Knesset holds conference on gender-based violence
Knesset holds conference on gender-based violence



@ravagesoyjoy Says:
Where are the "brave, proud, angry, nasty American feminists"?
@Rhymerjoo Says:
Knesset, a collection of zionist stooges under the leadership of a convicted war criminal who believes in some fictional old scrolls from some bronze age goat herder cave 😂😂😂
@cicio7777 Says:
hamas and hezbolah MUST be 100% destroyed! ALL hostages MUST be released! ALL hamas and hezbolah members MUST be arrested and criminally charged in military trials for crimes against humanity! NO EXCEPTIONS NO EXCUSES!
@ekonyx7172 Says:
We don't need no Islamization
@craighart9278 Says:
@jcpt8365 Says:
I agree with this, it is important to eliminate gender violence! However it does not justify g-noc-de and listen to the P-l-stinian women that have been r-pe-d in Israeli pr-s-ns and in G-z- and m-n and chi-dr-n as well.
@IndividualHumanRights-up3ml Says:
Flush Islam down the toilet bowl of history like it should have been a long time ago, along with unrepentant pedophile, rapist, murderer, slaver, warmonger, and liar Mohammed, who fake god Allah calls the the greatest of humans and commands all muslims to follow his example.
@alindanaomi9101 Says:
Standing with my country and the Israeli courageous women!
@verah619 Says:
I am disgusted with Mrs Clooney appearing in this video after her being part of the ICC panel and her claim of "starvation and extermination of Gazans" by Israel! 😡
@verah619 Says:
Egypt is playing a two-faced game And they could have destroyed the tunnels on their side of the border!
@connortilson7141 Says:
Without UN verification nothing Isreal says will be believed! Israel has lost all credibility internationally!
@vedicpride Says:
To us Islam is death cult and must
@Mr.MarkGuerrero Says:
The UN loves terrorists.
@azubliss Says:
It's interesting how the ICC turns a blind eye to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, invasions of terrorism in areas mentioned in the video...why not address these situations and call out for the arrest of Putin or Isis terrorists?
@LJones-tx6eg Says:
Iran is murdering women for wearing a scarf wrong. Yet global leaders are in Iran mourning the death of the author.
@johndoe3485 Says:
No disrespect, but the elephant in the room that i see now that EVERYONE will ignore forever is Islam. Islam ☪️ is the heart of the problem. If anyone wants to end this madness once and for all, its to get rid of this cult called Islam that teaches its okay to rap any female that the capture. But, unfortunately the elephant 🐘 will always and forever be ignored. So this problem will never be fixed. So it is what it is. Only a miracle or the Messiah can fix this. The leadership men of the world as you can see will never end this. ✌️
@Aliahmad-xy8sp Says:
Long live Ireland, norway, and spain
@Jaredmorrison-vs4oz Says:
IDF is so angry for good reason they daughters,wife,sisters were raped and killed or are being raped
@markhuebner7580 Says:
Very sad view of our 'modern' world!
@russbianchi8120 Says:
All Arabic governments are despotic theocratic dictatorships, military juntas, corrupt tribal inbred cabals, tyrannical evil illegimate reigmes, anarchistic hell holes, terrorists pimps, retarded rapists, oppressing billions
@miriamariel6185 Says:
You need to get the hostages out that is very important
@Rhymerjoo Says:
Meanwhile bibbi is going to jail

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