Hear who is likely to play Trump during Biden's debate prep
Hear who is likely to play Trump during Biden's debate prep



@traivongoc66 Says:
@sopala3952 Says:
Horrible moderators.. NO fact checking if what trump spewed out was fact or lies. Its like CNN catered to Trumps lies .. letting each lie stand with no fact checks whatsover. Shame on you CNN. .. your channel has become liKe FOX news .. trump trimp trump …desperate for ratings
@matthodges6149 Says:
That means bidens allowed to go to jail after this term since hes the real croocked criminal
@CherFars Says:
I'm over the theatrics. BIDEN ADMIN. let millions cross the border. THEY ARE USING OUR MONEY, SOCIAL & MEDICAL PROGRAM FOR FUTURE VOTES. Get'em out!
@tawnikitari Says:
Why would someone even have to have a debate prep? 😂😂😂
@kyledavis1056 Says:
If you are involved in any media or government your a target. I hope you know that.
@TinaCs023 Says:
TRUMP 2024❤ If Biden opens his mouth, he's lying 🤥.
@mamoudiawara9378 Says:
@kcorbiekeli4816 Says:
Man, you can really tell how much Biden has declined. Damn.
@sandywilson7589 Says:
Biden looked terrible. He acted confused. He was probably pumped up with a lot of drugs. He lied and lied and lied. When we all know the truth Biden is not an effective president at all. It’s a disgrace that he’s our president.
@brandanboehland4757 Says:
Trump definitely swept the floor tonight
@FFAdventuresOriginal Says:
funny, go to any of the mainstream media channels who streamed the debate. It's full of "fact check" statements and disabled chats. Meanwhile all the independent streams have full discussions going. Better control that narrative liberals!
@kimberleetomlinsonpapadaki4314 Says:
@user-nj1dq6be4g Says:
Biden can’t debate. He doesn’t even know when his diaper is full.
@zbigniewzborowski3614 Says:
No War Global Project https://youtube.com/shorts/9AjxUYwV8oM?si=6RYP6fvA30Ptb12s
@me282 Says:
Trump ❤❤❤❤
@me282 Says:
Trump totally winning !!
@me282 Says:
Bye bye Biden !!!!
@nancygarcia4652 Says:
They gave Lying Biden more time ! WHAT THE HELL!
@rachelanderson200 Says:
His debate is with BS. Biden is too much of a SIMP to stand up and not have to sit at a table, to muffle the audio, and to limit it to CNN. SIMP!!!
@23buzzchopper Says:
He beginning to peek
@23buzzchopper Says:
Huggy baer swag!
@23buzzchopper Says:
Pmurt lliw niw! Go President Trump Go!
@23buzzchopper Says:
Go President Trump Go!
@m24djt8 Says:
MAGA king!!!
@m24djt8 Says:
@carriefranklin971 Says:
And now they are going to censor Trump during the debate?? Sumfin wrong with you people!! How do you NOT see the biased bs this news gives!??
@carriefranklin971 Says:
CNN just tells lies one after another about Trump! And you people are to stupid to listen to a speech! The whole speech! Not just picked pieces this trash news gives! Are y'all really that dumb?? Seriously!!
@carriefranklin971 Says:
I hate this news
@FrankChandler-nb5oz Says:
crooked Joe will be hiped up on drugs again !! with communist cnn.... God bless the USA and TRUMP
@FrankChandler-nb5oz Says:
crooked Joe will be hiped up on drugs again !! with communist cnn.... God bless the USA and TRUMP
@FrankChandler-nb5oz Says:
crooked Joe will be hiped up on drugs again !! with communist cnn.... God bless the USA and TRUMP
@FrankChandler-nb5oz Says:
crooked Joe will be hiped up on drugs again !! with communist cnn.... God bless the USA and TRUMP
@FrankChandler-nb5oz Says:
crooked Joe will be hiped up on drugs again !! with communist cnn.... God bless the USA and TRUMP
@FrankChandler-nb5oz Says:
crooked Joe will be hiped up on drugs again !! with communist cnn.... God bless the USA and TRUMP
@jjclisa5798 Says:
I hope people boycott watching the CNN debate on CNN. I'm tired of the censorship the main stream media continues to do to the viewers. The people who are a danger to democracy are the main stream media.
@AutterPlus Says:
CNN viewers are identical to each other. Exhibit A: The comments
@RonEugene Says:
Cartels pay biden good.
@thesaurusrex7919 Says:
You're not fooling me. I see a lot of bots commenting on here in favor of the stupid criminal democrats. It will forever be A FJB WORLD! WAKE UP AMERICA
@InnerSun777 Says:
You are delusional if you support either of these guys, let alone thing they have your best interest at heart.
WHY is CNN going to have a 2Minute Delayed Broadcast of the debate tonight...We The People know exactly WHY. GO Mumbles ... FJB.
@Danbyism Says:
Biden will need to stick to his teleprompter.
@Virtualglue Says:
~ CNN terms(First time in history) - Talk about control (But, that is the bigger picture, "Control") He did not have too agree, but CNN and the government controlled media's, would have said he chickened out . Also he did not train for a week in air hanger. Like roleplaying. LMAO. I was like wow. Such a joke. Also enjoy all the new ISIS that came in. Even if people see Biden flops on the debate, CNN, and the others will call it a victory.(Projection). ~
@bartperry1262 Says:
CNN is nothing but LIES!!!! Piss on CNN!!!! CNN is a communist run outlet!!!! PISS ON CNN!!!!!
@5280BLM Says:
Every time Biden’s eye explodes, take a drink.
@gilbertgonzalez9950 Says:
CNN needs the ratings....they need Trump...think about it what are they gonna do without him....report the news.....
@gwendiferous Says:
@boaz784 Says:
Trump threat to democracy ?! 😂this administration ignores constitution! Only Threat of trump is displaying socialist Marxist corruption and Lies from media. It’s been lining THEIR pockets. ?! 😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@JDR8 Says:
Can you believe that there are human beings that have been alive for the last 3.5 years and will vote for Biden, again. Can you believe that? They have absolutely no idea why, but they will vote for him. They also have no idea why they should not. This is what the Democrat party has become - just vote blue, even if it destroys you, your family, the country and the world.
@boaz784 Says:
Chemicals or not biden has shown incapable of keeping America safe ! Left radical activist can program him all they want. Biden NOT for citizens in America or our children. 😡🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸

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