'Unacceptable': James Paterson calls out Chinese official blocking Cheng Lei
'Unacceptable': James Paterson calls out Chinese official blocking Cheng Lei



@alistairgrant9705 Says:
Two Chinese clowns should be kicked out of our country we don’t treat people like that Go home and enjoy living in a police state
@SamLukie Says:
They won't forget Cheng Lei.
@TheRoswellCode Says:
Albo's a kommie katamite.
@chrisdagg5117 Says:
albobo is a lying COMMUNIST
@SebastianYap-xj9ju Says:
Do you know how to perform illumination blood ritual slaughter? Do you know how to do illumanti members Do blood ritual sacrifice so easy e sings no more questions skull and bones chapter 322 Yale university so Aaron sons said Lucifer enjoys illumanti blood ritual sacrifice so bible book said God do not enjoy eating white meat so snake is wise is white meat know God do not enjoy eating white meat so aarons sons get fillet steaks and God gets the fats of the meats are organs hearts livers kidneys brains intestines in plate as sin offer is daily sacrifice so abomination that causes desolate In temple of God is image of first beast is white meat πŸ– is 🐍 is wise white meat understands my voice so Satan hear voice of lamb Jesus christ and Satan recognition my voice said God do not enjoy eating white meat so do not fear jesus christ flesh gives helper spirit of truth is me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ said I do not enjoy eating white meat so snake is wise white meat do not fear me so dragon and fake prophet woman and beast on earth cast Alive into consuming fire so how can flesh without spirit save itself inside consuming fire πŸ”₯ so you who is near acknowledge my might and you who is far hear of my reputation so the sinners in Zion are afraid so bright morning star walked fiery brimstone in garden of Eden marriage supper of lamb bridegroom jesus christ city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire so victory assured the song of Moses and song of lamb Jesus christ. Simon Peter is white meat is unclean because I do not enjoy eating white meat like Roman catholic Church Vatican city Rome pope Francis spirit wash feet of simon Peter is white meat so God do not enjoy eating white meat so I enjoy eating red meat is clean red meat. Unclean red meats πŸ– are kangaroo And lamb have strong flavour do not chew curds because lamb is too small to have double digestive system so lamb has strong flavour so lamb is unclean red meat so kangaroo is unclean red meat πŸ–. White meats are unclean because i do not enjoy eating white meat as bible book said God do not enjoy eating white meat is unclean. Nobody can enter kingdom of God until born of water and born of holy spirit so how can flesh without spirit save itself inside consuming fire πŸ”₯ so God is living God as bible book said the son has life is eating is drinking is feasting so the son of man has dietary preferences is I enjoy red meats πŸ–. Snake 🐍 is wise white meat....do not fear jesus christ flesh gives helper spirit of truth is me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ said do not fear me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ so me do not enjoy eating white meat is snake is wise white meat get behind jesus christ gives helper spirit of truth is me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ so me Sebastian yap spirit is word of God so superman rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows my dietary preferences is red meats πŸ– Hotel California so the Eagles the sons of God called peacemakers as birds 🐦 have nests so birds sings fruits of holy spirit is love peace joy in foxtel as foxes have holes so son of man shall drunk fruits from vines until I enter marriage supper of lamb bridegroom jesus christ city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire so how can flesh without spirit save itself inside consuming fire πŸ”₯ so apostle Paul said unpardonable sin in bible book so apostle Paul is Hermes mercury said hand that man flesh over to Satan snake 🐍 lord Jupiter Zeus king of gods stood ready to devour son of metis woman clothed with sun has 12 stars as crown walks on moon rules with iron rod so I shall be his God and he shall be my son took scroll has 7 seals from the one seated on throne so arch angel Michael fight snake dragon lord Jupiter Zeus king of gods not strong enough so arch angel Michael help Gabriel put hands on son of man be strong be very strong son of man shall be lifted up as Moses lifted up snake 🐍lord Jupiter Zeus king of gods is white meat knows I do not enjoy eating white meat lord Jupiter Zeus king of gods knows Kronos Saturn ancient of days lion seeking to devour 🦁 has fiery pillars for legs and rainbow 🌈 above head and face like sun of woman clothed with sun has 12 stars as crown walks on moon rules with iron rod so snake 🐍 is wise white meat understands my dietary requirements and I also need eyes see wilderness has sheep πŸ‘ is voice of wilderness has dove πŸ•Š is innocent angel of lord said two babies sheep and lamb share one holy spirit has vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so they begged moses stand between them and their lord God is vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so true vine jesus christ gives helper spirit of truth is me Sebastian yap spirit is dai la lama spirit said sheep πŸ‘ panchan lama is greatest in kingdom of God because sheep πŸ‘ panchan lama hears my voice and recognition my voice Is voice of dai la lama spirit is advocate is comforter is holy spirit is helper spirit of truth is word of Jesus christ is word of God is rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows how can flesh without spirit save itself inside consuming fire πŸ”₯ so nobody can enter kingdom of God until born of water and born of holy spirit so sheep πŸ‘ panchan lama gives water of repentance because nobody can enter kingdom of God until born of water and born of holy spirit so how can flesh without spirit save itself inside water πŸ’§ so how can flesh without spirit save itself inside earth 🌎 the sign of Jonah so how can flesh without spirit save itself inside belly of whale πŸ‹? Apostle paul said super apostles and hand that man flesh over to Satan snake to destroy his flesh and save man spirit for coming day of Judgement so unpardonable sin in bible book so apostle Paul said super apostles in bible book
@GlobalMechanix Says:
Can't leave a country without condemning it, Sky News is for suckers and same goes for their😊 pay roll.
@GlobalMechanix Says:
Sky News is not free press, try cancel your subscription and you'll find out. Money talks and BS more than walks, it dances Infront of camera and even runs for cabinet.
@johnyung-p1s Says:
@rinoporcu6241 Says:
She is a traitor to them, the CCP are evil fuks, how can the ALP let this be. Ban and kick this little twat out back to CCP China.
@CreateMakeEnterprise Says:
That’s how China deals with things, they try to hide it from the public. Even if it’s blatantly obvious.
@ContentinMesa Says:
Crazy how China was less dystopian than you bbq shrimp lovers during Covid. And please don’t threaten Elon for free speech. I’m sorry life is to sensitive for your minds to see. Cheers mates
@Eric-jo8uh Says:
Liber or Labor you see the same gutless wonder BS. Look at the history. 74 years I’ve seen this time and time again, both parties. One Nation for me now.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
Not much of a story about some SKY journo being stood in front of by a Chinese official. Dutton will no doubt promise to shirtfront the official or the chinese Premier. Keep SkY meatheads away from some of the most powerful people in the world.
@Spaceman-pj4id Says:
If Tynese saw her released they might think CCPee too weak
@bretloyd8097 Says:
Dont see anyone "blocking" her. .
@MelodyMan69 Says:
China want to 'control' everything in Australia. When will you understand that. This is just a small example of how Chinese LOOK DOWN ON AUSTRALIANS AS INFERIOR. Their delusions of Chinese Superiority in clear focus.
@pattodox Says:
Vote one nation
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Long live China πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³πŸ‘ Keep whinging sky nazi news, you did this many times before & you failed miserably, you'll fail this time too
@LuciferBlack-zp8lr Says:
RUN.............πŸ₯΅ πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
@stevep9041 Says:
But they’ve given us a panda! Doesn’t that make it all ok?
@gerrycooper56 Says:
Why do we see all these CCP flags in Adelaide being waved by Asian people? If they’ve emigrated then surely the only flag to wave is Australian?
@johncorlett3699 Says:
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
You mean like when Trump banned CNN Acosta from all White House briefings... and then, **STOPPED ALL WHITE HOUSE BRIEFINGS FOR ALL JOURNALIST**
@Fire.4Effect Says:
Obviously they don't like her
@wilbur1884 Says:
@SebastianWellsTL Says:

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