'Not woke' to 'reflect how real families can look': Council's same-sex parent book ban
'Not woke' to 'reflect how real families can look': Council's same-sex parent book ban



@ShaneGam-kz2kn Says:
Is Sky news owned by Saudi Arabia? Thier opinions sounds like that
@matricci2256 Says:
When you allow ultra-right idiots to immigrate into our communities, you cause these problems.
@kristiankoch4517 Says:
If wasn't in children section no one would have a problem with it and it's very shameful to bring your personal opinion in to it because you are clearly biased because of you personal ties to the subject
@dimitriosfreedom9282 Says:
It’s funny how Christians are told to keep their religion to themselves but homosexuality should be proudly celebrated. HYPOCRISY!
@fainadobrenko6483 Says:
No kid has two mums or two dads. Pretending that these set ups are normal, is exactly what's wrong with this book.
@briantumbledown4259 Says:
It is scientifically, biologically impossible for same sex people to be parents. It takes one man and one woman.
@DonaldDeCicco Says:
The absolute best thing for a child is a man and a woman committed to each other giving equal feminine and masculine influence to that child .
@Openeyesopenheart42 Says:
How does this clown still have a job? She is a nasty disaster waiting to happen..
@threewiseman1 Says:
The doofus can't be bothered reading a 10 page picture book, but thinks it should be banned? Forget the content, that kind of decision making is reason enough for instant firing.
@Antilluminati Says:
Sky news showing you they are actually part of the system
@sallycent6598 Says:
The gays parents have the right to be acknowledged like any parents they are paying their taxes and contributing to build this country. So no one has the right to prevent their books to be in any library.
@jjm4633 Says:
No such thing as same-sex parents
@seandelap8587 Says:
Those sort of books must not be on the child book shelves
@BelieveAllMen Says:
lol nice dress up there.
@History_Made_Me_Catholic Says:
Adam was made for Eve, not for Steve.
@History_Made_Me_Catholic Says:
Protect children from filth.
@joeljamie9266 Says:
Yes, lets all fight over a gay book whilst the govt imports infinite third worlders.
@dmarshall8366 Says:
No wonder Andrew Johns won't talk to you. He is a working class Newcastle guy and is probably revolted by a hard right shrill like yourself Molan
@378jbk Says:
Let’s not confuse the kids with minority groups. They will work it out when their old enough.
@GrandpaVince Says:
Old Vincey doesn't care about some silly old sexy book I'm too decrepit for that stuff these days
@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ Says:
If they introduced such books in my Old School, the one who introduced it would’ve gotten expelled from our School. We went to School to learn all the Basic Subjects in life. Sexual Perversion Or Perverted Indoctrination isn’t a Basic Subject.
@WitchDoctor.933 Says:
Can anyone name an Animal in Nature that mates with the same sex ? I cant think of one so it must be Unnatural. 😏
@BobPsomiadis Says:
At last, Erin said something sensible and logical .
@madonnam1 Says:
Once again we have a white straight woman telling us what is right and wrong for the gays! This needs to stop! Let the gays speak for themselves! Do you see gays telling straights what books they can or can’t read? If you want the book just buy it! 😊
@widerje Says:
Not enough "gay" material being forced on us all day everyday day not good enough for rainbow mafia? Needed in school as well????
@WallsendChook Says:
On this one Erin...fully disagree !
@UltraPerception Says:
is this about 2 dads? listen. Broken Tribe. too big. Too much. Too many. Technology not having a good influence. Is it. U want to feel wealthy be rich make others jealous. Look nicer. all that be a miniature king or queen. but same time. The tribe we live in is very broken. And would like to be repaired. Coz in truth we don't have a great deal of option for some reason we are forced to do this. i wonder what they are getting out of it. free work. free competence. idk. what we get out of these rules everywhere. but the tribe is broken when a living takes 2 men to adopt a baby. Indicates well original person gave up the baby. Why ? Money? probably. then two men adopted it. Why? Because they had to team up in order to afford it. Tribe is broken.
@southern-samurai Says:
I reject everything lbgtq.
@nikakiskainourgios2227 Says:
There are only three genders: Male, female and the Anglo-saxons.
@widerje Says:
Its unesserary in school. Our kids are becoming dumb, socially dysfunctional as these activist teachets and admins more focused on social causes vs academics.
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
The CONSERVATIVE movement is all about CONSERVATISM as in the 1950's.. Good Luck with that. Just like Trumpo the perverted 🤡back to the 70's B4 Roe Vs Wade
@synthzizer3324 Says:
Two dads have to subvert nature to have children.
@aussiebornandbred Says:
Ban the book, full stop
@d-honza24 Says:
No! Kids don't and can't have two mums or two dads
@internationalnewsmaruf4558 Says:
🇧🇩🇧🇩 Bangladesh
@hannahmondry4678 Says:
Yes! Well said!
@southern-samurai Says:
Gay marriage is not marriage and holds no social or biological relevance. Children deserve a mother and a father. However, if our morally wayward society insists on gay parenting, then gay couples need all the help that can be afforded them to best emmulate the mother father roles for the interest of the child.
@martinepstein3332 Says:
Let children be children
@thatdeaffella8014 Says:
Yep only have white areas non Muslim force feed this ......

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