Government threw out 'perfectly prepared' pandemic plans in panic: Tony Abbott
Government threw out 'perfectly prepared' pandemic plans in panic: Tony Abbott



@nicoladibara1936 Says:
The biggest atrocity in history.
@nicoladibara1936 Says:
They just OBEYED the orders that came from a “higher instance.” They are not our servants, they are obedient slaves of the evil globalist “elite” who OWN them and the rest of the world. They own and control everything: the governments, the media (propaganda machine), the “health” system, the legal system, the corporate world, the “educational” (brainwashing) system and the churches. Yes, the churches too.
@maddyleeden9875 Says:
Vote Pauline Hanson
@reneedubois309 Says:
And what ANOTHER ROYAL COMMISSION Enquiry…. So spend money we don’t have….to tell us things we already knew. the politics are over we are all done with you all
@crystalpistol2133 Says:
OZ needs to become more self sufficient...with everything
@crystalpistol2133 Says:
Get rid of the WHO and there probabably woudn't be a pandemic...this is all controlled BS.....
@L0b0ts Says:
NO ANMESTY and that includes Greg Hunt.
@eyesee1212 Says:
I love Tony, even though I dont agree with him on somethings, but not what is being said on this interview, he would have been the best PM if people had of given him a chance, a real old school gentleman with a heart of gold, May you be blessed by the Supreme love, Archangel Michael be with you.
@annmareemillerholistichealth Says:
So lovely you guys allow comments, says alot about those media outlets that don't 🙏 as I have said all along .... truth always prevails 🙏💗🧘‍♀️
@shanebusby231 Says:
Those rules were created to create fear. The masses and government went along with the marketing campaign.
@squirralien1863 Says:
Tony Abbott and Peta would make a great PM and Deputy PM, a dam sight better than anything we have had in current years gone by,
@stellasavvas4995 Says:
What about the injuries and deaths? It turned out to be mild illness, is an understatement, what about the injuries the excess deaths that continue on, and no one is connecting the dots.
@sharonharrison7322 Says:
All corrupt
@arkz2jz241 Says:
Can Tony Abbott be prime minister again?
@johnhiggins2085 Says:
There all fukcing criminals
@lukicf Says:
Govt investigating the govt?
@sentinel4608 Says:
What a load of crap. This guy saying that "if the coalition was in government then the covid response would have been more transparent and balanced' load of crap! They are ALL dirty, and they have all blood on there hands. Go back as far as you like, this masonic filth that masquerade as politicians are all dirty and they all have a particular HOT place in HELL waiting for them should they not truly repent of there sins against the Australian people and more generally their lives!
@leahpike8924 Says:
Wish Tony was in charge!!!! A reflection of the world becoming darker.
@melodyshell1121 Says:
Free Julian Assange! Australia is Americas little lap dog . When and will ever will any politician be accountable?what about the American military base in Australia?
@andrewreed4216 Says:
The did not throw out our plans in a panic, they bowed to thier new leaders... its a lot worse than you think.
@Dullday57 Says:
Australians are very pissed off by our dickheaded, cowering, poor excuse for leaders ...
@lillian9221 Says:
The picture of betrayal
@sharonwhite7707 Says:
Anastasia played the voting game very well in Qld We came out of lockdown 4 weeks before the election.
@captaincook6666 Says:
Lies and self interest driven by media and compliant hysteria. Theres your enquiry.
@user-kl9vq9os4w Says:
The Federal Liberal Govt had full control of the Australian media during covid AND they signed the Pfizer contracts. They lied and said the "vaccine" was safe and effective when the TGA had never even tested it. They then orchestrated a "vaccine" injury cover-up and a party no-show at the covid enquiry. They are fully complicit!!!
@BelindaMartin80 Says:
Stop calling the flu a disease.
@aperspective2170 Says:
The three most important principals of effective quarentine are: 1.) An isolated facility that is in a low density populated area. 2.) The facilty is hard to access (one way in and out) like the quarentine facility in point nepean Victoria established in the 1800's. 3.) The quarentine facilty must be ran by medically trained staff (known as doctors) who are highly educated in how disease/virus spread. ONE thing is for sure Dan Andrews did not "follow the science". He should go to jail.
@stephenmcgrail7661 Says:
I don't recall Tony Abbott saying anything publicly criticising government responses during the pandemic. Easy to say something now.
@bricehutchison Says:
All the song birds sang the same song proving their “all in this together” so now what do sock puppets do? Why turn on each other of course
@user-bh1ny8lf7b Says:
It was a decades old UN agenda to begin with. Its too late for theories
@user-bh1ny8lf7b Says:
All pandemic plans and rules in preparation for a unique event prove a plot collusion and corruption. Think about it
@SDawson398 Says:
My plan is & was to use my own brain. & guess what, i did, & now im NOT a permanently genetically immune modified human being, with blood that's not worth bottling. Who's the smart one's now ? Come on, admitt it, you were wrong in persecuting the un covid vaxed.
@1459h Says:
WEF monsters
@deeweb24 Says:
It's too late now for the average Australian, isn't it? The media, bureaucrats and political parties still have jobs but not the average hard working Australian
@glennhollier7562 Says:
Covid lockdown Was all about climate change agenda. They wanted to see how the environment would react when no cars were on the roads or plans flying. Prior to Covid pandemic, it Was all about climate change on the news, and soon as Covid came, no climate change news. Now Covid is not a priority, it's all about climate change agenda again. It was a plandemic to see how they can control the masses. Soon we will be lockdown again over climate change agenda. . YouTube the unavoidable unmistakable identity of the Antichrist by David Assherick. The one behind climate change and Covid
@matahari7150 Says:
The australian govt makes policies based on foreign media hype and photographs? What a bizarre assertion.
@MarkOsgood-ld2kx Says:
Perhaps he should run again?
@jordanvandenberg1987 Says:
The policies were extremely coercive in regards to hot spot areas, essential workers being told they can do weekly PCR tests. Then changing to RAT tests despite the availability of them not being organised for hot spot areas. Then changing again to only allowed to work if vaccinated. All those stages happened during the main lock down periods. Which did not compliment the need for essential workers to complete their work, hiring was impossible due to the mandates for travel in around hot spot areas, people getting job keeper/seeker, I would call that a serious risk to national security considering essential workers are more than likely employees in the food distribution network, some of which remove the need for supermarket shopping via home delivery. The government did slowly develop a public news rollout network but the information changes to policy was insane. Definitely a learning curve. In the USA every medical centre had different criteria for grading covid cases, so statistics were inaccurate, death by Covid when it was due to secondary issues was a big misnomer, same with age group, severity and then the lacking details publicly reported. The medical system was stressed. The US government actually was reporting statistics by US citizen volunteers who formed a website and independently called medical centres to attempt to accurately collect the data, as the data requests by the government lacked a consistent format and were not specific enough creating large inconsistencies in data collection. The gov adapted their existing reporting systems that all docs had access to but they were not done very well... The volunteer group that the government used statistics from was called "The covid tracking project", great story on them: ep 489 on the podcast '99% invisible'. I'm mostly appalled by the failure of international quarantine considering the breeches were far after the set off of the pandemic. More than a year to establish border quarantine is insane considering they were okay with domestic lockdowns. And other incidents like the people off the cruise ships. Its like they've never seen a b rated SciFi film. Something I'd assume they would have plans for and could roll out biohazard shelters with shitty beds if situations like these arose when factors like how transmission-able a disease is not well known. I think the government needs a long hard look into national security in regards to fake news. They did have debunk websites, but most of the content was either AI generated or simply an opinion post, not a debunk. They need to understand how dangerous their lack of interest is towards this. They need assistance from qualified professionals that can address the main concerns where science and sci-fi fear lies. But they could do with a consensus form where these theories from underground or social media news are topic delivered into a concise number of questions to be addressed. I think it's an important observation that politicians aren't responsible for some NWO ploy to vaccinate people, but many did use the situation to their advantage. As did vaccine companies in their cut throat contracts to countries. People hard done by will mistakenly lump those decisions together into a conspiracy theory. There is always the cause. Then there's the people doing their jobs to the best of their ability, which isnt necessarily ethical or morally perfect. Drug companies profit, politicians want health policy compliance, police want obedience against riots, public wants complete freedom. Everyone gets stressed and some from all of those groups will act in a unacceptable manner. With misinformation on the rise, AI manipulating social media networks, and international conflict increasing including state nation influence in voting and misinfo campaigns; i believe an accepting and non-demeaning 'explaining agency'/'QA transparency' is inevitable IMO, hopefully before a widespread even more serious event takes place. Domestic (murdoch, rich poly/lobby, conspiracy network) or state actor (direct unit, influenced domestic group/news network) misinformation campaigns can do much more than shift market caps/stocks, it can incite violence or creates social and political division which lasts much longer than the single event. An attempt for transparency and addressing skitz beliefs has been made abundantly clear during this pandemic. I'm not surprised how many people have absorbed the talk out there. It's easy if you see coercive political techniques or decisive business practices or simply draconian mandates forced upon you. We shouldn't vilify people for being open to the radical ideas. Nor hide it. But acknowledge and give a clear line if education, even if its a 'no evidence to suggest at this time', studies may follow in time.
@eurekaelephant2714 Says:
Why isnt Sco Mo in jail?
@russellluck6737 Says:
Dazelle is going to die because she is being refused a necessary lung transplant for refusing unnecessary covid 'vaccines'...
@AndrewDean-rt8cv Says:
The covid plandemic was a trial to see how far they can oppress the public and control them.. The next stage is on the way and will be a lot worse..
@NeverForget-NeverForgive Says:
@Oseanacoceanblue Says:
All same bunch of liars , Tony Abbott Same same Lies lies lies He seems to have the bill gaits crystal ball 🔮 on pandemics Oops I mean plandemic the WEF and The WHO My jobs taken away As a disability This system has had its day
@australiaprisonisland9156 Says:
I'd rather live under the Chinese. Hope they come here. That way I'm no longer a Palestinian in Australia.
@australiaprisonisland9156 Says:
Fox propaganda like always. Get out of my feed. Who is Tony Abbot but another hack. My opinions are more important than yours!!
@hoovesbc1 Says:
It wasn't panic. It was planned. It was intentional. Panic doesn't get government to fit cctv on every street intersection. It dosen't introduce a trial digital I.D. it dosent roll in CBDC, comming soon. It also dosen't lock up those who expose the con and release actual criminals (still happening now).
@nathanbedford9178 Says:
Greg Hunt? The guy who told everyone on the ABC that we were part of the largest experiment, and no one was listening. My ex died last year 19 days after our divorce after she had a massive clot in her lung after her 3rd jab. She started having clots after her 1st shot. What idiot Dr kept recommending she get more shots?
@rhondanieborak5829 Says:
Cant listen to this crap
@NoChannelChannel Says:
The premiers know they done wrong that's why they run for the hills, but the long arm of the law is not long enough to reach them
@margo7036 Says:
Well said, Mr Abbott, are you the only man still standing with common sense and integrity representing the majority?

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