Lefties losing it: Sky News host blasts 'ungrateful' woman whinging about her parents
Lefties losing it: Sky News host blasts 'ungrateful' woman whinging about her parents



@bobbydelsapio8143 Says:
Your an asshole...
@MrMojo23100 Says:
HOW DARE her parents be loving and supportive?!
@Tator-Tot546 Says:
@ 3 minutes 😭🤢
@DionPryor-sv1qj Says:
Don't we have better things to do than hate Americans.
@johnrussell5896 Says:
Wow this is really happening these people are crazy I have a school bus now the clouds of blue now the clouds are grey now the stop sign comes out and I got to stop yeah okay stop your nonsense with your pronouns drama craziness
@johnrussell5896 Says:
F*** your pronouns
@amyludwig8685 Says:
Kamala, Pelosi, Biden, Karine... They all speak in non-language... And all these kids are too.. Completely psychotic.
@BodyCamSnyper Says:
U guys pull more views from these lefties loosing it videos than any other news on YouTube even hurdles show that’s amazing!
@rachelmoore3770 Says:
The person complaining that their parents were at all her events and brought her everywhere she needed to go made me want to rip my hair out! I GURANTEE you that if her parents didn't show up to her events and take her places she needed to go, she'd be on here crying and saying she was neglected and that her parents hate her. What I think is actually going is is that she felt left out from all her friends (or everybody on social media out here whining about non-issues) who had awful parents and could legitimately complain, so she had to do some mental gymnastics to find something to complain about so she could be a victim too! I'd like to put her in a room full of people with actual narcissitic parents for a few hours and make her listen to how true narcissists behave, and see how she feels after that. I feel so bad for her parents!
They're just annoying starved of attention little t**ts . Your really all virgins. With no life. I'd like to see the future of binary sex people Oh that's right. There wouldn't be a future without natural reproduction. Idiots. Honestly just missed dragon ball z cos daddy was watching the super bowl Just starving for attention.
Im not being a bigot i swear. The first peorson. If you dont tell me how you identify.. how will i know what to say .. For me honestly the first one is either male identifying as female or vise versa but how should i know whether your to be seen as male or female .. if you didn't bang on about it 24 / 7 i mean Imagine you can't talk and I walk in the room having never met you before .. how do l know what to say ? .. thats a serious question. So its becoming impossible not to offend any one I was a fan of Eddie Izzard from the ninetees and i never understood that but i never hated him or anything .. Just said o i dont understand. That. .. the fact i did not call the person he or she. Is the only thing people are bothered about . Why. You will not stop bigots and homophobic people saying what they like snd truely ive no idea why your attacking me.
@hunne1.241 Says:
Wo bin ich hier gelandet? Australische Nachrichten? Ihr da unten habt doch zu tief ins Ozonloch geschaut!
@tplyons5459 Says:
When are these idiots going to understand how annoying the verticle format is when it's shown properly on a horizontal TV?
@JupiterDeluna Says:
This news anchor was supposed to be a comedian
@trechernga1299 Says:
How did we get to a point in society where children think so highly of themselves that they feel they can change the rules of language to fit their whims. There are rules in the English language for pronouns. Singular, plural, masculine, feminine, etc. No person has the right or authority to randomly change the rules and expect everyone else to follow their nonsense. No one is obligated to follow nonsensical dictates to ease the "feelings" of some immature moron. We all just need to say no and follow the established rules of language.
@RhapsodyDax Says:
Dear God. That woman was talking in Simlish 😆 The lefties are turning into Sims. Zul Zul 👋🏻 😂
@plp50000009 Says:
3:07 as a parent - this attitude is insane. You will regret this thought later in life.
@colinbray6408 Says:
Kamala should put her brain into gear before she puts her mouth into gear
@charliegoodspeed240 Says:
I got a new pronoun for all of them RETARD
@brianschmidt9919 Says:
The thing is the ironic thing is that this young man or woman I'm not sure which is the case if the parents were to withdraw that support the person within 2 weeks will probably become feral they probably have no idea of how dependent they are on the idea of knowing that there is a net being held underneath them at all times and all of this complaining and bitching about being looked after and cared about quickly turn into the loudest Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàà even louder than Krakatoa exploding
@jewels964 Says:
I will not say anything outside if he she and they.
@DeusEx1977 Says:
This is the most ridoculous, stupid shit I have seen in a long time.
@Jessd85 Says:
I am so confused about what this person is saying 🤣🤣
@urbanbackyardfarmer9159 Says:
They brainwashed everyone during the Covid scam Demic, and now these lunatics will believe anything you throw at them
@nicholasw3152 Says:
I love Australia
@phylliswatts7742 Says:
In a normal world these people would be in a rubber room
@labreaman89 Says:
Making up new ways to be misgendered and cry about being oppressed!
@TheDragonLegacy Says:
4:00 6 months of riots stfu you skeleton.
@ludmilacheri5332 Says:
Pronoun journey😂😂😂 What a stupidity 😂 We are laughing on it here😂 Best wishes from Russia 🙏
@Robisquick Says:
To the girl who complained about her parents, sure there are some who need more space to freely explore themselves than others…. BUT… …a huge portion if not the majority of kids who have either a parent who hardly shows up vs a parent who always shows up, which do you envision having a higher rate of mental health problems down the road? Of course the former, cause neglect is arguably the worst form of abuse on the psyche. Now, not every kid will feel it’s abuse and there are some who need more space than support, but literally she should instead of seeing how her parents trying really hard to be there was potentially harmful to her, instead expand on the gratitude she has for never having to risk being a neglected kid. It’s easy to pick apart at the little problems and even fabricate them out of thin air when you’re protected from ever knowing the endlessly deep chasm of real hellish problems that really exist out there. I have real experience with this… I initially took my dad showing up as being fake and just doing it out of obligation. But later I’m realizing just how bad parenting can get, and now I am so grateful for my parents and work hard to reinforce the gratitude rather than put a microscope on the shortcomings because they fit the bill that a large number of parents never could dream of doing.
@rogerwhite1844 Says:
@freddieqmercury5961 Says:
Put Maxine in a nursing home with Joe, NOW!
@mikebarnett6984 Says:
Fo... Freak...
@clairewyndham1971 Says:
As far as Maxine Waters saying there are people up in the hills blah, blah. Please google the loosly put together group in Michigan about the kidnapping of our Governor. The detailed plans they had for her execution as well as her familys. Maxine isnt that far off on this one..
@ashleypearson3846 Says:
Kamala is just plain not intelligent. 😅
@ashleypearson3846 Says:
Where do they come up with these pronouns? Who made her the pronoun creator 😂😂😂😂
@gutterpheonix Says:
I have exactly zero respect for them, and care not at all if they respect me
@Zeivusgaming Says:
Fake pronouns for fake people.
@trishmcbee3092 Says:
What the heck was that?
@carlosarambulo7420 Says:
That girl with parents that care just wants to be a victim from not being a victim.
@cavemanfelician Says:
How dare you subject me to that
@teresamorlan6268 Says:
I think “Void” is the best!
@joyfuldogsofmichigan7598 Says:
@alexnordlicht5474 Says:
Have they ever must fighting for something like food,.... i dont think so.
@audreyblack8629 Says:
Bet she won't think that when she wants money for a car, a holiday, to go to Uni or for the deposit on a house! Arrogant, ungrateful spoilt brat! Hoe they keave her nothing whenmthey pop off! Better give ut to others or a charity!
@audreyblack8629 Says:
Utterly ridiculous! Like living in a pantomime, fantasy world!
@alievans7988 Says:
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 omg theyre so ridiculous 😭🤣🤣
@KS-bo7rm Says:
Maxine is a DINGBAT!
@KS-bo7rm Says:
Can you imagine being a good supportive parent, and ending up with that girl?. Ugh!
@Canecorsomomma Says:

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