Parents of Australian brothers killed in Mexico break silence
Parents of Australian brothers killed in Mexico break silence



@sebastiangonzalez-pf7zi Says:
As Méxican my condolences..... México is a nice country with a lot of people of shit..... As father of family hope god gives peace to his parents....
@Fat12219 Says:
Two sons 😮
@dean828 Says:
Going South of the Border is literally taking your life in your hands...
@m.g.3679 Says:
Please people if government advises not to visit an area, respect it. Dont play heroes
@southern-samurai Says:
Surf in safe countries.
@nothingmuch875 Says:
The last thing that cartel wants to do is attract attention, especially involving foreigners which will attract the salivating media. There has to be much more to this story. Sad nonetheless. Sorry to the families...
@andicecook Says:
If they were gunned down by the cartel that means they were up to no good. People dont like to hear that.
@ernestoherreralegorreta137 Says:
Mexican here. I deeply regret what happened to those men while on our land and pray for their families recovery. Having said that, Mexico had 42 million tourists visiting us last year and, using those coming from the USA (about half of the total) as an specific example, the homicide reate for them is 35 times less than if they had just remained in the USA (0.26 per 100,000 homicide rate for US tourists in Mexico vs. 8.2 per 100,000 homicide rate in the USA itself.) Mexico IS a beautiful and prosperous place but at the same time it is extremely diverse and Baja California (where they were killed) is absolutely one of the top 5 very dangerous places in our country - if you go there in search of big waves to surf your chances of being hurt are probably similar to those who go to the australian outback in search of crocs (i.e. you'll most likely come back alive and well most of the time, but not allways). Mexico City, San Miguel Allende, Cancun, and a myriad of other places are as safe, if not safer, than their counterparts in Australia and the USA.
@kathywheatley6014 Says:
Prayers are with their families and friends. such a tragedy that should not have happened just over a car. they took 3 lives and now there are in prison over a car.
@UltraPerception Says:
Dangerous place
@harrysmith8515 Says:
If you want to travel in safe countries with excellent infrastructure, go to China and Japan.
@Lisa-ue3tk Says:
@rickgora2952 Says:
@chrismarshall6647 Says:
The world is a dangerous place . Always be on guard and aware of your surroundings . Sadly innocent people pay the price.
@gonzalezaramburu5741 Says:
As a mexican I feel so ashamed...if you want to vosut Mexico avoid go to the wild, just stay in touristic places
@barrysmith9411 Says:
People get killed in Mexico all the time. These guys are nothing different or special.
@cishansen4162 Says:
Condolences to the family but what did they expect would happen. Mexico is a failed state. They’re lucky they were not subjected to the full Mexican experience that makes the videos Albo wants off the internet look like ABC Play school.
@Waterman1000 Says:
Filthy corrupt Mexico. Boycott the place. Plenty of better surf elsewhere!
@user-zh5ri2fx8t Says:
So sad but they are not the only ones being murdered. Countless people are being murdered each and every day. This world is so evil we need to be aware and careful with our eyes wide open, not shut. 🙏
@JoshAintSoCool Says:
This is why you don’t go to Mexico. It’s a 3rd world shithole run by gangs who arrange their victims body’s in desecrating poses for their own enjoyment on social media. You couldn’t pay me to go to Mexico.
@gibsonlespaul3695 Says:
Just another lie story. Mexico is the best and safest place on earth if you don't deal in drugs. Imagine being able to by a massive house for $100,000 and pay very little tax on it or buying $100 worth of groceries that require 3 fridges to fill! Your government controlled news service does nothing but lie to control your weak and enslaved mind!
@citygent4634 Says:
People stop going to Mex. What the F is wrong with you dipshitts is your own country that bad NO?!!! It isn't. You could not get me to step into Mexico for all the beans weed n avacados they grow or all the Tea in China. They kill thier own like they are drinking water and you tourists think you immune. People get a grip on reality.
@_TheBreaker_ Says:
Very sad. Always be aware of your surroundings and prepared for anything.
@daughter-of-christ Says:
Breaks my heart, poor parents.praying for you🙏
@martinepstein3332 Says:
@Harien-fs6gn Says:
My condolence to the brothers parents and their family. RIP 😞 It was tragic when holiday had gone so horribly.
@jamespurpus88 Says:
I blame the media playing down the fact that the border is a "war zone"
My heart absolutely breaks thinking of these parents, also the family of their friend. This is just horrific.  Mexico could be such a beautiful and prosperous place. What a waste a beautiful gift from God.
@LuciferBlack-zp8lr Says:
Well done lads... Ignored the warnings and in turn left your parents with a lifetime of heartbreak.....👍 Dumb and Dumber
@RachaelHall-12.35 Says:
Just. So needless and terribly sad. I am so sorry to the families.
@stanwernicke8500 Says:
Why would you go to that shithole
@tristanpace788 Says:
It’s very difficult to watch them hide their pain to get out this message.
@Stinder Says:
Mexico is a very dangerous country which parallels places like Syria and Iraq in terms of violence. That said, any foreigner should avoid driving their car over there due to random violence, drug cartels, crooked cops, etc, etc.
@MrClean3381 Says:
Strong people.. I'd be crushed R.I.P
@norwolf4765 Says:
You can put your life at risk in certain parts of Mexico and this is an example.
@JohnsonCranium Says:
Thanks 🙏 and praise to your government before you talk about your son… how pathetic you people are ☺️ You praise your government like they are gods before your tears for your son wow 😮 so demented 😮
@toniperez5406 Says:
My heart breaks for these families. Mexico needs to do a better job of letting people know about the unsafe areas.

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