If I had a million dollars, what would I choose at Auto China 2024?
If I had a million dollars, what would I choose at Auto China 2024?



@GregorMcIntosh Says:
Cars suck.
@targetfootball7807 Says:
Those cars make you look phat. 😎
@jamescherriman1633 Says:
The cars are hot , but the presenter is hotter 😍
@earthlingthings Says:
A million on a car? That's just dumb. I'd travel the world instead.
@newsubcriber65887 Says:
@TurtleFootMining Says:
I’m sorry but if I had a million dollars I’m giving it back to China so we can pay off our debt here in USA 😂😂😂
@tkh2944 Says:
China seems to just come from nowhere to become the greatest car manufacturer, market & innovators of the world ! I remembered, in the 1990s when I first went to China, the Volkswagen Santana was the one and only car people took pride in ... The lighting speeds at which they move is beyond anyone !😮
@teamthailand1623 Says:
Anything but Tesla, the car that has never changed its look. What a boring car.😂😂😂

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