Calls for Peter Dutton-led Liberals to put 'free speech back on the agenda'
Calls for Peter Dutton-led Liberals to put 'free speech back on the agenda'



@John-ul4hv Says:
Ms Faruqi did not respond (did NOT represent our community) when she was in Greens in the NSW government therefore breached her political charter, only represents who she wants to as the damn lot of them all corrupt
@beebee1676 Says:
Isn't Faruqi the new "colonizers" in Australia, India & Pakistan have no relationship to indigenous Australian's & she would not have even had the privilege of her education & move to Australia if it wasn't for the British she hates so much, she would be working in a field somewhere.
@gary53 Says:
The fact the courts are hearing this is very telling…
@gary53 Says:
Hanson could say the same thing…
@SummonedJudge Says:
Got to love double standards hahaha We stand with you Pauline.
@rupert5390 Says:
You people at sky are breathtakingly hypocritical - Yoda level hypocrite - put free speech back on the agenda whilst you try have all pro palestine protesters arrested WTF
@mr_jdes Says:
All for attention
@mikeyb6737 Says:
She has to be deported
@mikeyb6737 Says:
Deport her, long live Pauline
@blacksheepnonconformist.8900 Says:
@johnfirth3752 Says:
Lol 😂good on you Pauline Need more like you in this country To keep politicians in order
@MatthewSwift-xc8sn Says:
This woman is N absolute hypricrit and have no right to be in this country. If white people can be critised so can others.
@briansandford614 Says:
I can’t imagine that d-do with ears will give us freedom of speech
@timmib5521 Says:
Faruqi you a foreign blow in parasite. Piss off Australians hate you
@susankafe8337 Says:
That Faruki needs to go back to where she comes from! She's a nasty piece of work!
@mclanaford2957 Says:
How I love Pauline YES SHE GETS MY VOTE. REST ASSURED 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
@mclanaford2957 Says:
Please send her back to Pakistan She does not belong here
@Anthony-rz6uw Says:
Fuck your feelings..
@rodsloane706 Says:
Faruqi seems so selectively sensitive, so willing to pull out the race card just for the power she thinks she'll get from it .... hopefully from an acquiescent judge! If she's really that foetal position sensitive than perhaps she should go back to Pakistan. We simply need stronger people than her. By the way she must have come here for a better life....& got it! This is how repays us? Yep. She can go back! She's just a nasty piece of work!
@graemekeeley4497 Says:
For those following this case will know that Justice Angus Stewart has adjourned the matter to consider his ruling expected next week But with Greens Deputy Leader Mehreen Faruqi expecting a ruling in favour of Hanson has requested her Lawyers to lodge an appeal on Thursday 09/05/2024 for the case to be reopened to hear fresh evidence They are requesting whether Hanson's evidence of her knowledge of Mehreen Faruqi's religion should be accepted.
@sim_o9081 Says:
One nation is the only party with its head screwed on correctly.
@lorraineward5990 Says:
This vile race baiter should have a good think about the fact that if it weren’t for British “colonisation” of India, Pakistani wouldn’t exist. The so called “religion of peace” wanted their own state and they got it! Now they just migrate around the world demanding their own “state” in every country when they get the numbers to cause havoc. Can’t wait to see England in twenty years when London becomes a state within a state!
@petermarsh4993 Says:
Dear Faruqi, you are a politician. You are not thick skinned enough to survive what is normal aggressive behaviour. Time to admit that you are not up to snuff and leave parliament.
@homers7777 Says:
I say what i want I dont give a f if your offended. Thats your issue. Had a chick call me racist once. I said "yes i am". She didn't know how to respond..
@ralphmogridge8364 Says:
Weeeoooo weeeooo weeeooo Righties losing it!!! Whinge whinge whine whine!!!
@SteffanieOfOz Says:
Faruqi attacks people who cannot fight back eg the deceased Queen.
@SteffanieOfOz Says:
Pauline Hanson for Prime Minister.
@SteffanieOfOz Says:
Time for Faruqi to have her citizenship removed and deport her back to Pakistan where she can join there Parliament. I am tired of Faruqi's constant racist comments.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
You think Hanson would know the law and not get herself into legal problems. Let the court decide.
@kymlevi2746 Says:
Here we go with the race card again.
@ronm3945 Says:
@MickAngelhere Says:
Hmmm she is trying to emulate her hero the former First Minister of Scotland the Useless One who ranted on about the fact that there were too many whites in Scotland. Who then brought in a hate speech law that was so draconian it’s unbelievable, however Useless himself was the subject of 8,000 complaints within days of his own law
@rodschultz2875 Says:
Looking for a payout
@rodschultz2875 Says:
Some don't like the truth
@mitchhoneysett7674 Says:
Faruqi does she know how many races are in the world. Pakastani are part of the Caucasian race. Which is most of what white people are.
@mitchhoneysett7674 Says:
You have to be joking they will do nothing. To many lefties in the LNP.
@nateclarke1179 Says:
Faruqi makes it difficult for herself with her very clear hate towards Aussies who had nothing to do with the colonisation of Australia. Faruqi is the racist here, not Hanson. Hanson is right in the sense that if you hate this country so much, go back to what ever country you fled which is clearly better then here. If you hate it so much... just leave! Australia used to be a great place to live, but extremists have destroyed what once was.
@MelodyMan69 Says:
Australia practises stopping FREE SPEECH. Media only gives time to their Agenda when it comes to Reporting. Australia needs a "Bill of Human Rights" like the US. 1st Ammendment of their Constitution assures FREE SPEECH in the US.
@woolems4843 Says:
@baxykilafsh1313 Says:
The LNP has never stood for free speech. If they did, then they would push to have it in the constitution. Peter Dutton is one of the worst offenders when it comes to attacking people for things they said. NO other politician has sued for defamation over name calling than Dutton. Don't ever let this man lead our Country, he will make it easier for the government to sue you and make it harder for you to defend yourself.
@barretcarver2203 Says:
Love Pauline
@barretcarver2203 Says:
Pauline is never offensive just truthful sometimes the truth hurts.
@janicevasey4038 Says:
Once upon a time free speech was what it sounds like! Quite frankly, Faruqi deserved what Hansen said. It was accurate considering she swore allegiance to this country which is part of the Commonwealth of Nations under King Charles and formerly the queen she insulted!
When will you wake up Australia ....Dutton and Albanese ARE ONE OF THE SAME ...Australia is controlled by a Corporation that masquerades as as a government ...liberal and labour create the DEMOCRATIC ILLUSION .......LOOK AND REMEMBER the total rape of Australia by these two ..........manufacturing industry .GONE ....main land and islands sold GONE ...primary industries GONE... gas GONE....electricity GONE ....even sold our water ...GONE ......This illegal ,unconstitutional fake government must be totally abolished....*****NEVER EVER VOTE LIBERAL OR LABOUR OR GREEN AGAIN *** vote only the patriot parties like ******** ONE NATION ***** Australia has NOT had a legitimate and authentic government for in excess of 30 years CHANGE THIS NOW
@roncooke3964 Says:
Well done Pauline 👏 Australia needs you as PM you say it how it is the Truth hurts sometimes !
@elenawalker3746 Says:
He's another puppet who recently stated he was up for bringing in antisemetic laws so you know who controls him when they announce laws to appease one group, more division, more racists policies, this is a guy who also as Home Affairs Minister brought in the 2021 Surveillance Law which was passed in 24-hours with Labor's support, these laws allow Australian police to hack into our  devices, collect or delete your data, take over your social media accounts. Dutton is unelectable he has a few skeletons one is a dodgy $1.8 billion deal with Canstruct who had no staff, no revenue and no assets, it's been logdged with the National Anticorruption Commission, but is he being protected by Labor too as nothing has been mentioned and MSM is very quiet about it too.
@TheKarls22 Says:
Go home Faruqi. Behind you 💯 Pauline
@woodflower1 Says:
Haha! She looks so depressed and distressed…actually looks confident…what she wrote was aggressive…
@victorytolethargy8833 Says:
Sounds like she’s looking for a scapegoat. I thought our politicians had to take an oath of allegiance to Australia.

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