Syrian analyst: 'Western media ignores Arab celebrations of Nasrallah's death'
Syrian analyst: 'Western media ignores Arab celebrations of Nasrallah's death'



@kalumu4230 Says:
Israel is fighting for the west civilization while the West mourns for the death of terrorists who try to destroy their culture. Shameful to the West.
@fullshotmediaug Says:
As Ugandans praying for Israel is a daily routine
@Israel-z5v Says:
Typical Muslim country - need help help help food water but have plenty of money for tunnels , armory , missile and nuclear.STOP FUNDING MUSLIM COUNTRIES , STOP INVESTING IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES , STOP AID AND CHARITY TO MUSLIM COUNTRIES - LET UN DO THAT , STOP IMMIGRANTS FROM MUSLIM COUNTRIES FROM GOING TO NON MUSLIM COUNTRIES SUCH AS WESTERN COUNTRIES , STOP MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS INFLUENCE IN NON MUSLIM COUNTRIES - DON'T ALLOW THEM TO HAVE MOSQUES , PLACES OF MUSLIM GATHERING , MUSLIM BUSINESSES , when the world is going to learn its the only way , all of us are too lenient and very casual humanity respectful towards Muslims and today they took advantage of of these and are using to kill ,murder and other violence against other races and religions in the name of their religion , Islam because they found ways to thrive and dwell in their Islamic religion in foreign countries.If they are too occupied with finding food and making money for family all these won't happen.Don' t let them thrive in non muslim countries.For once and for all.
@rotsin Says:
🎊 🪔🎉🪔🎊🪔🎉🪔🎊
@janusz-kowalski Says:
anti-Syrian "analyst"
@rinachaniago-hw2zo Says:
They { Hamas Palestine , Hezbollah Lebanon Shii'ah & Houties Yaman Pirates } Not To Islamist Representation Saver Because This Iran Proxy Gangster To Also Helped By A Communist Dictator Ruler Like North-Korea With The Anti God Ideology & Anti Humanity Value To Replace A Truly Democracy Systems For The Islamic Facist Revolution Glory ! 👿👳🧕👹 The Iranian Mullah Regime ( Ali Khameini ) Is A Devil Supreme Leader To Always Supporting The His Militant-Proxy Alliance Like Hamas-Hezbollah-Houties Faction To Will Try Destroy A Israel Exist Nation & The Western Hemisphere Countries Such As United States of America _ Canada , European Union Community , Australia + New Zealand With A Global Shii'ah/Shiite Chaliphate Ideology From Around The World 🗿🌍🕋 Hassan-Nasrallah ; He's Ossama Bin Laden ( Al-Qaedah Leader ) or Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi { ISIS Founder } on A Shii'ah / Shiite Version To Having The Same Islamic-Chaliphate Ideology With Anti Christ & Anti Semitic Race + Anti Western Democracy Values To Will Try Dominating In The World Like A Nazi Movement History Event 1938-45 ! 😈👺✌ Now Mr. Hassan-Nasrallah To Have-Been Joint Together With A His Best Friend's ( Ibrahim Raissi Iranian Ex President + Ismael Haniyeh Ex Hamas Leader ) To Meet 72 Hooker Angels Harrem🧞‍♀️🫂☠️ In The Hell~Fire Land Who Similiar Like Another Heaven Taste By A God of Allah Blessing Them Via Their Beyond Pagers or Handy Talkie Exploded Anytime Forever! 📟📲⚡🚀🗿💥🔥 Di Suriah Yg Senang Hassan Nasrallah Tewas Itu Adl Kelompok Oposisi Syria { FSA : Freedom Syrian Army } Anti Rezim Basyar Al-Assad Backingan Iran-Hezbollah + Russia ( Vladimir Putin ) Dlm Perang Saudara Brutal Thn 2010-2020 Hingga Kini Alibat Dampak Dari *"Arab Spring"* 2009 Berawal Di Mesir Dgn Lengsernya Presiden Husni-Mubarak Terus Berlanjut Ke Libya Thn 2012 Dgn Tewasnya Diktator Moammar-Kadhafi Yg Juga Di Sokong Iran-Russia __ Jadi Ini Semuanya Adl *Persaingan Ideologi Antara Muslim Sunni { Arab Saudi - Turki DKK } Versus Islam Syiah [ Iran-Yaman DLL } Sejak Abad Ke 9 SM* Hingga Kini Mereka Masih Berebut Tahta-Kekuasaan Warisan Nabinya! 👳‍♀️🕌🕋🌍 Sekedar Info Lebanon Dulunya Negeri Makmur-Modern Bahkan Ibu Kotanya Beirut Di Juluki *"PARIS DE ARABIA / Parisnya Timur-Tengah "* Dgn Populasi Mayoritas Kristen Assyria & Katolik Maronit Tapi Sejak Masuk nya PLO \ Organisasi Pembebasan Palestina Di Sana Thn 1981 + Munculnya Gerakan Hezbollah Pro Iran Thn 1982 Telah Memicu Konflik Perang Saudara Di Libanon Thn 1983 { Serangan Terror Ke Gedung Dubes Amerika Serikat Sekaligus Barak Marinir AS + Perancis Sbg Pasukan Penjaga Perdamaian Di Libanon Yg Tewaskan Ratusan Warga Di Tempat Tsb Oleh Bom~Truk Milik Faksi Hezbollah : Pelaku Utama Almarhum Fuad-$hukkar & Mendiang Ibrahim Aqil Kaki-Tangan H.Nassralah } Dgn Tujuan Utama Mereka Itu Adl : *'Ekspor Paham Ideologi Khilafah Syiah Ke Se Antero Timur-Tengah Bahkan Seluruh Dunia'* Sama Dgn Paham Wahabi-Salafiah Model Macam Al-Qaedah , ISIS & Talibant __ Indonesia Adl Target Lahan-$ubur Utk Paham2Tsb Yg Rata2Umatnya Minim Literasi Sejarah Peradaban Agama-Budaya Di Bumi Ini! 👉🌏👳‍♀️🕋👺😈 NB : Sementara Di Kawasan Timur-Tengah Yaitu Iran , Libanon , Suriah , Turki DST Pertumbuhan Atheist Meningkat Tajam Banyak Muslim-Muslimah Murtad Bukan Lagi Pindah Keyakinan Tapi Menolak Utk Menjadi Manusia Religis Beragama Krn Muak Lihat Aqidah-Iman Saudara-Temannya Sendiri Amburadul Moralitas nya Spt Konon Mereka Takut Dgn Makanan-Minuman Tdk Halal Spt Daging Babi & Alkohol-Bir Tapi Banyak Muslim Itu Doyan Nilep Uang Haram Spt Korupsi-Pungli Dari Ulama-Ustazdnya Sendiri Model Tipu2Donasi Utk Palestina Malah Sebagian Di Makan Sendiri 🙈🙉🙊🐒 Tunggu Gilirannya Petinggi Houties Yg Akan Target IDF-Berikutnya Terutama Wilayah Yaman-Selatan Dgn Ibu Kotanya SANA'A Tempat Markas Proxy-Iran Tsb , Indonesia Kenapa Selalu Bela Iran Ya Krn Keberadaan Para Habib Imigran Yaman Yg Juga Duduk Di Lembaga Pemerintahan Spt Departemen Agama , Institusi DPR-MPR DST Pasti Ada Turunan Arab2Pesek Yaman Ini ( Ibunya Lokal Pribumi Profesi Lonte Istri Kontrakan Lakinya WNA Dari Timur-Tengah Arab Termasuk Palestina Atau Yaman ) Makanya Jokowi Ini Lebih Takut Dgn Para Habaib-Balawi Ini Ketimbang Ngeri Masuk Neraka Krn Akibat Dpt Kutukan Dari Si Ulama-Ustadz Dari Padang-Pasir Sana Tempat Jin Berkembang Biak 🙃👇☠️ Target Mossad-IDF Berikutnya Adl : Ali Khamenei Mullah Iran , Yahya-Sinwar Pentolan Hamas , Eks Wapres RI JK , Mantan Menkopolhukam Marmud MD , Menlu Ibu Retno Ora Sudi , Ketua MUI Anwar Bablas , Ketua PKS Nurhidayat Walangsangit , Abdoel Tomat Bin Terong DST Nya 🕷🕸👉👳‍♀️⚡🚀😈👺💥🔥
@herona70 Says:
Don't forget Syria.
@Nothing-4u2 Says:
Turkish media and opinion makers deliberately prop up both Hamas and Hezbollah propaganda. Erdogan wants to mobilize the anti Israel sentiment to prop up his failing Regime. His media cronies even talk about going to war against Israel. The anti semitic rhetoric is frightening.
@felipecalugcugan1013 Says:
They're (western press) in great mourning.
@LawrenceM-bishnoi Says:
India stands with our Israeli brother and sister 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇱🇮🇱
@truthwatcher1621 Says:
I noticed that too. The West tries to control everything.

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