North Korea Rains Down Feces & Trash-Filled Balloons on South Korea
North Korea Rains Down Feces & Trash-Filled Balloons on South Korea



@jor-d5640 Says:
@wolfgangpollersnr5259 Says:
South Korea should be thankful that they get free fertilizer that doesn't harm the environment in producing .
@smbrowning578 Says:
The Supreme Court's unanimous decision on a first amendment right gives me hope for our Republic. 🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏
@jancoley9051 Says:
Excellent analysis and funny at the end.
@AMX86 Says:
Balloons of poop...biological warfare.
@michelestellar7725 Says:
No. not fecal matter but maybe WORSE... like insect eggs, fugal spores, and bacteria or know we really have no idea of exactly what they did since they floated around in rural areas supposedly undetected. Funny bird flu is pooping up snd the first case of rabies in a bat in many years here in my area.
@karensobek2785 Says:
Good for the Supreme Court to side with NRA
@pmguy8123 Says:
NK has launched the dreaded Butt Missiles.
@coppermutant Says:
This seems like something Portland or Seattle could strive for in their quest for Communism. Poop balloons.
@JohnAIDoe Says:
Don't give those Antifa/Palestine protestors any ideas.
@chrissavage1534 Says:
Nice that North Korea finally found something to export.
@rodgercottrill3342 Says:
Dictator os protecting chemical labs an nuclear secrets fjb
@eddysgaming9868 Says:
Weak, ineffectual leadership emboldens our enemies. And destabilizes our alliances. As any child facing the school yard bully could tell you. You don't want to present Biden's level of incompetent leadership to the world.
@GreaterDeity Says:
I'm sorry... its hilarious but also very, very sad. It's nearly unbelievable.
@margie6534 Says:
Instead of Rocket Man, is Kim Jong now Sh!t Man?
@doublepenn5732 Says:
It's a test run for California... They are going to call them FREEDOM Balloons.... Feces Relocation Expedition Evenly Distributed Over the Midwest
@Noneyabuiness Says:
Biological warfare
@c-w-h Says:
@gingerale1861 Says:
Only surveillance?
@straightchad8059 Says:
North korea is so low class .

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