NSW Arts Minister's 'book burning' comparison was a 'bit over the top'
NSW Arts Minister's 'book burning' comparison was a 'bit over the top'



@JMcKey21 Says:
Coming from America, glad to see other countries have idiots as well. "If the book was in a school library I'd have a problem with it". Bro, they don't stop at the schools, they immediately go after the public libraries as well.
@OzTrump11 Says:
Australia is nothing but an island of fruitcakes…
@frank00135 Says:
The council is exactly right its decision, this book goes against the our religious and cultural values. The state government is promoting now working against the communities.
@CatsJP Says:
Cumberland is not a unique mixed of people……all Australia is a unique mix of people…if the council think it is their responsibility to police what kids can read…they are wrong ….the council are their to work for the people not to dictate to the people………if they are going to go that far burn the bible and Quran because they have violence…sex…condemnation…treats…and blackmail….to keep people in line…e.g….Song of Songs….you will pay for your sins….you will go straight to hell…you need to repent….you are going to purgatory….none of which are even plausible that has happened……….because there is simply no proof….nobody has ever come back from being dead to prove it……..just read whatever takes your fancy………….because reading is educating yourself in all it’s forms.
@Blackjack_Official Says:
3/4/5/6G are all false disclosure psyops for Frequency already able to be emitted from Towers
@Blackjack_Official Says:
Japan releases 6G technology nobody cares has anyone got education upon Radiation at all ffs
@Conky769 Says:
Sky news, pumping sharia law in Sydney.
@howardrynders5839 Says:
Good video!
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
Australian Mainstream Media is ruled by Peter and Carl. Imagine a countries media been ruled by 2 brothers 😂😂😂
@rosiepercy3486 Says:
I hope that includes the Transgender Crap!!! 🤬🤬🤬
@Blackjack_Official Says:
Six Earthquakes occured here in Australia within 24hrs silence as always

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