Russian Troops Enter U.S. Base in Niger Where American Servicemembers Are Housed
Russian Troops Enter U.S. Base in Niger Where American Servicemembers Are Housed



@jpmorphhilson Says:
You guys are as lame and dramatic, dishonest etc as cnn. You're the rights version of cnn. NO DIFFERENT
@robertwinslow676 Says:
Things like this happen when you don't have a real president
@swampfox1776. Says:
@cunninglinguist9853 Says:
The Americans were probably there to fleece Niger for their resources. That IS what traitorous Americans do under an illegitimate/criminal administration like the one destroying our country as we speak.
@captsirl Says:
When you have a country with the least educated people in the world that just want something for free and when they go to an election, they're just looking for any politician that will give a handout so it doesn't really provide much room for intelligent politicians. " You know a politician is only a reflection of the education of the country's people "Therefore you get stuck every time you try to do something that takes brains because the country hasn't produced any and over 150 years. Now that the United States and the West are so weakened from this war they tried to do with Russia. Nigeria sees a chance to throw the United States out and keep all the things they were going to use to oppress them anyways. So for the rest of the world, it's absolutely hilarious that Nigeria did this and if you can't see the joke and the mud they rubbed in America's face, then you just are completely stupid. Good for you, Nigeria.
@vandos11 Says:
you wouldn't have to ask me twice to leave that hell hole
@lucassmith9250 Says:
End the United Nations Now!
@starocean1234 Says:
We have zero business spending a single tax dollar there.
@charlesmaurer6214 Says:
Shaw of Iran 2.0
@charlesmaurer6214 Says:
this was Biden's plan all along.
@charlesmaurer6214 Says:
Biden doing the same in Ukraine.
@africkinamerican Says:
The difference between WAR$hington and Russia is Russia only sends its military into another country when invited to. (That includes eastern Ukraine -- where the people broke away, were under attack, and begged Russia to intervene on their behalf for YEARS until the Russians finally took action in 2022.)
@nathanturley4916 Says:
The only reason why any part of Africa doesn't want us over there is U. S. is pushing their homosexual agenda on everybody I do not blame Africa at all. Screw the U. S. Policies . By the way I was born here so I can say what I want . . .
@reganjohnson2719 Says:
Decades of cut and run has left every country not trusting us...ever
@oprrrah3498 Says:
This is some awful reporting. More like gossip, with just barely enough truth to keep it interesting.
@arcburn3364 Says:
Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod!
@virginfitness Says:
Fine. Appropriate any and all material not nailed down, and redeploy those troops too the Southern US border with State oversight to repel Mexican Cartel insurgency. Screw Niger and their new government. Remove everything including support for the country we leave. Let Russia deal with their needs.
@mirandaconlin9231 Says:
The government don't care that unarmed insurgents are crossing the borders so why would they care that armed Russian soldiers invaded a United States military base?
@OneWildTurkey Says:
Wow, Matt Gaetz should become a politician. He can talk a lot without saying much.
@sofly7634 Says:
Dems starting wars. Vote Dem out
@martymcfake Says:
OH well, Unless the USA is declaring was, or occupying force, then the USA should get the F* out. if the USA didn't have a contract to put a base there then it don't matter if the USA put 50Trillion into the base. Get out. The usa isn't wanted there. Now if us Americans were smart, we would have wired that base with mics and cameras. all built into every wall, and floor. before we just handed it over. Never know what could be useful, being said anywhere on the post.
@tennvol2464 Says:
Stop all aid to this country.
@joenewman6494 Says:
This wouldn’t happen under Trump
@ericmedeiros5990 Says:
Americans were already told to leave by African government! Why they still there? To start war?
@knine8154 Says:
On deployment years ago, we Marines and Russian sailors partied together, we and they didnt care about politicians.
@au7-721 Says:
Biden and crew are a joke.
@chrisgrooms3697 Says:
@mikesmith-po8nd Says:
I like that last quote: "Joe Biden's weakness makes Jimmy Carter look like a hawk".
@slayer6936 Says:
This base got more help from the Russian army than they did. Bidens woke terds running our once great military.
@slayer6936 Says:
Biden has left these soldiers there with no water, no food, and no medicine, and all these nations had to help them.
@jamesprice4074 Says:
Why fight for a country that hates you?
@nicolekoch1332 Says:
Another count of Treason for lying Biden; the illegitimate Resident of the United States. ARREST HIM AND BLINKEN NOW!!!!
@godzilladestroyscities1757 Says:
Niger has kicked the USA out because the USA tried to force them to be gay. Gay is the US policy.
@Acts1043 Says:
rep. Gaetz, what do you mean the US troops in Niger are "fighting for us and wanting to do their patriotic duty"? wtf is US business in Niger???
@teresamoon2751 Says:
everyone knows the only reason the us is there is to take nigers natural every 3rd world country we waltz into.
@Reub3 Says:
*America First and Foremost* No more wars. Let the world police themselves from now on.
@leoshell9399 Says:
What a waste of taxpayers' money!!!
@LastManStanding.45 Says:
YouTube censors out out today
@declineofthewest. Says:
Say No to seed oils miss.
@Kahless_the_Unforgettable Says:
Terrific job Joe! Yet another failure to put on your bed post. I'd say you were the worst president in history. But that doesn't really cover how bad you are. You failed at every single aspect of being a president. The economy. The dollar. The border. The Constitution. And foreign policy. You're like the Anti-President.
@pureblood6310 Says:
Russia collusion from Biden and Obama
@warrengoss7547 Says:
I support Russia. Their government is much more trustworthy that the U.S. government.
@davidpritchard2316 Says:
Why aren’t we seeing this by the various news channels?
Trump is going to have a lot of work to do.
@know-body2519 Says:
That's an old base fella
@MWR-lg9qp Says:
The CIA maybe?
@Boethius4748 Says:
It’s their country. If they want us out then we need to leave. We shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Or most of the other places we’re in for that matter.
@chocolatemonk Says:
picking allies is not the problem. Maintaining them is the issue. It is a relationship
@kevinjenner9502 Says:
US trained officers have taken part in 11 coups in West Africa since 2008.
@jenningscunningham642 Says:
We have no business in Niger

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