Ukrainian Strikes Now Pose Threat to Targets Deep Inside Russia. And It Makes Putin Mad
Ukrainian Strikes Now Pose Threat to Targets Deep Inside Russia. And It Makes Putin Mad



@aleksej6489 Says:
strange that first hits were on beach of Sevastopol with ppl on it.. sad that ua isnt changing from 2014 ;(
@innocentokeosisi914 Says:
They idear to use Russian foreign reserve to fight back was encouraging, putin did thought so.
@innocentokeosisi914 Says:
Russia can not survive by borrowed weapon
@darrenmarchand6991 Says:
Americans reading this if you care about Ukraine please do Not vote for trump he will ruin everything for Ukraine by withdrawal of u.s military aide that's already been promised to them
@Drobert882-ix3zf Says:
Russia has been leveling without consequence it's about time they feel the same as Ukraine
@rcchin7897 Says:
And Russia can‘t defend itself against Islamic attacks on Russian soil. Where‘s my small violin?
@kennethmorgan7949 Says:
Zelensky getting rich of the aid, I say end US aid. Stop the stalemate
@DavidRib-yy3th Says:
Putin in Chess doesn't care about his pawns, but in chess pawns are more important. Russia has offense players,but no defense strategy.Same thing on battlefield.
@angeline12345 Says:
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦✊✊✊✊✊✊
@marlenfras5490 Says:
Good reporting. Thank you. Strong Ukraine.
@antoniobassi101 Says:
@JouhouchenHou Says:
writing more Here are some additional points to consider: 11. **Historical Context**: It is essential to understand the historical context in which Russian colonialism and imperialism occurred. The Russian Empire's expansion was marked by the conquest of Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, among other regions. This expansion was often accompanied by the suppression of local cultures and identities, as well as the forced assimilation of indigenous peoples into Russian culture. 12. **Soviet Union**: The Soviet Union, which succeeded the Russian Empire, also engaged in significant colonial and imperial activities. The Soviet Union's policies of Russification and the suppression of local cultures and identities continued the legacy of Russian colonialism and imperialism. 13. **Russian Federation**: The Russian Federation, which succeeded the Soviet Union, has also continued the legacy of Russian colonialism and imperialism. The Russian Federation has engaged in significant military interventions and political interference in neighboring countries, often accompanied by the suppression of local cultures and identities. 14. **Cultural Erasure**: The Russian Federation's policies of cultural erasure have been designed to eliminate local cultures and identities, replacing them with Russian culture and identity. This cultural erasure has been achieved through the destruction of cultural artifacts, the suppression of local languages, and the forced assimilation of indigenous peoples into Russian culture. 15. **Human Rights Violations**: The Russian Federation's policies of cultural erasure and forced assimilation have been condemned by human rights organizations, which have called for the protection and preservation of local cultures and identities. These policies have been characterized as violations of human rights, including the right to cultural identity and the right to self-determination. 16. **International Community**: The international community has been critical of the Russian Federation's policies of cultural erasure and forced assimilation, with many countries and organizations calling for the protection and preservation of local cultures and identities. 17. **Conclusion**: In conclusion, Russian colonialism, imperialism, and erasure of local national identity do not equal "cultural similarity." Stop spreading your Kremlin propaganda. The Russian Federation's policies of cultural erasure and forced assimilation continue to be a significant challenge for indigenous peoples and local communities, and it is essential that we recognize and address this issue. 18. **Recommendations**: To address this issue, it is essential that we recognize the historical context in which Russian colonialism and imperialism occurred. We must also acknowledge the ongoing impact of these policies on indigenous peoples and local communities. Additionally, we must work to protect and preserve local cultures and identities, and ensure that the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities are respected and protected. 19. **International Cooperation**: International cooperation is essential to address this issue. We must work together to protect and preserve local cultures and identities, and ensure that the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities are respected and protected. 20. **Conclusion**: In conclusion, Russian colonialism, imperialism, and erasure of local national identity do not equal "cultural similarity." Stop spreading your Kremlin propaganda. The Russian Federation's policies of cultural erasure and forced assimilation continue to be a significant challenge for indigenous peoples and local communities, and it is essential that we recognize and address this issue.
@JouhouchenHou Says:
writing more Here are some additional points to consider: 1. **Colonialism and Imperialism**: Russian colonialism and imperialism have been a significant part of the country's history, with the Russian Empire expanding across vast territories and incorporating various ethnic groups. This expansion was often accompanied by the suppression of local cultures and identities, as well as the forced assimilation of indigenous peoples into Russian culture. 2. **Suppression of Local Cultures**: The Russian Empire's expansion was marked by the suppression of local cultures and identities, as well as the forced assimilation of indigenous peoples into Russian culture. This suppression was often achieved through the use of force, coercion, and cultural erasure. 3. **Forced Assimilation**: The Russian Empire's policies of forced assimilation were designed to erase local cultures and identities, replacing them with Russian culture and identity. This forced assimilation was often achieved through the use of education, media, and other forms of cultural propaganda. 4. **Cultural Erasure**: The Russian Empire's policies of cultural erasure were designed to eliminate local cultures and identities, replacing them with Russian culture and identity. This cultural erasure was often achieved through the destruction of cultural artifacts, the suppression of local languages, and the forced assimilation of indigenous peoples into Russian culture. 5. **Legacy of Colonialism and Imperialism**: The legacy of Russian colonialism and imperialism continues to be felt today, with many indigenous peoples and local communities still struggling to preserve their cultures and identities. The Russian Federation's policies of cultural erasure and forced assimilation continue to be a significant challenge for these communities. 6. **Cultural Similarity**: The idea that Russian colonialism and imperialism are equivalent to "cultural similarity" is a flawed and inaccurate narrative. Russian colonialism and imperialism were marked by the suppression of local cultures and identities, not the promotion of cultural similarity. 7. **Kremlin Propaganda**: The Kremlin's propaganda machine has been instrumental in spreading this flawed narrative, portraying Russian colonialism and imperialism as a positive and beneficial force for local cultures and identities. This propaganda has been used to justify the Russian Federation's ongoing policies of cultural erasure and forced assimilation. 8. **International Community**: The international community has been critical of the Russian Federation's policies of cultural erasure and forced assimilation, with many countries and organizations calling for the protection and preservation of local cultures and identities. 9. **Human Rights**: The Russian Federation's policies of cultural erasure and forced assimilation have been condemned by human rights organizations, which have called for the protection and preservation of local cultures and identities. 10. **Conclusion**: In conclusion, Russian colonialism, imperialism, and erasure of local national identity do not equal "cultural similarity." Stop spreading your Kremlin propaganda. The Russian Federation's policies of cultural erasure and forced assimilation continue to be a significant challenge for indigenous peoples and local communities, and it is essential that we recognize and address this issue.
@JouhouchenHou Says:
Russian colonialism, imperialism and erasure of local national identity do not equal to “cultural similarity”. Stop spreading your Kremlin propaganda. Russian colonialism, imperialism, and erasure of local national identity do not equal "cultural similarity." Stop spreading your Kremlin propaganda. Russian colonialism and imperialism have been a significant part of the country's history, with the Russian Empire expanding across vast territories and incorporating various ethnic groups. This expansion was often accompanied by the suppression of local cultures and identities, as well as the forced assimilation of indigenous peoples into Russian culture[1][2]. The Russian Empire's expansion was marked by the conquest of Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, among other regions. This expansion was often accompanied by the suppression of local cultures and identities, as well as the forced assimilation of indigenous peoples into Russian culture[1][2]. The Soviet Union, which succeeded the Russian Empire, also engaged in significant colonial and imperial activities. The Soviet Union's policies of Russification and the suppression of local cultures and identities continued the legacy of Russian colonialism and imperialism[3]. The erasure of local national identity is a significant aspect of Russian colonialism and imperialism. This erasure was often achieved through the suppression of local languages, cultures, and histories, as well as the forced assimilation of indigenous peoples into Russian culture[1][2]. The Russian Federation, which succeeded the Soviet Union, has also continued the legacy of Russian colonialism and imperialism. The Russian Federation has engaged in significant military interventions and political interference in neighboring countries, often accompanied by the suppression of local cultures and identities[3]. In conclusion, Russian colonialism, imperialism, and erasure of local national identity do not equal "cultural similarity." Stop spreading your Kremlin propaganda. Citations: [1] How Russian colonialism took the Western anti-imperialist Left for a ride [2] [PDF] Echoes of Imperialism – the Russian Empire [3] How Western scholars overlooked Russian imperialism - Al Jazeera [4] Russian imperialism - Wikipedia [5] Blood and Iron: How Nationalist Imperialism Became Russia's State ...
@agrimensor6406 Says:
God Bless Ukraine !!!
@VictorBonello Says:
I read this cheap propaganda but cannot reply as my replies are considered hate speech.. 😂😂😂
@annehersey9895 Says:
I didn’t think Austria had given Ukraine anything? They are pretty chummy with Russia at least many in the government are based on the latest election. Austria is nearing Hungary in Europe.
@SilverBear568 Says:
Hughbiekn in outer circa of watershed trail ring can be won back
@robertharrison4419 Says:
Awesome 😅
@phillee2814 Says:
The UK didn't lift restrictions on the use of weapons it supplied - it pointed out that it never had any! 🇺🇦Slava Ukraini!🇺🇦🇬🇧
@juneg6630 Says:
Hit the LIKE👍,more people must see the good news!💙💛
@cadslabitan2368 Says:
Why putin afraid to strike inside russia it means to see only ukraine to suffered of bombardment of putin oh putin is scared
@StrikeBuster-b2b Says:
Russia can't stop StormShadow, HIMARS, Attack-em's or Patriots. I don't see why Ukraine isn't hitting Russia where they live.
@AstroGremlinAmerican Says:
I grow tired of the ads by political hack Biden saying he will "cut the malarkey." That's how he got into office.
@AstroGremlinAmerican Says:
Multi-generational mob thinking does not allow shame. In fairness, this western response does not accept Russian cultural values. They don't even need to torture but it's entertainment, the height of artistic expression.
@dank1518 Says:
Putin is a slime ball.
@hannisateur Says:
Are we trump proof yet ?
@wesc6755 Says:
Proud and happy we are able to help you, and I hope we do much more. Respect and love from the US.
@Aleksa_Lomako Says:
@natalieturko4808 Says:
Putin should calm down. It's not like Ukraine will be targeting apartment buildings, markets, cafés, museums, clinics, hospitals, playgrounds, kindergartens, like Russia does!
@U.H8 Says:
@Msevertrue147 Says:
@deecee1522 Says:
@Galy-0 Says:
The Ukrainian Army is fighting for the homeland and the Russians are not fighting for anything. 👍👍👍
@marisabenson1222 Says:
The US should not be preventing Ukraine from defending itself and from regaining territory. There are certain countries within the alliance that have their own agenda. Two in particular that walk hand in hand. Play it cool Ukraine and do everything to get around the restrictions. When you are victorious and part of NATO you will be amazing.
@lucasbussard6241 Says:
Storm shadow strikes on kremlin? 😳…😂
@politicsuncensored5617 Says:
The Ruzzian invasion of U*raine has provided the USA and all of NATO a test ground for all of their weapons without risking the life of any NATO military personnel. Potin-Ruzzia is being played by NATO like fiddle. 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙢
@yvesprovencher Says:
🐹🍁Gloire a l'Ukraine et ces soldats glorieux 💙💛
@ChairmanMeow1 Says:
How can ANYONE defend Russia and Putin when he makes friends with countries like North Korea? It's disgusting. Ukraine isn't perfect but no ones saying they are. At least they want to become part of modern civilization. Russia wants to go back to the 1800s or something.
@NEUBRAND2000 Says:
He is mad?✅️✅️😎🚬
@glennhearn401 Says:
putins as mad as a hatter
@chillinlee Says:
Putin, like all bullies, is shocked when people fight back. What a douche.
@Matthew-wn8oq Says:
US has given the green light to strike " anywhere" Russia attacks from!
@humbertomonteiro6742 Says:
Vivaaaa Ukraine, stay strong...
@tadzionl Says:
So Vlad the Poisoner is mad about Ukraine's attacks on Russian soil. Well, there is a very easy way to stop those attacks: Withdraw from Ukraine Including Crimea, because that is also Ukraine.
@catalinacurio Says:
Pootin was mad anyway… 🇺🇦🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@Numberone292 Says:
Viva Ukraine vamos a ganar….Dominican people for Ukraine

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