Half a million dead Russians in Ukraine and counting. How many more will Putin send to death?
Half a million dead Russians in Ukraine and counting. How many more will Putin send to death?



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@tarky2390 Says:
If this isn’t propaganda then I’m Myles Davis
@vincentdavidson755 Says:
I don't believe the numbers are that high 😐 not even close
@patrickdayton2080 Says:
This is a lie and exaggerating statement that can never be proven by Ukraine leadership . Like Way the Zelensky lied about 30,000 only death Ukrianians soldiers
@gdv4612 Says:
Putin will send 10 y/o if he has to
@davidalan7815 Says:
I call the American restrictions the same thing I call the stuff that comes from the backside of a chicken. ніяких переговорів, ніколи не здаватися, тільки перемога. слава Україні! 💙💛🙏
@ernegregor Says:
The NATO fencing group counts the number of deaths of Russia, ... they never want to pass on the number of deaths of the Ukraine, while Ukraine loses
@olumidelawrence2533 Says:
Another beer parlour journalism to make the plebians happy
@jeffrodriguez152 Says:
Yeah stop spraying propaganda
@berry1669 Says:
half a million men dead that is a huge number not small - husbands, sons, fathers. I dont understand the Russian people that they dont stand up against Putin and demand an end of this war. Compare that to how many man dies during the Vietnam war and the consequences it had for the USA - think about that if you will
@alexstevenson7941 Says:
Putin: The Ghetto Maker
@kevinpetzer936 Says:
F ...madness
@pe1473pe Says:
US friendship is fatal. So now no one can help Ukraine. Already Biden has said that he will fight till the last Ukrainian. It is Biden's fight.
@mnblkjh6757 Says:
@josephyodiceyodice5990 Says:
Life is so cheap to Communist leaders. Sickens me to see so many decent people destroyed (on both sides) for no good reason. To think that Russia has as many Nuclear Weapons as they do is terrifying ! God Help Us All❗🙏
@abrahamphilip6439 Says:
Only ? That was the figure given some time back by the US intelligence agents to the equally idiotic & lying Congress,
@robmar7190 Says:
Unbelievable - the Western propaganda machine is so disgusting 🤮- repeatedly fake news - just like when I was a kid US Vietnam 🇻🇳 nightly body count’ and which hill taken -retaken- no land lose - Fake News = Propaganda’ propaganda
@AddenMachon Says:
This death toll does not make sense. Lets look at the bigger picture that is Ukraine is dying for western goals to destroy Russia. It is all about one world order and greed and power of the elite.
@setiandromeda6091 Says:
Russia was losing the war coz of poor training ad poor weapons!what happened?,putin was very sick.now russia has lost alot of manpower.when did u count?what is the foundation of this assertion?now we dont hear of very sick putin losing ad poor weapons I quess such assertions are bogus
@hopeforallnations1986 Says:
Hahah western world with their fake news
@Joaodocaminhao0234 Says:
Thank you
@mariobadia4553 Says:
I love how they was absolutely zero proof of five hundred thousand dead russian soldiers. This number is completely made up. Even if this is true, then that would mean there are at least 400000 dead Ukrainian soldiers.
@chrisporter1724 Says:
Ho Ukraine do tell lie,z
@johnbirch7639 Says:
How many Ukrainians have died, almost three times as many.. 1,500,000 at least.
@thomasmusandu2754 Says:
Ironically it is not Russia that has no boots on the ground or is forcing civilians to fight.
@zoraprime886 Says:
@ΜελίναΚοντογιάννη-ο9ψ Says:
Putin doesnt care either for his people, either for russia itself!, russia is collapsing already a pareih!,,
@Observer82 Says:
I dont know if how precious and different the life of russian soldier compare to putins life?why this soldier still following putin..even they already know that they are invading other nation.its stupid to follow this type of command.
@Assimpleasthat100 Says:
Yea right your a Ukraine apologists projecting...if it were true that would mean Ukraine has lost 1to 2 miilion already 🤡
@patrickmarsland8388 Says:
Don't you listen Blinken says use in what way you think is best
@josephtempongko8914 Says:
You did not count Ukrainians and British, US, Canadian, Australian and NATO mercenaries.
@Pablokoko-e2l Says:
That number including north korea 150k soldier including weapons. Iran 60k soldier including weapons. Syria 50k soldier. South Africa 30k soldier. all dead .
@markdefren1222 Says:
This is fake news/ propaganda by the war mongers in the west . Russian has maybe lost 30,000 and Ukraine likely 300,000 . Ukraine is literally on its last legs. Ukraine is being led by a illegitimate criminal despot.
@Buzz_Mustermann Says:
Its 500k dead and injured Russians... maybe 1/3 are dead so around 150k
@NJonners Says:
How is it that Ukraine has not used weapons from countries that have allowed their use on Russian territory?
@HeartFeltGesture Says:
During WW2 Stalin sent 30 million Russians to death, so Putin probably thinks 500k is just getting started.
@JoeyRay-fz1qe Says:
Lets see, the math don't add up. Russia started the war with less then 800,000 men and now has 1.3 million and raising up to 1.5 million by next year. Zelensky says he has a 800,00 man army and only lost 31,000 but is short of men and even used press gangs to drag men off the streets, clubs or anywhere to get men. If he lost the 31,000 out of 800,00 there would not be a shortage. If Putin lost 500,000 then his army would of not increased and he stopped mobilizations since 30,000 to 40,00 are joining up every month. Yep the math don't add up!
@cedricbouzat4063 Says:
Je me demande si un jour la population russe va se révolter contre ce fou sanguinaire et le renverser avec toute sa clique ? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@susannewilliamsson8339 Says:
Putin will NOT care! He NEVER will!
@v.mcdannald7943 Says:
For One Mans Greed
@carlpearson6734 Says:
Thought it was 50,000?
@glintongordon6811 Says:
The country with 500,000 dead isn't asking for ally to send troops... Imagine how many the ones begging for troop and lowering the draft age lost
@davefedcheshen1422 Says:
west still scared of ru
@ivankos3305 Says:
Outright bullshit...
@davidnewton3338 Says:
And all that money he paid half a million gone thats expensive right ?
@markreddy188 Says:
If Russia’ lost this many then how many as Ukraine lost Stop lying. We are losing. The west is losing. And you the presenter as lost it altogether. Face the facts. Make peace stop killing innocent people
@PetrovVeVO Says:
You know those numbers not true 😂😂😂
@honmui7755 Says:
@tonymills5086 Says:
The russian people have to know Their men are being killed In this so called special military operation , But what's tragically sad Putin hides The enormous number of deaths And the russian people just gullibly Go along what will it take For the russian people to say enough is enough

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