:
What could go wrong. Arrogant sociopaths must be stopped.
@ididntaskyouropinion Says:
Humans already engineered the frigging climate. We cloud seed now! They make the thunderstorms. They seed and 3 to 5 days later storms roll in. Every single time.
@livefreeordie9542 Says:
It's called "chemtrails" and "HAARP" they've been doing it for at least a decade. Clear skies in the morning, chemtrails criss crossing the skies by that afternoon. Followed by several days of overcast skies and rain. Our weather was never like this before, they're making these storms happen to "prove" global warming is effecting the climate. Here's a fun fact, ALL ground water and topsoil in the US has massive amounts of heavy metals far above dangerous levels due to them doing this. Only possible if it was being sprayed from high altitude. This doesn't happen naturally in nature. But wait, there's more, these heavy metals have made their way into 100% of our food supplies. From fruits & vegitables to meat, fish, grains, nuts, spices, milk, dairy and water. The planes leaving these chemtrails at high altitude, flying far above where commercial aircraft fly. They don't even show up on flight tracking apps that track, private, commercial and military aircraft world wide. They've been geo-engineering for decades without the vast majority of the public's knowledge. Tennessee just passed a law banning these chemtrails from being used over their state. Which will do little to prevent the fallout from neighboring states chemtrails from being carried into Tennessee by the weather and winds aloft. They are literally destroying our planet, environment, food supply, water supply, economy, laws, cities, states, borders, countries and civilizations in order to have total control over humanity. Those laughing at this and thinking this a just another "conspiracy theory" will be among the first to enter the forever box. BTW, Everything the left has ever called a "conspiracy theory" has been proven to be 100% truth.
@anitasmith203 Says:
Subscribed but yt platform isnt pushing any recent or past oan videos. Must be doing a good job oan.
@kevinnordin8484 Says:
These people are insane
@darrendaine4914 Says:
They should check with the effects of sulfur on the human body which includes asthma and tightening of the skin they're stupid
@lynnnast3355 Says:
There are so many idiots out there that have too much money with nothing better to do..
@paulrevere8236 Says:
Time to publish the names of pilots and ground crews of chemtrail aircraft
@torahstruthsobiblicalbayan419 Says:
@torahstruthsobiblicalbayan419 Says:
Mother Earth can take care of itself in regards of its nature ๐Ÿ˜Š
@torahstruthsobiblicalbayan419 Says:
We must have the most efficient plants to convert CO-2 to oxygen.we cannot rely upon the ocean alone, to replenish the oxygen we have in need for The world.๐Ÿ˜ฎ
@torahstruthsobiblicalbayan419 Says:
Volcanoes puts soot in the atmosphere and cool it, we must place planet in the deserted Read of the earth atmosphere with plants We need to plant plants we cannot rely on the sea alone for our oxygen the Ozone is depleting as the Wales beach themselves In their3last gasp for breathe of oxygen plant in the deserts ๐Ÿœ
@darrendaine4914 Says:
I can hardly wait till Bill Gates is just gone from the planet
@torahstruthsobiblicalbayan419 Says:
Nature is quite an old woman that has taken care of herself over time with volcanoes diminishing the light entering its atmosphere with ash from volcanoes cools the earth no reason to try to diminish the light ties time to plant trees to supply the earth with oxygen that has faded away we connot rely on the oceans alob
@gerryhenderson6100 Says:
Shoot microwaves into a chemtrail and watch what happens. Americans have been hoaxed.
@gerryhenderson6100 Says:
They are using Chemical trails to do just that. A contrail dissipates after it equalizes in the atmosphere where Chemical trails do not. Chemtrails spread out a cover the skies. They also contain nano aluminum particles that can conduct microwaves as well as polute the atmosphere and soil analys of our soil.
@kingdomofhope3371 Says:
He'll be breathing sulpher and brimstone soon enough. If he wants to breathe sulpher, so be it.
@rickschober7948 Says:
Dr. Eval....๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… Would be funny if it wasn't so stupid.
@Steve_1969 Says:
They have been doing this already for years now, what do you call all those man-made lines in the skys? Hello?...look what happened in Dubai last month, all because of cloud-seeding.
@garyradtke3252 Says:
These people are idiots! First they cost the world trillions of dollars to clean up the atmosphere because we where destroying the world. Now they want to put the stuff back in the air we took out? These people should never have a decision making position ever again greater than deciding which toilet bowl cleaner to use!
@kodiekulp Says:
Marc works for The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) is a US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1985 . He just wants to make enough money so he can live okay.
@Davidsavage8008 Says:
Fact is that what ever gasses or chemical you put between high frequency light and your skin , becomes imbedded into your upper layers of skin . Look at Catty Curric when she was dared to do a show without make up. Film lights tattoo particulates of make up to the skin. Just like bad air quality leaves sunburn faster than if your in the dessert clean air. FACts
@straypussy2635 Says:
Dim the sun after pushing SOLAR PANELS? How will the SOLAR PANELS work?
@bethz.5358 Says:
Has no one actually watched The Matrix movie!? Wth!?
@agentl0key891 Says:
Oops, we blocked too much. Now, we need even more of your money to warm it back up.
@Weskeyonetwo Says:
Who is to say it's not really a military experiment disguised as saving the planet from the global warming scam. If you could figure a way to destroy an enemy's crops by blocking out the sun, well... the thing is, who is the enemy of who?
@MiyamotoMusashi9 Says:
@MiyamotoMusashi9 Says:
It is perfectly obvious that the whole world is going to hell. The only possible chance that it might not is that we do not attempt to prevent it from doing so. J. Robert Oppenheimer
@kevinjenner9502 Says:
Sulfur, the smell of GW Bush.
@jdemartino5896 Says:
They are ALREADY DOING THIS above Iowa skies almost every week .
@zarroth Says:
so they put a stop to pollution due to sulfur in the air creating acid rain just to now create acid rain? It hasn't even been 40 years in that full cycle of events.
@Grimehammer1969 Says:
Pure evil mixed with stupidity!
@aaa7189 Says:
The weather was warm in the Roman times, medieval times, 1500 - 1550, in the 1930's...coolest - 536, 1300 - 1850 (1816 )( 1954) the year with out summer, the 70's scare.....the weather changes all the time - with the help of sun cycles, neutron stars, volcanoes,
@rsereday Says:
leave the freakin' climate alone you bunch of clowns..... PLEASE!!!!!!
@rsereday Says:
Context: Climate change.... Man made climate change is the BIGGEST HOAX ever being sold. The climate has always changed, always will. The levels of CO2 is a result of rising temperatures, NOT the cause. Do a little research before you believe the lies. Man, could not make any kind of real impact on the climate one way or the other. How arrogant of humans to think they have such powers. If you do, you will see how you are being lied to. The sky is not falling you fools. Look to the Sun. It is the key to the changes in climate.
@teresamoon2751 Says:
planning to block out the sun while promoting solar energy....genius!
@grimfang5023 Says:
So acid rain is good now?
@justanotherguy61 Says:
Hi, I'm a globalist from the government and am here to help. That's when people need to slam the door shut. ๐Ÿšช ๐Ÿ˜‚
@TomTom-zv7ci Says:
I've been a cem trail conspiracy theorists for years! They have been putting aluminum and barium in atmosphere to reflect sunlight for at least 15 years
@joshcal7370 Says:
New theory: they discovered aliens who want our planet. The liberal elite are trying to make it habitable for them and subsequently killing all of us, for whatever reward these aliens offered.
@lastcall4686 Says:
Climate conspiracy theorists will be running around with tin full hat soon.
@theerepenterakatheecomfort277 Says:
Now it's clear why hell smells like sulfur pure idiots
@rikomagic5186 Says:
They've been doing it for years already. And people called us stupid lol. This is not for blocking the sun, it's to make us all very ill.
@blackquiver Says:
3:37 yep. I remember reading it watching something on that's.. as for China. It will devoured its own people. That's what demons do
@blackquiver Says:
3:23 welcome to the matrix
@blackquiver Says:
2:23 nut case's

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