'They're in the title, honour it': Tim Blair slams school's renaming of Mother's Day
'They're in the title, honour it': Tim Blair slams school's renaming of Mother's Day



@KabukeeJo Says:
I don't know whats worse. The constant attack by the left renaming everything or everyone who sits idly by and allows it to happen...
@andrewblack7607 Says:
Hallmark realized the word "chestfeeder" isn't going to sell cards, apparently
@melanytodd2929 Says:
Oh, good grief 😔 🙄🙄🙄
@hesky68 Says:
It’s Mother’s Day and if you don’t like that F.uck off
@meredithisme3752 Says:
It's up to parents, remove your kids from the toxic environment
@jenniferpierno6108 Says:
Two men do not a mother make. Only one woman can give birth to a child. A child can only have one biological mother. So what's wrong with Mother's Day? A child deserves to know who its mother is.
@markmunroe-hz8rf Says:
Oh boy, what's next, removal of Father's Day?! Don't want to offend toxic feminist!

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