'Medically inaccurate': Liberal Senator slams 'inappropriate' transgender terminology
'Medically inaccurate': Liberal Senator slams 'inappropriate' transgender terminology



@thehazelnutspread Says:
ANY medical or scientific people should be ASHAMED for how they went along
@TurtleEarl Says:
None of this should have ever been an issue to begin with! There are only two genders!
@zevfarkas5120 Says:
What ever happened to "nursing"?
@GreatWhiteTrading Says:
Is this beginning of the end of woke???? Please please please 🙏 lol
@Bears08 Says:
Let's get the United States on board with banning anti-women language.
@cherrob48 Says:
I have been watching the UK gradually pushing back the woke lunacy. Please Australia we should do the same URGENTLY!
@patriot9455 Says:
Instead of saying woman, you want a a paragraph of description of bodily functions. This could make for multiple verses in love ballads <> or we can use simple declarative language, right!
@stewartread4235 Says:
Monkey pox disappeared when two dads and their two boys (10 & 7) and the family dog got it..!
@MinnesotaBeekeeper Says:
Is anyone helping Claire Chandler for brain damage?
@ProudCanadian1959 Says:
Canada has become a whackadoo theme park. Our feminist Slime Minister has made it a possible life sentence for angering or misgendering a lunatic. They're angry and pissed off all the time so how would I know I ruined their day? Look it up, British Columbia, a father arrested for not bending the knee to his daughter's pronouns. That's the whacko paradise going on up here!
@evanburrows1697 Says:
Sky needs to get over this "Israel exception" on free speech. You're undermining years of your own work.
@joejackson4627 Says:
USA needs some of this.
@talizen73 Says:
when it comes to transgender, why has no one asked about its history? If no one you are aware, you may want to look at the case of Dr Money and David (Brendon/Brenda/David)
@leeconaghan9555 Says:
The Jews like transgenders!
@brandonmizulski9087 Says:
Remember when insurance companies turned down ELECTIVE Surgeries? Pepperidge Farm remembers
@SecretSquirrrrel Says:
About bloody time! It needs to happen everywhere. Be who you want to be but make it your life and not everyone else’s.
@ddale20 Says:
The U.S. once lead the world in common sense and education. We are now leading in stupidity and poor education.
@brucerobinson3715 Says:
Need a party ready to govern for the majority of the people not just for minority groups. A party who will make hard decisions and cut expenditure and get the debt under control, stop spending on renewables and allow Loy Yang to run for the actual time it can, stop voice and treaty the population said NO to division, stop the gender and transition of minors, just a few things that Victoria, and Australia need fixed.
@deeestuary Says:
For far too long the trans activist extremists have set the agenda by bullying, lying and intimidation. It’s about time people stood up to them and the whole trans lunacy.
@jongreen9171 Says:
Well bugger me, common sense has broken out
@SupportMensMentalHealth Says:
I hope they ban the changing of sex/gender on official documents. A man shouldn't be able to have female on driving licences etc. I believe it's dangerous and unsafe for everybody, them included. I respect a person's right to be whatever they choose but changing gender on important identification documents is wrong
@shawncosmos5431 Says:
Give credit where credit is due. Former affirmative action potus obama and his idiot vp biden fanned the flames of hatred towards Israel. I remember it well…The ‘ministry of propaganda’ in the US conveniently has forgotten that.
@stevetodd7030 Says:
Chest feeding and other anti women terminology should have never found it's way into our NHS, same goes for the DEI posts, the NHS is very diverse so money that could go on Nurses and such goes to someone who is trying to teach Granny to suck eggs.
@johnrozs Says:
If they don't stop this SH*T soon they will be calling "rape" rough sex 😒
@oldtimers6460 Says:
Shows the either cowardness or stupidity of the health officials to allow it to happen. My opinion on students ,paid activists and anti sematic racists--- Who let the dogs OUT!!!
@stevegraham3817 Says:
First bit of terminology to get correct... It's not Trans Woman, it is a Trans Man, a Transvestite Man, who wears woman’s clothes and pretends to be a woman. A Trans Woman is a Transvestite Woman who wears Mans Clothes and pretends to be a man. It has been done for thousands of years, there is nothing wrong with that, if that is your thing. A man who has a sex change operation is a Trans Gender Man, as in, still a Man but changed the appearance of their Gender, without actually changing their Gender. They never are, and never will be a Woman, they are simply a Man with rearranged genitals to appear a little bit like a woman's genitals. If you get your nose changed to look like a cat, it does not make you a Trans Cat, and if you do the same thing with your genitals, it doesn't make you a Trans Gender Cat.. And before anyone starts, No, we are not Transphobic, we do not have irrational fears of Transvestites, we just don't give a shit. Wear what you want and get out of my face.
@susanhill833 Says:
More NAZI FASCIST FEARMONGERING HATEMONGERING GASLIGHTING PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT HATE THEATER, This is all HATEMONGERING BULLSHIT. These people are LYING to you. Here is the REAL truth about Gay and Transgenderism: It is NOT about chromosomes (the XX or the XY) or the BODY, it is about the STRUCTURE of the human brain. A Doctor with a Ph.D. in Genetics and his team did research on the STRUCTURE of the human brain. They studied the brain of straight women and straight men, gay women, and gay men, as well as transgendered women and transgendered men. What they found is this, the STRUCTURE of the brain between a male and a female is as different from each other as night is from the day. They also found that there are two distinct and separate areas of the brain that deal with sexuality and gender. They found that the area for sexual orientation in gay men is STRUCTURED the same as in straight women, NOT straight men, and in gay women, that area is STRUCTURED the same as in straight men, NOT straight women. Likewise, the center in the brain that deals with gender identity is the same, in transgender women (male to a female) it is STRUCTURED the same as in cis-women, (born and identify as female) NOT cis-men, (born and identify as male), and in transgender men, (female to male) it is STRUCTURED the same as in cis-men, NOT cis-women. It has been STRUCTURED this way since BEFORE birth. Two other teams in different parts of the world doing the same study all independent of each other found the exact same results. When a baby is first formed in the womb it is formed 100% female. Then after a few weeks, a signal from the father's genes tells the baby's body, the body only, to change and become male. The baby goes on for a few more weeks this way until it can produce a massive amount of the male hormone testosterone, which then tells the brain to change into the male pattern, such a massive amount will never be seen in that Child's life again except at the onset of puberty. If for some reason that baby does not get that massive dose of testosterone in the womb then the brain, or parts of it, continues to develop in the female pattern. Or in the case of gay women or Trans men, at some time in the mother's pregnancy that baby received a small dose of testosterone at the wrong time, either the mother ingested it somehow or her body produced it or the baby’s own body produced it all of which can and have happened. When a baby is being formed in the womb, any variation, even in the slightest, of the chemicals can cause birth defects. You have seen these birth defects in babies being born all the time, some born blind, or deaf, born with missing limbs, or heart problems, or even with a spine outside of the body, and many, many others. So why is it so hard for the right to believe that a person’s BRAIN can be STRUCTURED in the opposite way from what their bodies say they should be? You can believe in all other birth defects so why not this? I will use transgender women for this example, even though the body is male she likes all the same things a cis-gender woman likes, her emotional likes, wants and needs are the same as any woman's, and the way she sees the world is the same. Her interactions are the same, everything about her is the same as any cis-gender woman except the body. Sexual characteristics (the body) are set by the genes (the XX or the XY) but Gender is set by the STRUCTURE of the BRAIN, this has been proven through sound scientific study. Gender is how one see themselves and their place in the world and how they interact with it. If your body is set one way and your brain the other it causes a disharmony of mind and body (gender dysphoria) it is not now or ever has been a DELUSION or a PERVERSION or a MENTAL ILLNESS. When someone is going through life with this Dysphoria their life is a living hell, when people tell them that they can't be WHO they are inside because that person is uncomfortable with it then you are forcing the trans person to live in severe PAIN, Anxiety, and Depression, a PAIN that having your arms and legs cut off with a dull rusty hacksaw without any anesthetics seem like nothing in comparison, a pain that kills, LITERALLY KILLS. Think of everything you like and want as a man or a woman, everything that makes you, you, and then think how you would feel if you were constantly told that you can't have it, or be it, or do the things you love, because you are the opposite of who and what you are now, that you must bury everything that makes you, you because other people don't like it because it makes them uncomfortable, If constantly you were told that you were evil and dammed because you are who you are, denied a job, or a home, insulted, belittled, assaulted and even targeted to be KILLED just because you exist, how would you feel? Women, think how would you feel if you were forced to live, think, told to feel like and be a man, And told that you MUST do what men do, how men do it, see things the way men see them in order to be a man and you MUST be a man and that something is wrong with you if you don’t? How would you handle that? Men, think how you would feel if you were forced to live, think, feel, and be a woman? Told that you MUST do what women do, how women do it, see things the way women see them in order to be a woman and you MUST be a woman and that something is wrong with you if you don’t? How would you handle that? A trans woman does NOT fit, in a man’s social circle the same way a man does and yet they are expected to if they do not go through transition, they are expected to think, feel, and act just like any cis-gender man in that circle, but they can’t because their brain is STRUCTURED differently, so they are insulted, belittled beat on ridiculed, and humiliated by these men, constantly, all because their brain is STRUCTURED the same way a cis-gender woman’s brain is STRUCTURED. With their brain being STRUCTURED that way they would fit into a woman’s social circle but with their bodies being male, again they don’t fit in and they are excluded. They want to wear the same outfits the women wear because their brains tell them they should be just like them. Everything inside them SCREAMS that they are just like the people who are of the opposite gender and yet they are NOT allowed to be because other people are uncomfortable with them doing so, so they are FORCED to live in severe PAIN, anxiety, and depression. Trans people just want to be accepted for who they are, they want and are deserving of the very same rights as everyone else, no more and NO LESS. Here is the truth about the road to transition: First, the person MUST go to therapy, no therapy no transition, they will meet with a therapist who has knowledge and experience with transgender people. During this time they will begin social transitioning, social transitioning is nothing more than changing one's name and pronouns, and appearance such as hairstyle and clothing. Then after a number of sessions with the therapist (usually about a year) if the Dysphoria continues, and depending on the age of the person they may be given puberty blockers, (which are reversible). Then after many more sessions with the therapist and again if the Dysphoria continues they may be given hormones, it is these that have irreversible effects. Last: when they reach the age of CONSENT (CONSENT, NOT A KID, NO ONE IS DOING SURGERY ON KIDS) and if the Dysphoria continues, and if they have lived in the gender of their choice for a MINIMUM of 1 full year, and have letters from two therapists with one having a P.HD in psychology with both therapists having seen the person over a period of time they may get a consult from the surgeon, and there is usually a long waiting list for that, after the consult if the surgeon agrees then you get on the long waiting list for the surgery. IF ANYONE TELLS YOU DIFFERENTLY FROM THIS THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. Definition of a woman: How you define a woman is by how she sees herself, a woman is one who sees herself as one in mind and soul. If a person sees themselves as a woman, thinks as a woman, acts as a woman, and lives as a woman, then what is the harm to treat and respect her as one? If you cannot have compassion for another human being then how can you ask others to have compassion for you? Show compassion, empathy, and respect by calling them the name they prefer and with the pronouns they prefer. It does NOT harm you to do so but it does great harm to them when you don’t. Definition of a Man: How you define a man is by how he sees himself, a man is one who sees himself as one in mind and soul. If a person sees themselves as a man, thinks as a man, acts as a man, and lives as a man, then what is the harm to treat and respect him as one? If you cannot have compassion for another human being then how can you ask others to have compassion for you? Show compassion, empathy, and respect by calling them the name they prefer and with the pronouns they prefer. It does NOT harm you to do so but it does great harm to them when you don’t. Some of you reject the LGBTQ community because you have a need to feel morally superior to others, “pull the beam out of your own eyes before you try to pull the mote out of another’s”. Some of you reject the LGBTQ community because you don’t understand it and it fills you with fear, fear of something that is different from what you are used to, different from YOU, either one goes forward or one stagnates and dies, you limit your thinking and can’t or won’t learn, grow, and adapt. Some of you reject the LGBTQ community because you just want to hate and hurt others, it gives you a sick thrill, and you use the LGBTQ as an excuse to do so. But ALL of you who do these are small, weak, insecure, monumentally stupid, and utterly pathetic excuses of human beings.
@BM-dn4gn Says:
I'm a daughter, a grand daughter, a wife, a mum and a grandma...xx
@jamesticknor1134 Says:
Holy crap, the woke might be waking up. I won't hold my breath though. After all, a lot of the radical left are chest feeding birthing units. (Just trying to use their terminology to be inclusive.)
@martinscrapp7166 Says:
Trans ideology is anti-God, anti-Christ, and is therefore satanic in nature...seeking to destroy mankind, sterilizing the mankind, and destroying the nuclear family.
@lindajohnson9282 Says:
So why has it taken so long for the truth to raise its head above the parapet without it getting blown to bits? This includes WHY THE FUCK legislation supporting transgender nonsense was allowed to be passed in the first place? Just because people CAN do certain things doesn’t mean that they SHOULD… and the people running our country should know better! I call for all politicians, so-called medical professionals and big pharma to be imprisoned for life, and made to do hard labour… and make restitution to those whose lives they ruined - knowing full well what they were doing - which will see their great-great-great grandchildren paying off the debt!
@davidwilkinson6224 Says:
Please excuse this dumb male(and proud to be so) but I thought there was a difference between a breast and a chest...a breast comprises milk producing glands whereas a chest is the bit that holds the heart and lungs. Please correct me if I'm wrong!!!
@elduchie68 Says:
Its because the industry relies on correct terminology to avoid malpractice. If this carried on, lives would be lost.
@ausbare140 Says:
People in power worry about being called a ist of some kind.
@AndreaPensoRewind Says:
Pansexualism: tendecy to put sex at the centre of psychic's life and over morals or social relationship too. Pansexuals are not bisexuals.
@brucemaher7621 Says:
This is just the leaders of the world.....laughing at at normal people to see how far they can push you... Just like bully’s at school...
@armaan8463 Says:
This wouldn’t have happened with Trump
@tonidantonio9877 Says:
@tonidantonio9877 Says:
If you put 10 thousand dollars and 2 Oreos in front of a child, they will always choose the Oreos. So how can they make their own decisions about gender. Parents who allow these kids to be medically mutilated should be criminally charged, because at the end of the day when they are medically and mentally damaged by the medical procedure they will be abandoned and left alone with no support from anyone. Just saying from a friend. https://youtube.com/shorts/_jFwYeoGag0?si=3eR2ju4v9_dq2oB-
@rhyno1740 Says:
Time to give these nutters no say at all. No news coverage, not 1 single mention. Ignore them completely.
@briansullivan9653 Says:
It's faking disgusting and an insult to women. Transwomen are not women. We need to stand behind them before they lose their identity. Circus freak show
@justrelaxing1550 Says:
I can’t believe we even need to do this. We all know it’s crazy why do the governments have to actually have to have reviews and spend so much time on this. It’s crazy. They should have actually put a stop to this a long time ago.
@Ginger_Tank Says:
Calling women "uterus owners" or "birthing person" is misogyny Making women feel uncomfortable in their spaces is misogyny Stealing opportunities and rewards from women is misogyny Transgender movement is a misogynistic movement
@user-ll8be9vt4u Says:
They don't hate Australia as much as the US. They even admit that they want America to end
@user-ll8be9vt4u Says:
Wish we could change back to that in the US
@carabingham3207 Says:
About flipping time we got back to sanity and policy that makes sense. May other countries follow this example and sort this mess out before more damage is done.
@JoaoSoares-rs6ec Says:
These politicians are more concerned by people being offended by being called mam,
@JoaoSoares-rs6ec Says:
That sort of crap shouldn't have been allowed in the first place
@sarahmanly7322 Says:
Still laughing at the loony tard who when tasked with the duty of coming up with a less offensive term for "woman" fixed their mouths to suggest "chest feeder." Like infinitely more offensive 😂

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