Kevin Sorbo on the Epidemic of Fatherlessness
Kevin Sorbo on the Epidemic of Fatherlessness



We are here for the fatherless!
@draj8590 Says:
You need 3 jobs just to survive in this capitalist system what do you expect
@ChadGpt369 Says:
This whole Trump thing is Trump's best friends Putin's fault!!!
✝️in Christ the Savior Jesus’s name. Amen. Truth!
Maybe its another part of the debt based economic system we were thrown into.
@fastwheels195 Says:
My father was a firefighter and also worked a full time job on the side. He was hardly ever home. I moved to an older cousin as a father figure and he was definitely not a good person. That had a huge effect on how I grew as a man and I had to work hard to change my ways through God.
@bopitbull3957 Says:
Hercules is the king he can give a seminar how to be a great person and a great Patriot.
@TheHolyGhost777 Says:
There's an epidemic of immaturity.. and that has come from never having to sit there and think about things ever since smart phones came out. So, right now, society is collectively about 20 years more immature than they should be.
@briancooper2112 Says:
Kids and young adults have no manner, respect for elders, and think harassing people with disabilities is OK. Im legally blind and I get harrassed by punks who think I'm weak! Big mistake. 😮
@johnboston2298 Says:
Women are incentivised to blow up families and their own life. They think attorneys and the court system is going to bring them cash and prizes. Watch the movie divorce Corp and see how delusional women are and hopefully more people stay together and keep families together.
@joe5431 Says:
Blame the domestic courts! They want all fathers to pay child support. They purposely take fathers out of the childs life by paying off the mother. Free money for the mother's
@derekbuckler9888 Says:
You guys are still being spammed, God, what's happened to this country? And unfortunately families are being destroyed by the more than criminal LGBTQ community, or transgenderism. And Sorbo is exactly right, and for being Christian he was rejected by Hollywood. He'll always be a hero to me, and unlike the so called hero's in Hollywood. He actually is one, and as the old saying goes "the only way for evil to triumph, is when good men do nothing"
@tslim250 Says:
it's unfortunate. Hercules was more of a father figure than my own father (not his fault) due to this toxic slave work mentality! My dad worked mandatory overtime just to make the ends meet and wasn't able to be around. Its insane.
@TheClownCunt Says:
Only in Democratic’s , most republicans I know the family is together, on the ones who got married.

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