Michele Bullock gave Treasurer an excuse to have a 'boring budget'
Michele Bullock gave Treasurer an excuse to have a 'boring budget'



@JamielDeAbrew Says:
This sky news commentator admits most Australians would benefit from a higher unemployment rate (as it would put downward pressure on inflation). When the unemployment rate increases, which as they complain about “dole bludgers”. It’s a cruel world for some
@HS-PGA Says:
Why do Australians defend high taxation , brainwashed by a guilt narrative .
@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 Says:
Coming up, the "Budget of BS" from the phew two, FAKE & FUDGE...don't get excited, FUDGE already has the script...he's rehearsing, but "Doing it Tough"
@ianwaldron-jo4nq Says:
Waych him worm his eay through and not totally truthful again.aistralia is on way down since albo got in.wake up Australia
@d-munn Says:
Bullock's bollocks has Chalmers in a quandary. They are not done inflating........
@southern-samurai Says:
There’s no money, but let’s continue to waste billions on Net zero virtue signalling, the indigenous grievance industry, welfare for immigrants, and building housing for endless hoards of immigrants.
@SoniaSilva-fm8zv Says:
O monstro da blasfêmia foi alimentado 35 anos com sangue humano
@SoniaSilva-fm8zv Says:
Não quiseram a nave espacial para irmos nova terra em outra galáxia não vão poder reclamar do que vem por aí na natureza.
@SoniaSilva-fm8zv Says:
35 anos me vigiando e testando não viram a verdade ainda????!!!!puro ódio vingança blasfemar de propósito é inaceitável
@CaylaBacho Says:
So cool that this content can bring people together around an idea!💡

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