Could Haitian Gang Members Come to U.S. After Murdering Christian Missionaries?
Could Haitian Gang Members Come to U.S. After Murdering Christian Missionaries?



@garyjonjon Says:
What do you mean could come?
@ChadGpt369 Says:
This whole Trump thing is Trump's best friends Putin's fault!!!
@miamoto69 Says:
@djpickle68 Says:
Haven't even posted a single thing about Drumpf conviction on all 34 counts. Trump 4 prison.
@David..832 Says:
One guy cares and the other protects the criminals because he's a bought and paid for coward
@gary8265 Says:
Joe will import them to be the new inclusive police.
@gabrielbaez8034 Says:
Send them. It’s rounding Templar time.
@donnapalombo4552 Says:
Anyone recognize the symbol on the neck chain BBQ wears?
@tomhawley2711 Says:
Obidin administration,& BLM will put up statues and build Parks to the illegal invader !
@braddavis9895 Says:
Fear porn extermination distraction propaganda
@GigaVids Says:
Burnt body = bbq was there
@sweetsuee3005 Says:
Biden does not care about America! The lefts plan is to sink the USA, strip it down and rebuild with all their twisted and perverted ways..
@tracekellett3332 Says:
Word on the street is that it was two different gangs. Check your story
@herlemaggard69 Says:
Make Dixie Great Again , damn yanks got what they wanted
@Bikelife_505 Says:
Pleb behavior at its peak
@nmr20067 Says:
In Biden’s America…. YES. They are welcome here. The Biden regime does not follow immigration laws on the books. He does what he wants..
@Mrsmetamorphosis2012 Says:
@whitehaze259 Says:
If joe Biden and the Democrat party has anything to do with it, they definitely will be here to vote and suck our country dry.
@williamharvey4732 Says:
Those children ! Never should have been allowed there . How insane missionaries think themselves messangers of God ? Go home the Lord does not need you .
@TruthMatters16 Says:
You know they are probably already here, along with 160 countries From Bidens Invasion Just like Canada is taking in Gazans and invading northern border
@johnbrennan9584 Says:
The WEF is using illegal immigration as a weapon against the United States in order to destabilize the United States. They want a North American Union of Canada, the United States, and Mexico much like the, disastrous , European Union. The WEF and EU are dumping Muslims and other non-Christians into Europe to break these Christian nations so many more easily control them as well.
@billc2179 Says:
The USA is on the way to a real doomsday
@Gpsautomotive Says:
Now the US has a reason to enter HAITI how convenient…. Those gangs are smarter then that. There has to be more to this story
@mikelee9886 Says:
Of course they will, they will be given the red carpet treatment.
@poochithepit Says:
@miketuesday267 Says:
The man in the center of the thumbnail is BBQ. He now runs Haiti. He did'nt get that name because he likes brisket.
@ThomasWBaldwin Says:
@tassie7830 Says:
Wow, I don’t live in the us 🇺🇸 but I’m popping the champers, it’s going to be a good weekend🎉🎉🎉
@The77surfer Says:
If you're from haiti or you're haitian, you go to the don't let into AMERICA line. STOP IMPORTING criminals and CLOSE THE SOUTHERN BORDER.
@gpstid4514 Says:
The answer is yes ! It’s happening now, it’s amazing no one seems to realize what’s happening. We are being sold out.
@matthewpadgett9526 Says:
@IAmCapNFapN Says:
@mark7s980 Says:
Of course they will come here as long as the borders are wide open.
@jerrydelafuente9621 Says:
Hell, I bet China Joe will get a private jet for them to fly here 1st class on the taxpayers tab.
@millsrickman7703 Says:
Oh no. I'm sure they won't be a problem. Just like ms13 isn't a problem. Or china stealing from us,or bringing invasive species isnt a problem.
@Tom-io3mw Says:
They are here already
@amryan7571 Says:
@TheClownCunt Says:
Of course Biden would let them in

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