Fatima Payman to announce new political party
Fatima Payman to announce new political party



@robertheritage-i8h Says:
She should be expelled from Australia she’s no Australian
@AGP-h9e Says:
Thanks Albo and Labor , for bringing this shit into beautiful Australia......VIVA ISRAEL
@mariestreeting4213 Says:
Uphold FIFO……Fit In Or Fucp Off. it’s Australia’s way, our lifestyle that’s at stake. If you don’t like it go back home.
@hanrol1 Says:
so wrong this should not be allowed
@DocReasonable Says:
Most Muslims would be furious about a woman being in politics.
@richardharris885 Says:
this is...sparta !!!
@az-yq3rk Says:
How about Sky give us a well deserved treat and release the numbers of the thumbs down counter? 3,806 views with 109 likes, but how many DISLIKES??
@az-yq3rk Says:
If your government can't uphold my choice to live safely without being threatened with Islamist jihad, fatwa or Caliphate etc etc, you have no place to hold office in Australia. Unlike the Palestinian-activist marches, there is no guns, knives/swords or words of violence on Australia's flag.
@TY-ls2zb Says:
She was cosying up to the CCP and was working for the CCP mouth piece CCTV before she got arrested and detained by the CCP, now she is so afraid of CCP...and she became a Sky News host...
@richardtravers8772 Says:
Shouldn't that be, both Albo and Wong have done absolutely nothing except sit on their hands, a typical gutless non response from cowards.
@whatever9770 Says:
Does she have Australian citizenship,or dual citizenship ?If dual she can’t be in government.
@infidel202 Says:
Wake up Australia
@avemaria2546 Says:
Look at what is happening in the UK, England has fallen, we are next
@jerryallright77 Says:
Shish kebab party
@dawndouglas7904 Says:
Payman is not Australian she is Afghanistan she wears the head scarf because her Imams tell her to. We dont want her or an Islam party. Look whats happening in England disgusting.
@sin-lb2dw Says:
Snake is always snake...!, female snake
@alexvarghese331 Says:
She should be fixing the problems in Afghanistan. send her back.
@mrchepelopez1818 Says:
don't let terrorist grove in Australia
@LeeanneDeeks Says:
how can she do that when shes not even for Australians
@innocentbystander8038 Says:
A party by the terrorists for the terrorists. What's not to like?
@jamesstockton3777 Says:
Went mold is allowed to grow eventually everything turns to 💩.
@martintran7837 Says:
Wow, unbelievable…
@fisho1288 Says:
Wion news is reporting that this new party will be called 'terrorist lovers of Australia'
@SueNicholls-95 Says:
Australian politicians should have to be a) born in Australia, b) at least 4th of 5th generation Australia!
@ginobiondi2 Says:
More rubish on a ballot paper.
@marybuckley485 Says:
Pauline Hanson all the way
@marybuckley485 Says:
No thanks,
@tomthanks1122 Says:
@darrens5731 Says:
why doesn't she go to Afghanistan and create a new political party there
@christinadelaney9492 Says:
I don’t want her anywhere near our youth! Poisoning our youth with her radical religion and it’s bigotry.
@jep1912 Says:
@lilatan639 Says:
Disgusting that this is announced today. I hope she gets kicked to the kerb at next election
@kaylenehall-t1v Says:
Get this fatima out of politics now before they over run our country and we end up with shari law get this thing out now
@rongt859 Says:
Watch this space , she will be used by some to infiltrate parliament
@Brett-gb7tf Says:
Thanks mr Albenese you started it all for senator Payman now she is going to islamify our politics somebody stop this she has a dual passport cant they use section 44
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Isn't multi racis... umm culturalism fun??
@Brett-gb7tf Says:
Stop this now dual passport will open the doors for islam to destroy our great country
@ShawnLucas-n7b Says:
Invite her to your house she'll be telling you what you can whatch on your tv
@stevewiles7132 Says:
Block this now.
@scottchaytor8222 Says:
She is starting her own home grown Islamic terror group, not a political party.
@nightraven6128 Says:
No no no and no only citizens that have been here for 15years plus (not dual citizenship ) they have to have committed to this country should be allowed in parliament , she strategically planned this and should be banned from politics in Australia...
@alexjohansson5232 Says:
Follow the money- you’ll find the puppet master.
@satiricgames2129 Says:
Fk josh Burns hes one of em you march with stand with labor josj your the nazi
@satiricgames2129 Says:
Muslum nazis out of govment NOW NOW NOW
@rob6543 Says:
Well don’t give her air time she doesn’t love her so called country,Pauline Hanson was jail because she loves her country for saying less 🇦🇺🇦🇺
@crowsfan691 Says:
She hates everything about this country except for the $$$.
@gruntmax43 Says:
A new political party financed by The Australian Taxpayers & Terrorist Organisations.
@baal8077 Says:
@alexisl9426 Says:
It’s funny how Muslims are a small minority in Australia and are more politically active than the other more common ethnic groups
@StellarJones Says:
Did Fatima even do her usual work as Senator other than racial and religious issues

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