Concerns raised for Australians 'locked out' of housing market
Concerns raised for Australians 'locked out' of housing market



@johnoneill1011 Says:
More Poppycock from Pocock. HIs Senate vote enabled Labor to pass its 700 page IR legislation recently. It is explicitly designed to increase labour costs and hence construction costs and new home prices. Pocock is no friend of those seeking to rent or those wanting to buy their first home. For existing owners (the majority) Pocock has helped the value of their homes rise because it is becoming uneconomic for developer/builders to create new ones due in part to this IR legislation.
@leonie563 Says:
I'm oldish GenX not ever a landlord, and would rather my taxes were paid to younger cohort policies than keep fois gras old people or well off people with:- SMSFs Trusts Syndicates Pty Ltd Companies And other structures to pad out their and young kids futures paid for by everyone else's taxes and rents.....
@ben_astro Says:
We are not locked out...we will just take these houses
@jasminetutt7631 Says:
How about stopping immigration
@ShadowMan66 Says:
Well well Pocock look at the AZ vaxx being pulled. Excess deaths pling up!
@Zs-jj4ts Says:
just do what both parties do anyway, increase immigration to 10 million per year and we can all go back to living in self made grass huts near a river. And any spare money that we may accumulate we can hand it over to Ukraine. lol
@flirtwd Says:
There is so much land inAustralia it’s crazy. Get foreign investment to build affordable homes on all that land.
@easyz6654 Says:
These left wing aligned senators (looking at you Mr Pocock) see things through a lens of more regulation and taxation. Yet they will never speak a word about immigration and policies around foreign investment (ie foreigners buying our property). Maybe if we were not taxed so highly on our income and sundry taxes (ie GST, land taxes, etc), property would not be used as a vehicle to park and generate wealth. The Coalition had the right idea about reforming the tax scales to give back bracket creep, Labor using their class warfare credentials made a complete hash of it just to save the Dunkley by election (and they ended up turning into a marginal Labor seat from a safe Labor seat at that!)
@Genesis-007 Says:
The budget handed down is all perfectly in line with the WEF agenda thanks to our surrogate WEF Labor party.
@Genesis-007 Says:
@royevetts4900 Says:
The political elite including the likes of Pocock have committed to destroying the prospects of kids in this agendas and the woke politics being played are a smokescreen for what is really happening, the destruction of property rights. Land grabs for solar and wind farms which will NEVER replace gas and coal...and the lie of man made CO2 gas emissions being the cause of climate change, enter Greta Thunberg and the rest of the hypocrites.
@SilentMetroStalker Says:
@user-du8kd3sn8n Says:
No point focusing on that now after the fuel has been poured on the fire since the 1990s by the Liberals. It’s absurd
@MullockHeap Says:
Don’t “raise concerns” and at the same time permit and vote for a government that wouldn’t actually do anything to regulate the housing market or the banking sectors.
@CaylaBacho Says:
Your videos are like a fairy tale! Every time I feel part of this amazing world! Thank you for your stories! 💫📖

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