Brexit 'hasn't worked' for the UK
Brexit 'hasn't worked' for the UK



@johnrofsocalgroover2645 Says:
An economist talking about UK politics? Guess anybody can be a talking head these days
@markeast4647 Says:
The Tories never implemented it. They have betrayed the largest vote in British politics. They had no intention to further the supremacy of Parliament. Globalists all. Johnson is a net zero zealot. And authoritarian. No better than Chairman Dan.
@alunevans2377 Says:
Europe economically is stagnating. German been in recession. Take all these economic numbers with a pinch of salt
@paulwilliams1469 Says:
and the EU hasn't worked for Sweden France or Germany
@ralphmacchiato3761 Says:
Well, Ireland will never let the UK join the EU. During the Irish Famine, England's prioritization of commerce over humanitarian concerns exacerbated the crisis. British policies such as exporting food from Ireland, reliance on laissez-faire economic principles, and inadequate relief efforts contributed to widespread suffering and loss of life. This economic approach prioritized profit over the well-being of the Irish population, leading to devastating consequences during the famine years, including mass starvation, disease, and emigration.
@SaintsofAvalon Says:
Too many antimonarchists that hate the country have been manipulating the votes and work being done to strenghten the country on the global stage putting their interests first instead of the country they serve . Even down to the eurovision artists chosen by the socialist left BBC .
@nicolass7102 Says:
Brexit disaster
@nicolass7102 Says:
Brexit will destroy uk
@stepheningermany Says:
All those comments about brexit never really happened lol... the tories are too scared to actually implement all the checks required for a "real" brexit because it would screw over the UK economy and cause empty shelves and turn Kent in to a lorry park. They can't let the loons who vote for them see that so they keep delaying. All it would take for the government (tory or labour) to have to reveal the truth to the electorate is for some WTO member to complain to the WTO about EU goods not being checked and than who ever is in charge would have to decide between the lorry park and empty shelves or stopping checks on everyone else's imports.
@qsfrankfurt9513 Says:
If Britain was doing better than France and Germany, and this failed conservative party were good at planning, then maybe they could have meticulously arranged and planned for an umbrella ☔. Oh well, at least these deluded, racist, arrogant Brexiteers got what they wanted: a hard Brexit that cut them off from their European trading partners and ensures the UK will end up as the sick man of Europe once again. They brought it on themselves. 😮😮
@qsfrankfurt9513 Says:
Its amazing how Sky News Australia gets all these gorgeous news anchors. What's her name? I need to look her up.
@windsong3wong828 Says:
UK was letdown by the wrong leaders. UK pissed off the EU with Brexit and then sanctioned the Russians…..and then pissed off the Chinese …. Obviously, the UK economy will face tremendous headwinds. Who else ( major economy) is left ? India ? UK still dream of the glorious raj days ……hahaha.
@uweinhamburg Says:
What was difficult about that? Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? with the responses to the question (to be marked with a single (X)): Remain a member of the European Union Leave the European Union Out means out!!
@KabukeeJo Says:
Brexit was the best thing the UK could have done for itself, but the EU globalists made sure it never happened.
@Brazier-Sin Says:
DEPRESSION TIME! The rich call it cleaning out the arteries… Evil will always find a way . . . .
@serviusm9523 Says:
BREXIT doesn't work when you do not build international trade agreements, get involved in an unaffordable international conflict, and still give the EU decision-making power.
@JV-lk6md Says:
Never had Brexit really. I think it's great we've become the worlds 4th largest exporters in that time though. The elites want us to forget we had a global economic lockdown that destroyed our economies around the world where they printed so much money that we now have HUGE real inflation. Bigger than the manipulated numbers suggest.
@JV-lk6md Says:
Sky were some of the liers that said we'd have a massive stock market crash after we had Brexit and other things like that that never happened. The UK never had Brexit. We still have every single EU regulation that we had when they left. Makes it VERY hard to make trade deals. What HAS happened is that British people now have CONTROL over our democratic choices. We KNOW exactly who to blame when things go wrong....OUR British politicians. Before Brexit we didn't know who was making the rules. Just remember what the elites threatened us with...they said we'd have a massive stock market crash, we'd get hit by an asteroid, we'd get super gonorrhoea etc....every ridiculous lie they could think of. The economy never struggled because of Brexit, it struggled from a global Pandemic and global lockdown of trade which the world may never fully recover from.
@rockerjim8045 Says:
the music in the background was priceless
@user-dd9tc4zz8j Says:
Nothing will work for the UK, because Brits are too lazy to get off their backsides and vote to protect democracy. You just don’t deserve freedom if you can’t be bothered to vote for it. Stop your whining.
@enigma_-_79 Says:
We should have fortified the borders and sent the boats back. Then cleared out all the illegal immigrants. Labour will open our borders and allow in thousands of people who hate us. The financial and societal costs will be enormous. Then they will take a vote to rejoin the EU. It will be disastrous.
@devonsteve2347 Says:
Brexit didnt happen cos those whom we elected to carry out the exit plan didnt do so. IMO, they put THEIR & Davos interests before the Nations Interests Now looking Like Labour will probably complete the alignment with Davos, but either way, both sides of the UNIPARTY will have signed away our Sovereignty to the W.H.O. Anyway.
Because our corrupt politicians and civil service did not do it, they stalled, put up barriers where they could. We are still waiting.
@peterbardy1296 Says:
Nor has mass immigration. And replacement of the indigenous population.
@rissole7229 Says:
The only reason brexit hasn't worked is because the process has been white-anted from within the conservative party as well as well as from the Labor party (no surprises there). BUT, more importantly the greatest sabotage comes from the public servants. The faceless, unelected, unaccountable civil servants. Reform party needs to drain the swamp.
@antsilk2758 Says:
People voted out because of immigration … they sent us more. We never really left.
@grantsapain Says:
Only because of the incompetence of Tory leadership. Plenty of countries exist outside the EU, & are quite prosperous...
@user-gd7cn4sy9l Says:
Complete cobblers. Please excuse my French! This is very simple. Starmer is a complete socialist and has stated that, without a vote he will take the United Kingdom back into the clutches of the dictatorship of the so called democratic party of the European communist Party. starmer has promised to, not only have open borders but, he actually said he encourages anyone from anywhere criminals or not to come here as we will look after them! Or should i say the taxpayers of this country will! Hi taxation, hi interference from government, etc etc, the usual socialist garbage. Sunak pretty much agrees. Even in his protestations otherwise that we should go back into the soul destroying undemocratic fakes of the European communist Party of Europe. He has achieved absolutely nothing whatsoever! He wasn't even elected! He was however installed by the lunatic left wing zelots within the Conservative Party! Brexit. This country whatever ones opinion about it Voted to cast aside our membership of Europe's fake government. Successive governments of the Conservative Party have thwarted the people's rights to make this divorce happen successfully and being helped by the other left wing institutions of government who are working hard to destry this kingdom of England. The end! We need to refom this country and really take back complete control. Vote X Reform in this election for the opportunity to be a real independent nation that cares for its people, puts its people first and trades with other nations of the world on our terms and for our benefit! God save the King.
@channel1_channel Says:
Actual Sovereignty. If England does not have that, there is still an issue.
@allegra0 Says:
They are all full of lies.
@LouLou10000 Says:
That’s because our government has not removed the eu laws holding us back
@raijinenel3116 Says:
because Brexit never actually happened.
@michaelkelleher2606 Says:
Brexit has beefed undermined by lefty institutions.
@traceyjm8041 Says:
Sky sliding to the left.
@stevewiles7132 Says:
Those in power never wanted it to work.
@user-rj4yk3ib8x Says:
Our country ? Sick of these fecking migrants.
@peekaboo6622 Says:
It hasn't worked due to internal sabotage.
@Factoverfiction1-mk3rf Says:
Brexit didn’t ‘cut Britain off from its trading partners’. Notice Australia isn’t part of the EU and is on the other side of the globe? Doesn’t stop us from trading with them. I think the UK has had enough Islamic immigration. They don’t need more of it from the EU’s mass migrant agenda.
@francescostello1377 Says:
Really Sky" we're still waiting for brexit fgs, Our democractic vote to leave the corrupt EU Billionaire Bureaucractic dictatorship in Brussels, not partly or with EU concessions, and our Zionist imperialistic government, Parliament are not and never has been in favour of brexit hence the 4 years of political shenanigans. Europe is a busted flush, just like the UK, US, Europe collective west Inc Australia
@pookeyhutchison7838 Says:
Well Tim Harcourt you are factually wrong as usual. Your opinion is not facts at all.
@englishstark6100 Says:
Mainstream opposition to Mainstream support for Globalisation
@andersdottir1111 Says:
The EU made sure it wouldn’t work as a lesson to other countries.
@ianenglish123 Says:
Brexit proudly brought to you by Boris Johnson, Nigel Farrange and Murdoch press Good job boys.
@driftingintoretirement Says:
What complete rubbish, get your facts right Sky news
@andyfield7397 Says:
Brexit as requested by the British People never happened as the elites never allowed it Vote Reform Brits !
@williamdeasy4501 Says:
Because we never left the Eu.
@vitaluna1568 Says:
IF brexit did happen then it would have worked. BUT brexit was all in name only, and the EU still was controlling the UK.
@fredcollins9953 Says:
BREXIT hasn't worked but we have moved from 7th to 4th largest exporting country in the world, Do your research.
@wyattfamily8997 Says:
Brexit hasn't been CARRIED OUT in the U.K. so of course it "doesn't work", nor do most Politicians and Bureaucrats.
@mrlions994 Says:
It hasn’t worked because the government prevented it from working.

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