


@ekaseptianahellinda1592 Says:
Bersih kan sampai ke akar2nya kelompok teroris hamas dan hisbolah..krna kelompok ini tdk jauh beda....dan kompak hotti yaman....hrs di hapus keberadaan mereka ini
@tamikajackson3419 Says:
Our Heavenly Father said everyone put the 🍎 s back in the basket of rebellious angels he called false gods in his commandments and there is a pads with wings section of his discipline implemented between all relationships and a signature of EL attached to their names. Christ taught his disciples of the Lambs Book 📖.
@aquarius1500 Says:
A blue line that was drawn you 😊
@CharlesLuogon Says:
Israel, be very very careful and be on the alert even while you're going through the period of ceasefire. Do not trust lebanese's Hezbollah. they are descendants of atheists.
@ClaudioPalacio-f9o Says:
This Israel protestors is funding of IRAN, just to Destroy the Israel government
@dwaynerodrigues4715 Says:
It’s very difficult to listen to this news casts. It’s made of many lies,biased narratives etc
@OmolpiKuling-nc3nz Says:
If you elect a new prime minister, will he stand confidenly like like the current prime minister. Benjamin Natanyahu? Be very careful in your decision making. You might give opportunity to the enemies.. we are all praying for you day and night with much tears for God to help you defeat the world's enemy. We can see that the God of is fighting the battle and now you are about to defeat the enemy. Hallelujah. Good night and God bless. Love you all.,
@damuzi8880 Says:
Can't believe anything that comes out the mouths of Nionists
@MsTrisha39 Says:
I am so sorry that most of the world will not recognize the rape, abuse and deaths that happened to these poor woman and men, It’s not their fault. They never asked for this and not for the world to recognize this is another form of abuse. I would like to bless you men and women for your courage just to survive.❤❤
@kamalmchantaf8867 Says:
Send her home
@kamalmchantaf8867 Says:
This lady analysis is naive
@richardrumplik7023 Says:
🙏🙏🙏 Keep up your amazing Courage and protect Your Country and your People ❤️From USA🙏🙏🙏
@DestroyHate. Says:
Let’s ask Palestinians what they think about Hítler 🫵🤨😳
@IvanildoRoseno-x1e Says:
@IvanildoRoseno-x1e Says:
@IvanildoRoseno-x1e Says:
@IvanildoRoseno-x1e Says:
@IvanildoRoseno-x1e Says:
@IvanildoRoseno-x1e Says:
@IvanildoRoseno-x1e Says:
@KirenKK-te7pb Says:
The protestors should volunteer to rescue the hostages themselves than being a nuisance supporting the enemy against their own Government. Soldiers are fighting hard and dying yo rescue terrorist held hostages which is not the same as hostages/ prisoners held by another country. The terrorists want to destroy Israel and kill Jews ( including the baited hostages).
@judsonkastner9317 Says:
How is it that these negotiators can be SMILING AND LAUGHING when so many people are dying,,,, being displaced permanently;;;; and never come together "normally" again in their lifetime.......THAT IS REALLY SICK,,,, THEY SHOULD BE ON THE FRONTLINES FEELING THE ILL EFFECTS OF WAR!!!!!
@benjaminmogha Says:
stop killing thousands of children
@benjaminmogha Says:
evil woman, they shield their wickedness with past rhetoric, anti-Semitism is used by Zionists to deflect accusation
@markyabrifa Says:
God bless Israel and protect them
@margieenriquez1646 Says:
i think their is no brave than pm netanyahu ...we also support him even we dont reside their dont be swayed on your emotions its satan want to win in your heart why stand pray for your nation instead...your enemies laughing when they see their was chaos amidst of these raging war...our the best refuge in times of trouble no one than our creator Lord Jesus Christ
@suzannpuppiesareprecious5285 Says:
America needs to give ISRAEL all the Strongest Offensive Weaponry that ISRAEL Has Already Paid For and not withholding any Strongest Offensive Weaponry From ISRAEL. American Judeo True Born Again Believers Christians are with ISRAEL and Especially the IDF Soldiers and All Of The Precious Innocent Jewish People's who are Our Living Loving Most Holy God Savior Lord Jesus Christ Yeshua Israel Messiah Chosen People and Our Brother's and Sister's Of All Born Again Believers Judeo Christians . Joe Biden Is definitely going to lose the election because of Withholding Offensive Weaponry For ISRAEL 🇮🇱 IDF Soldiers Survival and Especially All the Jewish People Survival and Rights To Exist. That's Breaking Our Own Hearts For Our Real Brother's and Sister's Inside ISRAEL.
@evelyn.batulaharashima5501 Says:
So please read what is said in the report of the Bible of number chapter 16:1- 50 or please read the whole book of the number to know the report about the rebel and what is happening now with the president Benjamin Netanyahu
@evelyn.batulaharashima5501 Says:
They were rebels with ko’ah Da’than and A.bi’ram the 250 people and do you know what happened to them? Jehovah God , the almighty God, the Father of our lord Jesus Christ, defeated them
@evelyn.batulaharashima5501 Says:
Theses people are like kor’ah Da’ than and A.bi’ram people who armed Moses according to the report of his Bible in Number chapter 16: verse 1-50 why are they doing this to their president Netanyahu like they were at the time neither Moses , they are bad guys
@jackparker8686 Says:
Do the words of God have to be written... Or heard and understood.. from whatever vessel they may come from?.. you decide.
@jackparker8686 Says:
?Are we interested in truth?
@jackparker8686 Says:
Wait a minute..... Hostages rescued from civilian apartments.... How and when does this work with that spontaneous nostalgic carpet bombing scenario....? Are they really finding valuable hostages by chance dead..... or blown or starved up by collateral damage scenario?
@jackparker8686 Says:
Imagine this with our imagination... And maybe a little disillusionment... Passages of course in the tunnels.. Hostages trapped with those hostage takers... Who are trapped deciding who to give the food to.... Pull out allow Hamas to rescue its own and the hostages.... Valuable live...... Let's have a reset of a different variety.... Reset out of the dissolution possibility of destroying Hamas and of course ending wars by one side deciding to destroy the other.... "Oh boy that was easy is that all we had to do"?
@jackparker8686 Says:
Rape is rape every rapist is a monster no matter what state or country they come from.... And I would certainly think Hamas has no Monopoly on this crime
@jackparker8686 Says:
This is not to say anything... Or mean anything... Google the statistics of rape in Israel.... Apparently a high percentage of them are not charged... Seems to be high percentage on children.....
@strongkafir2711 Says:
She said struggle against Israel as if Gaza was being controlled or run by Israel... Only struggle against Israel the Palestinians had was consuming the free water and electricity Israel was providing. .. free the hostages and put down your weapons and the war will end. You don't get to invade a country to rob, kill, and destroy like your god Allah/Satan and think there will be no repercussions...
@onlythetruth17 Says:
@littlelife3467 Says:
Antonio Guitteres is bad and ignorant. Doesn't he aware of Hezbollah attacks on Israel since Oct. 7...?? 🤨🤨
@CVB-ho9ki Says:
The. Me 2 1:56:33 Women’s movement is a proven joke & tragic exposure of the monetary benefit as a motive to be victims of rape!
@CVB-ho9ki Says:
@mreuro12 Says:
You can see the hate in his voice this Irish guy is as blind and ignorant as The presidents of Hamas universities in the USA
@kiwilaurel Says:
There is a written international agreement that sets a line that is to remain clear and provide a margin between Israel and Lebanon. It has never been maintained. This women won’t even admit that very simple truth.
@chrismullane3411 Says:
Fear Not Kiren!! Haniaye (sp??)...is A Dead Billionaire Walking!! ISRAEL has a looooong memory and is extremely successful at taking out ENEMIES and TERRORISTS around the globe!!!!! EVIL ALWAYS SEES ITS DAY OF JUSTICE!?!
@hkalsi2136 Says:
Israel was attacked by the terrorists who killed babies, raped women, took hostages to be abused. When BB the great leader took action to protect his people a concerted attack by Isamists, leftists has been launched to remove him as PM with ambivalent American approval. All Jewish people need to understand it is war and in the middle of war you do not remove your PM and leader by quarreling amongst themselves now. Remember your past how Egyptians and Babylon Arabs enslaved Jews for hundreds of years. Finally Yaweh gave the land of Israel back in 1948 to flourish in. All of Judea, Samaria, Aza, Lebanon, Damascus ancient Israel was given so the 3rd Temple can be rebuilt. But nothing done since 75 years by Jewish Haredim who are religious. Yaweh is displeased and will invoke his wrath if promise is not kept. The Arab muslims and their worldwide associates want to destroy Jews in Israel. So fight until you clear all of Israel. Be brave you are on the right side of history. This message brought to you on behalf of Yaweh.
@PaulRatima-oe2ks Says:
Shalom Israel go Hard or loose your Homes Go hard Israel God Bless
@russbianchi8120 Says:
Cogent, salient, articulate, brilliant analyst Raphael Jerusalmy needs to be on i24 daily
@Marshabar1 Says:
If one party to an agreement lives and breathes in a world of lies, the agreement isn't worth a spit in hell.
@volcano1868 Says:
Leadership of Israel may want to take hostage the Islamic 'gold dome' to rid The Land of high places of elohim ahherim... other chiefs pursuant to the Law...Torah...of Moses. Dismantle the dome to reconstruct in... Wisconsin or France
@kimberlywallace6148 Says:
Caroline Glick summed it up perfectly. I believe she is spot on! https://youtu.be/CJvKNWGsd7A?si=OO1DCH3EV3bzEwhP

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