Maxine Waters pushing 'demented fantasist tales' of Trump's second term
Maxine Waters pushing 'demented fantasist tales' of Trump's second term



@kathytosone5508 Says:
If Trump wins the left will bring out their professional peaceful protesters!
@artbylauri Says:
She's a bit confused. The hatred is just unbelievable
@lobomedina6312 Says:
Crazy, corrupt Hag's district in Commiefornia is a shite hole. Orangeman Bad.
@ronoconnor8971 Says:
Did you say California? Nawww… say it aint so…
@jenn0802ifer Says:
Life was actually pretty great under President Trump! I’m sick of the pedaling of lies.
@LidtAfdethele27-Hits Says:
The same person you said that it's okay to bother white people? Sure..😅
@kswiss89 Says:
I’m more worried what the left will do if Trump wins
@johnkranig2054 Says:
What I would like to know is how are conservatives going to be protected against this woman?
@marcoarrigo3997 Says:
Don’t worry doesn’t look like he’s losing
@RachelNobody Says:
training up in the hills? no im patiently waiting to vote for Trump in November and nervous to see THEY'RE reaction when he DOES win
@vstick2603 Says:
Tell auntie Maxipad, we aren’t just up in the hills 😂
@lindakitts4304 Says:
Mad Maxie is afraid to lose her insider trading!
@vfvf9354 Says:
Their hatred is astounding! It eats at their souls 24/7.... they're going to be so happy when they finally pass so that they don't have to think of him anymore.
@SusanCox-pl9qp Says:
She's nuts!
@holdernewtshesrearin5471 Says:
@miahwang7833 Says:
😂😂😂😂😂oh? Did you mean your corruption activities has to be careful when Trump becomes our president???
@youtubesucks1499 Says:
I can tell you what life has been like under Biden What is being done to protect us from Biden??
@jillthompson1248 Says:
She’s crazy and should have been in jail when she called on people to oust and attack other people but she never even got a reprimand for it. The violence she mentioned was coordinated and implemented by her own party pelosi Schumer and the rest
@susanholland5633 Says:
That’s what real racism looks like
@kathleenitaliano6935 Says:
OK, so I see a few more of the administration has a little bit of dementia
@ldens6694 Says:
the only thing I have to ask is - when a demoncrat accuses a Republican of something, they are deflecting about something THEY are doing, so should we be worried about camps of lefties training up in the hills somewhere for when Trump wins??
@juanmiguelfrissatessa1950 Says:
She is trully crazy. She needs help.
@Blood-Authority Says:
Skagg of the ages... total wreck
@robertruark4051 Says:
🖕🖕 youtube for deleting my comment.
@andrewllewellyn6525 Says:
In the old days you wasnt allowed to talk bullshit lies. You would get sued. They're was such s thing as slander
@user-wc8em2it6d Says:
Violence has been running rapid on her side, the left. Maxine might be onto something? I think the right has had enough. Letting illegals vote is going to go down like a lead balloon.
@user-lk9sb1ld1p Says:
85 and taking geritol
@davidsellers3639 Says:
Love it.Bring it
@greggory448 Says:
Scarecrow talking
@lynnettesteiner2148 Says:
Historically we know that she will foment riots if the Democrats lose.
@vonsmutt4254 Says:
Number one she's from California number two she's from California😢
@mikecook6807 Says:
Homie dont play that sh t
@user-ej5rv4ce2w Says:
When you shake trump's hand poop comes out the other end 😅
@rafaelbocanegra971 Says:
Sure way to foment a leftist revolution
@outlawollie6270 Says:
This thing is rotten to the core
@mariaf4396 Says:
what's the deal with Americas obsession with geriatric politicians. congress is like the dementia ward of a retirement home. OMG, then there is the white house
@prettyladypeacock8812 Says:
Umm we are to busy working to keep ourselves n this country afloat n it’s not training its our way of life!!
@leonk9235 Says:
@user-op8cw6li4o Says:
@TheMomseloc Says:
Says the one who openly called for violence.
@johnkeegan1294 Says:
@MillieMe05 Says:
Old people should not be in Congress or the senate or the White House.
@lynrossi8409 Says:
@jimbaker9277 Says:
Maxine Waters needs to go.....
@bswogger4656 Says:
She pushes violence & irrational ideas to force issues not lawful verse organize get signatures to get changes on the ballots. She pushes lawlessness but for DEI gives free pass to this type of leader
@HistoryOnTheLoose Says:
Well, if they address any violence like you've addressed it in your district, we're all screwed.
@markstannard5658 Says:
Shes a crook of the highest order . What will happen when boxes of votes for Biden come in at 3am AGAIN ! 95% for Biden ????
@trey671 Says:
Here’s how to make us safer, retire old Maxine.
@WorldsCollide77 Says:
Hoodspah?? Do you mean... "Catcher's Mit" (face like thereof)
@austriajog9247 Says:
The profiling and baiting is insane. Unprecedented. They are desperate!

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